use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.2';
my $DEBUG = 1 if "@ARGV" =~ /--www-debug/;
my $CONFIRM_LOGIN = 1 if "@ARGV" =~ /--www-confirm/;
my @attrs;
our @ISA = qw/Finance::Bank::Wachovia::ErrorHandler/;
@attrs = qw(
my $x = @__SUPER__::ATTRIBUTES;
for( @attrs ){
eval "sub _$_ { $x }";
sub new {
my($class, %attrs) = @_;
my $self = [];
bless $self, $class;
foreach my $att ( keys %attrs ){
$self->$att( $attrs{$att} );
return $self;
sub init {
no strict;
my $self = shift;
unless $self->start_url;
$self->[ &{"_cached_content"} ] = {};
no strict 'refs';
my $self = shift;
my $attr = lc $AUTOLOAD;
$attr =~ s/.*:://;
return $self->Error("$attr is not a valid attribute")
unless grep /$attr/, @attrs;
# get if no args passed
return $self->[ &{"_$attr"} ] unless @_;
# set if args passed
$self->[ &{"_$attr"} ] = shift;
return $self;
sub trash_cache {
my $self = shift;
$self->[ &{"_cached_content"} ] = {};
sub get_account_numbers {
my $self = shift;
return Finance::Bank::Wachovia::DataObtainer::WWW::Parser
->get_account_numbers( $self->get_summary_content() );
sub get_account_available_balance {
my $self = shift;
return $self->Error( "must pass account number" ) unless @_;
return Finance::Bank::Wachovia::DataObtainer::WWW::Parser
->get_account_available_balance( $self->get_summary_content(), @_ );
sub get_account_name {
my $self = shift;
return $self->Error( "must pass account number" ) unless @_;
return Finance::Bank::Wachovia::DataObtainer::WWW::Parser
->get_account_name( $self->get_summary_content(), @_ );
sub get_account_type {
my($self) = shift;
return $self->Error( "must pass account number" ) unless @_;
return Finance::Bank::Wachovia::DataObtainer::WWW::Parser
->get_account_type( $self->get_detail_content(@_) );
sub get_account_posted_balance {
my $self = shift;
return $self->Error( "must pass account number" ) unless @_;
return Finance::Bank::Wachovia::DataObtainer::WWW::Parser
->get_account_posted_balance( $self->get_detail_content(@_) );
sub get_account_transactions {
my $self = shift;
return $self->Error( "must pass account number" ) unless @_;
return Finance::Bank::Wachovia::DataObtainer::WWW::Parser
->get_account_transactions( $self->get_detail_content(@_) );
sub get_summary_content {
no warnings;
local $^W = 0;
print STDERR "Getting Summary Content:\n" if $DEBUG;
my $self = shift;
if( $self->cached_content->{'summary'} ){
print STDERR "Returning cached summary:\n",
"============== BEGIN SUMMARY =============\n",
$self->cached_content->{'summary'}, "\n",
"=============== END SUMMARY ==============\n" if $DEBUG;
return $self->cached_content->{'summary'};
if( ! $self->logged_in ){
return $self->get_summary_content();
my $mech = $self->mech();
$mech->form_number( 1 );
$mech->field( inputName => 'RelationshipSummary' );
$self->cached_content->{'summary'} = $mech->content();
print STDERR "Returning NOT cached summary:\n",
"============== BEGIN SUMMARY =============\n",
$self->cached_content->{'summary'}, "\n",
"=============== END SUMMARY ==============\n" if $DEBUG;
return $self->cached_content->{'summary'};
sub get_detail_content {
no warnings;
local $^W = 0;
my($self, $account_number) = @_;
return $self->Error( "get_detail_content in WWW must have account_number, got: '$account_number'" )
unless $account_number;
if( $self->cached_content->{'details'}{$account_number} ){
print STDERR "Returning cached details:\n",
"============ BEGIN DETAILS ===============\n",
$self->cached_content->{'details'}{$account_number}, "\n",
"============ END DETAILS =================\n" if $DEBUG;
return $self->cached_content->{'details'}->{$account_number};
unless( $self->cached_content->{'summary'} ){
my $mech = $self->mech();
$mech->form_number( 1 );
$mech->field( RelSumAcctSel => $account_number );
$mech->field( inputName => 'AccountDetail' );
$mech->field( RelSumStmtType => 'AccountDetail' );
$self->cached_content->{'details'}->{$account_number} = $mech->content();
# return to summary page
$mech->form_number( 1 );
$mech->field( inputName => 'RelationshipSummary' );
print STDERR "Returning NOT cached details:\n",
"============ BEGIN DETAILS ===============\n",
$self->cached_content->{'details'}{$account_number}, "\n",
"============ END DETAILS =================\n" if $DEBUG;
return $self->cached_content->{'details'}->{$account_number};
# initilizes WWW::Mech object, uses it to get to summary page
# summary page is cached/overwritten
sub login {
no warnings;
local $^W = 0;
my $self = shift;
my %p = @_;
my $start = $p{'start_url'} || $self->start_url();
print STDERR "Starting Login (1)\n" if $DEBUG;
# now we can get to business
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new(
autocheck => 1,
max_redirect => 1,
# caches the mech object
$self->mech( $mech );
$mech->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new()); # have to turn on cookies manually apparently
$mech->agent_alias( 'Mac Safari' ); # don't want the bank to know we are geniuses, (using perl)
# but we don't want them thinking we are dumb either (using MSIE).
# considering changing this to Firefox (mozilla), as a practice in trivialness
# make first contact
# TODO: add in success checking
$mech->get( $start );
print STDERR "Login (2) Content:\n",
"============ BEGIN CONTENT ===============\n",
$mech->content(), "\n",
"============ END CONTENT =================\n" if $DEBUG;
# the website uses javascript to set this cookie, so we have to do it manually.
# without this, an error is returned from the website about either javascript or cookies being turned off
$mech->cookie_jar->set_cookie( undef, 'CookiesAreEnabled', 'yes', '/', '', undef, undef, 1 );
if( ! $self->user_id ){
print STDERR "Logging in via CAN method...\n" if $DEBUG || $CONFIRM_LOGIN;
print STDERR
"CAN => '", $self->customer_access_number, "'\n",
"PIN => '", $self->pin, "'\n",
"CODEWORD => '", $self->code_word, "'\n"
$mech->form_name( 'canAuthForm' );
$mech->field( action => 'canPinLogin' );
$mech->field( CAN => $self->customer_access_number );
$mech->field( PIN => $self->pin );
$mech->field( CODEWORD => $self->code_word );
$mech->field( systemtarget => 'gotoBanking' );
$mech->field( requestTimestamp => time() ); # the website uses javascript to set this value
print STDERR "Logging in via USERID method...\n" if $DEBUG || $CONFIRM_LOGIN;
print STDERR
"userid => '", $self->user_id, "'\n",
"password => '", $self->password, "'\n",
$mech->form_name( 'uidAuthForm' );
$mech->field( action => 'uidLogin' );
$mech->field( userid => $self->user_id );
$mech->field( password => $self->password );
$mech->field( systemtarget => 'gotoBanking' );
$mech->field( requestTimestamp => time() ); # the website uses javascript to set this value
print STDERR "Login (3) Content:\n",
"============ BEGIN CONTENT ===============\n",
$mech->content(), "\n",
"============ END CONTENT =================\n" if $DEBUG;
# after the initial commit, there is what appears to be a bunch of redirects. While there are some, there are
# also some javascript onLoad submits. The following code emulates that behavior (just submits a form that
# has a bunch of hidden inputs )
$mech->form_name( 'authForm' );
print STDERR "Login (4) Content:\n",
"============ BEGIN CONTENT ===============\n",
$mech->content(), "\n",
"============ END CONTENT =================\n" if $DEBUG;
$mech->form_name( 'autoposterForm' );
print STDERR "Login (5) Content:\n",
"============ BEGIN CONTENT ===============\n",
$mech->content(), "\n",
"============ END CONTENT =================\n" if $DEBUG;
$self->cached_content->{'summary'} = $mech->content();
$self->logged_in( 1 );
return $self;
sub DESTROY {}