use strict;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
use Test::More tests => 65;
note '$ua->request with defaults';
my $followlocation = int( rand(1) );
my $keep_alive = int( rand(1) );
my $max_redirects = int( rand(1_000) );
my $timeout = int( rand(1_000) );
my $connect_timeout = int( rand(1_000) );
my $handler;
my $ua_mock = Test::MockObject->new;
$ua_mock->set_always( timeout => $timeout );
$ua_mock->set_always( connect_timeout => $connect_timeout );
$ua_mock->set_always( keep_alive => $keep_alive );
$ua_mock->set_always( followlocation => $followlocation );
$ua_mock->set_always( max_redirects => $max_redirects );
$ua_mock->mock( add_handler => sub { ( undef, $handler ) = @_ } );
WWW::Curl::UserAgent::request( $ua_mock, HTTP::Request->new( GET => 'dummy' ) );
ok $handler, 'handler was set';
ok $handler->on_success, 'on_success handler was set';
ok $handler->on_failure, 'on_failure handler was set';
ok $handler->request, 'request was set';
is $handler->request->connect_timeout, $connect_timeout, 'connect_timeout was set';
is $handler->request->timeout, $timeout, 'timeout was set';
is $handler->request->keep_alive, $keep_alive, 'keep_alive was set';
is $handler->request->followlocation, $followlocation, 'followlocation was set';
is $handler->request->max_redirects, $max_redirects, 'max_redirects was set';
ok $ua_mock->called('perform'), 'perform was called';
ok $ua_mock->called('keep_alive'), 'keep_alive was called';
ok $ua_mock->called('timeout'), 'timeout was called';
ok $ua_mock->called('connect_timeout'), 'connect_timeout was called';
ok $ua_mock->called('followlocation'), 'followlocation was called';
ok $ua_mock->called('max_redirects'), 'max_redirects was called';
note '$ua->request with parameters';
my $followlocation = int( rand(1) );
my $keep_alive = int( rand(1) );
my $max_redirects = int( rand(1_000) );
my $timeout = int( rand(1_000) );
my $connect_timeout = int( rand(1_000) );
my $handler;
my $ua_mock = Test::MockObject->new;
$ua_mock->mock( add_handler => sub { ( undef, $handler ) = @_ } );
HTTP::Request->new( GET => 'dummy' ),
connect_timeout => $connect_timeout,
timeout => $timeout,
keep_alive => $keep_alive,
followlocation => $followlocation,
max_redirects => $max_redirects,
ok $handler, 'handler was set';
ok $handler->on_success, 'on_success handler was set';
ok $handler->on_failure, 'on_failure handler was set';
ok $handler->request, 'request was set';
is $handler->request->connect_timeout, $connect_timeout, 'connect_timeout was set';
is $handler->request->timeout, $timeout, 'timeout was set';
is $handler->request->keep_alive, $keep_alive, 'keep_alive was set';
is $handler->request->followlocation, $followlocation, 'followlocation was set';
is $handler->request->max_redirects, $max_redirects, 'max_redirects was set';
ok $ua_mock->called('perform'), 'perform was called';
ok !$ua_mock->called('keep_alive'), 'keep_alive was not called';
ok !$ua_mock->called('timeout'), 'timeout was not called';
ok !$ua_mock->called('connect_timeout'), 'connect_timeout was not called';
ok !$ua_mock->called('followlocation'), 'followlocation was not called';
ok !$ua_mock->called('max_redirects'), 'max_redirects was not called';
note '$ua->add_request with defaults';
my $followlocation = int( rand(1) );
my $keep_alive = int( rand(1) );
my $max_redirects = int( rand(1_000) );
my $timeout = int( rand(1_000) );
my $connect_timeout = int( rand(1_000) );
my $on_success = sub {'on_success'};
my $on_failure = sub {'on_failure'};
my $handler;
my $ua_mock = Test::MockObject->new;
$ua_mock->set_always( timeout => $timeout );
$ua_mock->set_always( connect_timeout => $connect_timeout );
$ua_mock->set_always( keep_alive => $keep_alive );
$ua_mock->set_always( followlocation => $followlocation );
$ua_mock->set_always( max_redirects => $max_redirects );
$ua_mock->mock( add_handler => sub { ( undef, $handler ) = @_ } );
request => HTTP::Request->new( GET => 'dummy' ),
on_success => $on_success,
on_failure => $on_failure,
ok $handler, 'handler was set';
ok $handler->on_success, 'on_success handler was set';
ok $handler->on_failure, 'on_failure handler was set';
ok $handler->request, 'request was set';
is $handler->request->connect_timeout, $connect_timeout, 'connect_timeout was set';
is $handler->request->timeout, $timeout, 'timeout was set';
is $handler->request->keep_alive, $keep_alive, 'keep_alive was set';
is $handler->request->followlocation, $followlocation, 'followlocation was set';
is $handler->request->max_redirects, $max_redirects, 'max_redirects was set';
is $handler->on_success, $on_success, 'on_success was set';
is $handler->on_failure, $on_failure, 'on_failure was set';
ok !$ua_mock->called('perform'), 'perform was not called';
ok $ua_mock->called('keep_alive'), 'keep_alive was called';
ok $ua_mock->called('timeout'), 'timeout was called';
ok $ua_mock->called('connect_timeout'), 'connect_timeout was called';
ok $ua_mock->called('followlocation'), 'followlocation was called';
ok $ua_mock->called('max_redirects'), 'max_redirects was called';
note '$ua->add_request with parameters';
my $followlocation = int( rand(1) );
my $keep_alive = int( rand(1) );
my $max_redirects = int( rand(1_000) );
my $timeout = int( rand(1_000) );
my $connect_timeout = int( rand(1_000) );
my $on_success = sub {'on_success'};
my $on_failure = sub {'on_failure'};
my $handler;
my $ua_mock = Test::MockObject->new;
$ua_mock->mock( add_handler => sub { ( undef, $handler ) = @_ } );
request => HTTP::Request->new( GET => 'dummy' ),
on_success => $on_success,
on_failure => $on_failure,
connect_timeout => $connect_timeout,
timeout => $timeout,
keep_alive => $keep_alive,
followlocation => $followlocation,
max_redirects => $max_redirects,
ok $handler, 'handler was set';
ok $handler->on_success, 'on_success handler was set';
ok $handler->on_failure, 'on_failure handler was set';
ok $handler->request, 'request was set';
is $handler->request->connect_timeout, $connect_timeout, 'connect_timeout was set';
is $handler->request->timeout, $timeout, 'timeout was set';
is $handler->request->keep_alive, $keep_alive, 'keep_alive was set';
is $handler->request->followlocation, $followlocation, 'followlocation was set';
is $handler->request->max_redirects, $max_redirects, 'max_redirects was set';
is $handler->on_success, $on_success, 'on_success was set';
is $handler->on_failure, $on_failure, 'on_failure was set';
ok !$ua_mock->called('perform'), 'perform was not called';
ok !$ua_mock->called('keep_alive'), 'keep_alive was not called';
ok !$ua_mock->called('timeout'), 'timeout was not called';
ok !$ua_mock->called('connect_timeout'), 'connect_timeout was not called';
ok !$ua_mock->called('followlocation'), 'followlocation was not called';
ok !$ua_mock->called('max_redirects'), 'max_redirects was not called';