use Cwd;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree);
use Capture::Tiny ':all';
use Storable qw(dclone);
use JSON;
extends 'TestMethod::Base';
our $array_of_hashes = [
{ Sample => 'Sample_01', condition => 'wildtype', time => '12hours' },
{ Sample => 'Sample_02', condition => 'treatment', time => '12hours' },
{ Sample => 'Sample_01', condition => 'wildtype', time => '12hours' },
=head1 Purpose
Test out how the Types implementation is working out for us
sub write_test_file {
my $test_dir = shift;
my $href = {
global => [
{ sample_rule => "Sample_.*" },
{ root_dir => 'data/analysis' },
{ root_dir => 'data/analysis' },
{ indir => 'data/raw' },
{ outdir => 'data/processed' },
{ jellyfish_dir => 'data/analysis/{$sample}/jellyfish' },
{ find_sample_bydir => 1 },
{ by_sample_outdir => 1 },
{ HPC => [ { account => 'gencore' } ] },
rules => [
its_a_rule => {
'local' => [
{ root_dir => 'data/raw' },
{ outdir => '{$self->jellyfish_dir}' },
INPUT => '{$self->jellyfish_dir}/some_input_rule1'
{ OUTPUT => '{$self->jellyfish_dir}/some_input_rule1' },
my_csv => {
file => File::Spec->catdir(
'data', 'some_csv_file.csv'
options => { separator => ',', },
key => 'Sample',
my_json => {
file => 'data/some_json_file.json',
{ HPC => [ { 'deps' => 'some_dep' } ] }
process =>
'R1: INDIR: {$self->indir} INPUT: {$self->INPUT} outdir: {$self->outdir} OUTPUT: {$self->OUTPUT}',
## Create a fake csv file
my $csv = Text::CSV::Slurp->create(
input => $array_of_hashes,
field_order => [ 'Sample', 'condition', 'time' ]
write_file( File::Spec->catdir( $test_dir, 'data', 'some_csv_file.csv' ),
$csv );
write_file( File::Spec->catdir( $test_dir, 'data', 'some_json_file.json' ),
encode_json($array_of_hashes) );
## Setup the directory structure
make_path( File::Spec->catdir( $test_dir, 'data', 'raw', 'Sample_01' ) );
$test_dir, 'data', 'raw', 'Sample_01', 'some_input_rule1'
## Write out the config
my $file = File::Spec->catdir( $test_dir, 'conf', 'test1.1.yml' );
my $yaml = Dump $href;
write_file( $file, $yaml );
sub construct_tests {
my $test_methods = TestMethod::Base->new();
my $test_dir = $test_methods->make_test_dir();
my $t = File::Spec->catdir( $test_dir, 'conf', 'test1.1.yml' );
my $test = $test_methods->make_test_env( $t, [ '--samples', 'Sample_01' ] );
my $rules = $test->workflow_data->{rules};
return ( $test, $test_dir, $rules );
sub test_001 {
my ( $test, $test_dir, $rules ) = construct_tests;
foreach my $rule ( @{$rules} ) {
_init_rule( $test, $rule );
is_deeply( $test->samples, ['Sample_01'] );
sub test_002 {
my ( $test, $test_dir, $rules ) = construct_tests;
my $rule = $rules->[0];
_init_rule( $test, $rule );
my $attr = $test->walk_attr;
my $json = [
'time' => '12hours',
'condition' => 'wildtype',
'Sample' => 'Sample_01'
'condition' => 'treatment',
'time' => '12hours',
'Sample' => 'Sample_02'
'Sample' => 'Sample_01',
'condition' => 'wildtype',
'time' => '12hours'
is_deeply( $attr->my_json, $json, 'JSON Structure Matches' );
my $csv = {
'Sample_01' => {
'condition' => 'wildtype',
'Sample' => 'Sample_01',
'time' => '12hours'
'Sample_02' => {
'condition' => 'treatment',
'Sample' => 'Sample_02',
'time' => '12hours'
is_deeply( $attr->my_csv, $csv, 'CSV Structure Matches' );
is_deeply( $test->samples, ['Sample_01'] );
sub _init_rule {
my $test = shift;
my $rule = shift;
$test->p_rule_name( $test->rule_name );
$test->p_local_attr( dclone( $test->local_attr ) );