=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Sampler::Result - The result of a sampling decision
This object represents the result of a sampling decision made by a sampler
created via L<OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Sampler>. It encapsulates the actual
decision, as well as additional information the sampler wants to pass down to
the caller, including a L<OpenTelemetry::Propagation::TraceContext::TraceState>
and a set of attributes.
Users are unlikely to have to create an instance of this class. Most commonly,
it will be used as the return value of a sampler's
C<should_sample|OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Sampler/should_sample> method. See
that documentation for details.
=head1 METHODS
This class implements the L<OpenTelemetry::Attributes> role. Please consult
that module's documentation for details on the behaviours it provides.
=head2 new
$result = OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Sampler::Result->new(
trace_state => $trace_state,
decision => $decision,
Constructs a new result instance. It takes a mandatory
L<OpenTelemetry::Propagation::TraceContext::TraceState> object, and a value
representing the decision. The decision is one of the values described in the
L<CONSTANTS|/CONSTANTS> section below.
=head2 sampled
$bool = $result->sampled;
Returns true if this result indicates a span that should be sampled, or false
=head2 recording
$bool = $result->recording;
Returns true if this result indicates a span that is recording, or false
=head2 trace_state
$trace_state = $result->trace_state;
Returns the L<OpenTelemetry::Propagation::TraceContext::TraceState> object
associated to this sampling result.
These represent the sampling decisions in this result.
=item DROP
Do not record events or sample.
Record events but don't sample.
Record events and sample.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=item L<OpenTelemetry::Attributes>
=item L<OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Sampler>
=item L<OpenTelemetry::Propagation::TraceContext::TraceState>
=item L<The specification for a sampler's C<should_sample> method|https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/trace/sdk.md#shouldsample>
This software is copyright (c) 2023 by José Joaquín Atria.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.