# $Id: rget,v 1.10 2008/02/04 00:56:51 jdl Exp $
=head1 NAME
rget - Sample script to show you how to use the rget function.
% rget [--windows] <server> <user> <password> <remote_path> <local_path>
This script is an example script for users of the C<Net::FTP::Recursive>
module to be able to see how to utilize the C<rget> method in a script.
The C<--windows> argument may be passed to specify Windows-style directory
parsing. This is semi-tested, but you may need to tweak the function slightly
depending on your FTP server.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jeremiah Lee <texasjdl_AT_yahoo_DOT_com>
use strict;
my $use_windows;
'help|?' => sub { pod2usage(); },
'windows' => \$use_windows,
pod2usage() unless @ARGV >= 5;
my $host = shift;
my $username = shift;
my $passwd = shift;
my $remote_path = shift; #where to grab from
my $local_path = shift; #where to put dir structure on local box.
# set values to true for the arguments
my %rget_args = ( map { ( $_ => 1 ) } @ARGV,
( $use_windows ? (ParseSub => \&parse_sub) : () ) );
chdir $local_path
or die "could not change dir to $local_path!";
my $ftp = Net::FTP::Recursive->new($host, Debug => 1)
or die "Could not connect to $host!";
$ftp->login($username, $passwd) or die "Could not log in!";
or die "could not change to $remote_path on the ftp server!";
my $output = $ftp->rget( %rget_args );
print "Got \$output of:\n$output\n";
# Parsing subroutine for Windows
# - may also be used as an example for your own FTP server if your output
# isn't parsing correctly
sub parse_sub{
my(@to_return) = ();
foreach my $line (@_) {
my($file); #reinitialize var
next unless my @fields =
$line =~ /^
(\S+)\s+ #date
(\S+)\s+ #time
(<DIR>)?\s* #user owner %u
(\d+)\s+ #size %s
(.+?)\s* #filename %f
(?:->\s*(.+))? #optional link part %l
@fields = ( $fields[2], undef, undef, undef, $fields[3],
"$fields[0]$fields[1]", @fields[4,5] );
my($perms) = ($fields[0]);
next if $fields[6] =~ /^\.{1,2}$/;
if ($perms =~ /<DIR>/){
$file = Net::FTP::Recursive::File->new(IsPlainFile => 0,
IsDirectory => 1,
IsSymlink => 0,
OriginalLine => $line,
Fields => [@fields]);
else {
$file = Net::FTP::Recursive::File->new(IsDirectory => 0,
IsPlainFile => 1,
IsSymlink => 0,
OriginalLine => $line,
Fields => [@fields]);
push(@to_return, $file);