use lib 't';
use Test::More tests => 17;
use strict;
# Tests for DBIx::Mint::Table with a connection other than default
use_ok 'DBIx::Mint';
use_ok 'Test::DB2';
use_ok 'Bloodbowl::Coach';
# Connect to the second database
my $mint2 = DBIx::Mint->instance('BB2');
isa_ok( $mint2, 'DBIx::Mint');
my $schema2 = $mint2->schema;
isa_ok( $schema2, 'DBIx::Mint::Schema');
class => 'Bloodbowl::Coach',
table => 'coaches',
pk => 'id',
auto_pk => 1
class => 'Bloodbowl::Skill',
table => 'skills',
pk => 'name',
# Create
my @to_verify;
# This test exercises both create and insert with a named connection
my $coach = Bloodbowl::Coach->create( $mint2,
{ name => 'testing0', email => 'testing0@coaches.net', password => 'weak0' });
isa_ok $coach, 'Bloodbowl::Coach';
like $coach->id, qr/^\d+$/, 'Created object has expected auto-generated primary key';
push @to_verify, $coach->id;
# Excercise find, result_set and update. Update uses the instance variant
my $coach = Bloodbowl::Coach->find( $mint2, $to_verify[0] );
isa_ok $coach, 'Bloodbowl::Coach';
is $coach->name, 'testing0', 'Object retrieved correctly using named Mint object';
# Because the object was fetched, it contains the name of the Mint to use
my $rs = Bloodbowl::Coach->result_set( $mint2 )
->search({ name => 'updated' })
my $found = $rs->single;
is $found->id, $coach->id, 'Update as instance method works';
# Excercise insert with a Mint object
my @ids = Bloodbowl::Coach->insert( $mint2,
{ name => 'testing1', email => 'testing1@coaches.net', password => 'weak1' },
{ name => 'testing2', email => 'testing2@coaches.net', password => 'weak2' },
{ name => 'testing3', email => 'testing3@coaches.net', password => 'weak3' });
is scalar @ids, 3, 'Received ids from inserted records, using named Mint';
push @to_verify, @ids;
my $are_digits;
foreach (@ids) {
$are_digits++ if $_->[0] =~ /^\d+$/;
is $are_digits, 3, 'The returned ids are digits, as expected';
# Excercise update as class method with a Mint object
Bloodbowl::Coach->update( $mint2, { name => 'updated' }, { password => { LIKE => 'weak%' }} );
# Let's verify that we inserted and updated all the records we wanted.
my @all = Bloodbowl::Coach->result_set( $mint2 )
->search({ name => 'updated' })
is scalar @all, 4, 'The inserts and updates to the non-default database have been verified';
my $is_correct = 0;
foreach my $coach (@all) {
$is_correct++ if $coach->password eq "weak$is_correct";
is $is_correct, 4, 'The data inserted/updated during these tests have been verified';
# Excercise delete as instance method and then as a class method
my $coach = Bloodbowl::Coach->find( $mint2, $to_verify[0]);
is scalar %$coach, 0, 'When deleted, object is emptied';
my $coach2 = Bloodbowl::Coach->find( $mint2, $to_verify[0]);
is $coach2, undef, "Object was indeed deleted from the database";
shift @to_verify;
Bloodbowl::Coach->delete( $mint2, { password => { LIKE => 'weak%' }} );
my @all = Bloodbowl::Coach->result_set( $mint2 )
->search({ name => 'updated' })
is scalar @all, 0, "Objects were indeed deleted from the database";