use lib 't';
use Test::More tests => 21;
use strict;
# Tests for transactions
use_ok 'DBIx::Mint';
eval { require Test::Warn };
skip "Test::Warn required to test transactions", 11
if $@;
package Bloodbowl::Coach; use Moo;
has id => ( is => 'rw', predicate => 1 );
has name => ( is => 'rw' );
has email => ( is => 'rw' );
has password => ( is => 'rw' );
my $mint = Test::DB->connect_db;
isa_ok( $mint, 'DBIx::Mint');
my $schema = $mint->schema;
isa_ok( $schema, 'DBIx::Mint::Schema');
class => 'Bloodbowl::Coach',
table => 'coaches',
pk => 'id',
auto_pk => 1
# Test failed transaction with AutoCommit => 1 (the default for Test::DB)
my $transaction = sub {
# This is the transaction
my $coach = Bloodbowl::Coach->find(1);
$coach->name('user x');
my $test = Bloodbowl::Coach->find(1);
is($test->name, 'user x', 'Record updated within transaction');
die "Abort transaction";
my $res;
sub { $res = $mint->do_transaction( $transaction ) },
"Transaction failed: Abort transaction",
'Failed transactions emit a warning');
is $res, undef, 'Failed transactions return undef';
my $coach = Bloodbowl::Coach->find(1);
isnt $coach->name, 'user x', 'Failed transactions are rolled back successfuly';
is $coach->name, 'julio_f', 'Record was not changed by a rolled back transaction';
# Test failed transaction with AutoCommit => 0
$mint->dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
my $transaction = sub {
# This is the transaction
my $coach = Bloodbowl::Coach->find(1);
$coach->name('user x');
my $test = Bloodbowl::Coach->find(1);
is($test->name, 'user x', 'Record updated within transaction');
die "Abort transaction";
my $res;
sub { $res = $mint->do_transaction( $transaction ) },
"Transaction failed: Abort transaction",
'Failed transactions emit a warning (with AutoCommit initially off)');
is $res, undef, 'Failed transactions return undef (AutoCommit off)';
my $coach = Bloodbowl::Coach->find(1);
isnt $coach->name, 'user x', 'Failed transactions are rolled back successfuly';
is $coach->name, 'julio_f', 'Record was not changed by a rolled back transaction';
$mint->dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;
# Test commited transaction
my $transaction = sub {
# This is the transaction
my $coach = Bloodbowl::Coach->find(1);
$coach->name('user x');
my $test = Bloodbowl::Coach->find(1);
is($test->name, 'user x', 'Record updated within transaction');
my $res;
sub { $res = $mint->do_transaction( $transaction ) },
'Successful transactions do not emit warnings');
is $res, 1, 'Successful transactions return the one true value';
my $coach = Bloodbowl::Coach->find(1);
is $coach->name, 'user x', 'Successful transactions are commited';
# Test commited transaction (AutoCommit = 0)
$mint->dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
my $transaction = sub {
# This is the transaction
my $coach = Bloodbowl::Coach->find(1);
$coach->name('user y');
my $test = Bloodbowl::Coach->find(1);
is($test->name, 'user y', 'Record updated within transaction (AutoCommit off)');
my $res;
sub { $res = $mint->do_transaction( $transaction ) },
'Successful transactions do not emit warnings (AutoCommit off)');
is $res, 1, 'Successful transactions return the one true value (AutoCommit off)';
my $coach = Bloodbowl::Coach->find(1);
is $coach->name, 'user y', 'Successful transactions are commited (AutoCommit off)';