use strict;
# use Log::Any::Adapter;
# Log::Any::Adapter->set( 'Stderr', log_level => 'trace' );
use lib 't/lib';
use Scope::Guard qw( scope_guard );
use Net::EmptyPort qw( empty_port );
my $server;
sub start_server {
$server->stop if $server and $server->is_running;
$server = Test::Server::MPD->new(@_);
my $start = try { $server->start } catch { $_ };
plan skip_all => 'Could not start test MPD server' if $start =~ /not/;
diag 'Started MPD server on port ' . $server->port;
return $server;
profiles => {
password => [qw( read add control admin )],
my $client = Net::Async::MPD->new(
port => $server->port,
auto_connect => 1,
my $future = $client->send('status');
$client->catch( sub { ok 1, 'Error triggers error event' });
try { $future->get }
catch { like $_, qr/have permission/i, 'Caught forbidden command' };
$client = Net::Async::MPD->new(
port => $server->port,
password => 'password',
auto_connect => 1,
ok my $status = $client->get( 'status' ), 'Blocking call to status';
is ref $status, 'HASH', 'Received status as hash reference';
my $guard = scope_guard sub {
diag 'Stopped Test MPD server';
my $client = Net::Async::MPD->new( port => $server->port );
try { $client->get( 'ping' ) }
catch {
like $_, qr/No connection/i, 'Die if sending a command without connection'
ok $client->connect, 'Established connection to server';
ok $client->connect, 'Connect is idempotent';
try { $client->send }
catch { like $_, qr/need commands/i, 'Cannot send with no arguments' };
my $future = $client->send( 'status', sub {
ok 1, 'Status received';
my $status = shift;
is ref $status, 'HASH', 'Received result as hash';
$client->send({ list => 1 }, [ 'stats', 'status' ],
sub {
ok 1, 'Sent a command list';
is scalar @_, 2, 'Received multiple results from list';
my ($stats, $status) = @_;
is ref $stats, 'HASH', 'Received results from each command';
$client->send({ list => 0 }, [ 'stats', 'status' ],
sub {
is scalar @_, 1, 'Received a single result from list';
my ($combined) = @_;
is ref $combined, 'HASH', 'Received results from each command';
$client->send( { parser => sub { ok 1, 'Custom parser' } }, 'ping' )->get;
my $catcher = Net::Async::MPD->new(
port => $server->port,
auto_connect => 1,
# We need another client to trigger the events
my $thrower = Net::Async::MPD->new(
port => $server->port,
auto_connect => 1,
is $catcher->noidle, undef, 'noidle does nothing if not idling';
my $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Periodic->new(
first_interval => 1,
interval => 1,
on_tick => sub { $thrower->send( 'clear' ) },
$catcher->on( playlist => sub {
ok 1, 'Caught mixer event';
ok 1, 'Calling noidle more than once is not a problem';
try {
port => empty_port(),
auto_connect => 1,
catch {
like $_, qr/MPD connect failed/i, 'Cannot connect to a non-extant MPD server';