use strict;
use JSON;
use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree);
=head3 create_json_submission
Create the data for the json submission
We don't actually do anything here, but its a handy wrapper for loggers that create the submission and then update it
sub create_json_submission {
my $self = shift;
# my $tar = $self->set_archive;
# $self->archive($tar);
=head3 update_json_submission
Take the initial submission and update it to contain the hpcmeta
sub update_json_submission {
my $self = shift;
my $hpc_meta = $self->gen_hpc_meta;
my $json_text = encode_json $hpc_meta;
my $basename = $self->data_tar->basename('.tar.gz');
my $submission_file = File::Spec->catdir( $basename, 'submission.json' );
$self->archive->add_data( $submission_file, $json_text );
$self->archive->write( $self->data_tar );
return $hpc_meta;
=head3 gen_hpc_meta
Generate the HPC meta from the submission
#TODO Check for batches
sub gen_hpc_meta {
my $self = shift;
my $hpc_meta = {};
$hpc_meta->{uuid} = $self->submission_uuid;
$hpc_meta->{project} = $self->project if $self->has_project;
my $dt = DateTime->now(time_zone => 'local');
$hpc_meta->{submission_time} = "$dt";
$hpc_meta->{jobs} = [];
$hpc_meta->{submissions} = {};
foreach my $job ( $self->all_schedules ) {
my $job_obj = {};
my $ref = $self->graph_job_deps->{$job};
my $depstring = join( ", ", @{$ref} );
my $count_cmd = $self->jobs->{$job}->cmd_counter;
my $mem = $self->jobs->{$job}->mem;
my $cpus = $self->jobs->{$job}->cpus_per_task;
my $walltime = $self->jobs->{$job}->walltime;
my $cmd_start = $self->jobs->{$job}->{cmd_start};
$job_obj->{job} = $job;
$job_obj->{deps} = $depstring;
$job_obj->{total_tasks} = $count_cmd;
$job_obj->{walltime} = $walltime;
$job_obj->{cpus_per_task} = $cpus;
$job_obj->{mem} = $mem;
$job_obj->{cmd_start} = $cmd_start;
$job_obj->{cmd_end} = $cmd_start + $count_cmd;
$job_obj->{schedule} = [];
#I think this should be scheduler_ids
for ( my $x = 0 ; $x < $self->jobs->{$job}->{num_job_arrays} ; $x++ ) {
my $obj = {};
#index start, index end
next unless $self->jobs->{$job}->batch_indexes->[$x];
my $batch_start =
my $batch_end =
my $len = ( $batch_end - $batch_start ) + 1;
my $logname = $self->jobs->{$job}->lognames->[$x];
if ($logname) {
$hpc_meta->{submissions}->{$logname}->{jobname} = $job;
##The entire job
$hpc_meta->{submissions}->{$logname}->{job_task_index_start} =
$cmd_start + 0;
$hpc_meta->{submissions}->{$logname}->{job_task_index_end} =
$cmd_start + $count_cmd - 1;
##This particular batch
##These are 1 indexed to match the command line parameters 1
##TODO clean up 0/1 indexed!!
$hpc_meta->{submissions}->{$logname}->{batch_index_start} =
$hpc_meta->{submissions}->{$logname}->{batch_index_end} =
my $scheduler_id = $self->jobs->{$job}->scheduler_ids->[$x] || '0';
$obj->{task_indices} = "$batch_start-$batch_end";
$obj->{total_tasks} = $len;
$obj->{scheduler_id} = $scheduler_id;
push( @{ $job_obj->{schedule} }, $obj );
# $hpc_meta->{jobs}->{$job} = $job_obj;
push( @{ $hpc_meta->{jobs} }, $job_obj );
# $hpc_meta->{batches} = $self->job_stats->batches;
return $hpc_meta;