#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Test2::V0 -target => 'OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Span';
use OpenTelemetry::Constants -span_status, -span_kind, 'INVALID_SPAN_ID';
my $scope = OpenTelemetry::SDK::InstrumentationScope->new( name => 'test' );
subtest 'Set name' => sub {
is my $span = CLASS->new( name => 'foo', scope => $scope ), object {
prop isa => 'OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Span';
call recording => T;
call sub { shift->snapshot->name } => 'foo';
}, 'Created a recording span with specified name';
is $span->set_name('bar'), object {
call sub { shift->snapshot->name } => 'bar';
}, 'Set new name and chained';
is $span->set_name(''), object {
call sub { shift->snapshot->name } => 'bar';
}, 'Cannot set empty string as name';
is $span->set_name(undef), object {
call sub { shift->snapshot->name } => 'bar';
}, 'Cannot set undef as name';
is $span->end->set_name('baz'), object {
call sub { shift->snapshot->name } => 'bar';
}, 'Does not modify name if span is ended';
subtest 'Set attributes' => sub {
is my $span = CLASS->new(
name => 'foo',
scope => $scope,
attributes => { foo => 123 },
) => object {
prop isa => 'OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Span';
call recording => T;
call sub { shift->snapshot->attributes } => { foo => 123 };
}, 'Created a recording span with specified attributes';
is $span->set_attribute( foo => 234 ), object {
call sub { shift->snapshot->attributes } => { foo => 234 };
}, 'Set new attributes and chained';
is messages {
is $span->end->set_attribute( foo => 345 ), object {
call sub { shift->snapshot->attributes } => { foo => 234 };
}, 'Does not modify attributes if span is ended';
} => [
[ warning => OpenTelemetry => match q/set attributes .* not recording/ ],
], 'Trying to set attribute on ended span fails and logs';
subtest 'Events' => sub {
is my $span = CLASS->new( name => 'foo', scope => $scope ) => object {
prop isa => 'OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Span';
call recording => T;
call_list sub { shift->snapshot->events } => [];
}, 'Created a recording span with no events';
is messages {
is $span
->add_event( name => 'default' )
name => 'attributes',
attributes => { foo => 123 },
name => 'timestamp',
timestamp => 1234567890.123,
->add_event( name => 'over limit' )
->add_event( name => 'after end' )
->snapshot, object {
call_list events => [
object {
call name => 'default';
call timestamp => D;
call attributes => {},
object {
call name => 'attributes';
call timestamp => D;
call attributes => { foo => 123 },
object {
call name => 'timestamp';
call timestamp => 1234567890.123;
call attributes => {},
}, 'Added events to span but only if recording';
} => [
[ warning => OpenTelemetry => match qr/^Dropped event/ ],
], 'Logged attempt to add event after end';
is CLASS->new( name => 'foo', scope => $scope )
->record_exception( "Died\nFrom somewhere" ) => object {
call_list sub { shift->snapshot->events } => [
object {
call name => 'exception';
call attributes => {
'exception.type' => 'string',
'exception.message' => 'Died',
'exception.stacktrace' => 'From somewhere',
}, 'Recorded exception';
is CLASS->new( name => 'foo', scope => $scope )
->record_exception( "Died\nFrom somewhere", foo => 123 ) => object {
call_list sub { shift->snapshot->events } => [
object {
call name => 'exception';
call attributes => {
'exception.type' => 'string',
'exception.message' => 'Died',
'exception.stacktrace' => 'From somewhere',
'foo' => 123,
}, 'Recorded exception with attributes';
is CLASS->new( name => 'foo', scope => $scope )->record_exception(
OpenTelemetry::X->create( Invalid => 'Died' )
) => object {
call_list sub { shift->snapshot->events } => [
object {
call name => 'exception';
call attributes => {
'exception.type' => 'OpenTelemetry::X::Invalid',
'exception.message' => 'Died',
'exception.stacktrace' => match qr/called in \S+ at line /,
}, 'Recorded blessed exception';
subtest End => sub {
is CLASS->new( name => 'foo', scope => $scope )->end => object {
call recording => F;
}, 'Ended span is not recording';
is CLASS->new( name => 'foo', scope => $scope )->end(123) => object {
call sub { shift->snapshot->end_timestamp } => 123;
}, 'Ended span with timestamp';
no_messages {
is CLASS->new( name => 'foo', scope => $scope )->end(1)->end(2), object {
call sub { shift->snapshot->end_timestamp } => 1;
}, 'Second end is ignored';
subtest 'Set status' => sub {
is my $span = CLASS->new( name => 'foo', scope => $scope ) => object {
prop isa => 'OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Span';
call recording => T;
call sub { shift->snapshot->status->code } => SPAN_STATUS_UNSET;
}, 'Created a recording span with specified status';
is $span->set_status( SPAN_STATUS_ERROR ), object {
call sub { shift->snapshot->status } => object {
call code => SPAN_STATUS_ERROR;
call description => '';
}, 'Set new status and chained';
is $span->set_status( SPAN_STATUS_ERROR, 'foo'), object {
call sub { shift->snapshot->status } => object {
call code => SPAN_STATUS_ERROR;
call description => 'foo';
}, 'Can set description with error status';
is $span->set_status( SPAN_STATUS_UNSET ), object {
call sub { shift->snapshot->status } => object {
call code => SPAN_STATUS_ERROR;
call description => 'foo';
}, 'Cannot unset a set status';
is $span->set_status( SPAN_STATUS_OK ), object {
call sub { shift->snapshot->status } => object {
call code => SPAN_STATUS_OK;
call description => '';
}, 'Can set status to OK';
is $span->set_status( SPAN_STATUS_ERROR ), object {
call sub { shift->snapshot->status } => object {
call code => SPAN_STATUS_OK;
call description => '';
}, 'Cannot change status from OK';
is my $ended = CLASS->new( name => 'foo', scope => $scope )->end, object {
call recording => F;
}, 'Created a non-recording span';
is $ended->set_status( SPAN_STATUS_OK ) => object {
call sub { shift->snapshot->status->code } => SPAN_STATUS_UNSET;
}, 'Cannot change status of ended span';
is CLASS->new( name => 'foo', scope => $scope ), object {
call snapshot => object {
prop isa => 'OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Span::Readable';
call attributes => {};
call end_timestamp => U;
call_list events => [];
call instrumentation_scope => object { call to_string => '[test:]' };
call kind => SPAN_KIND_INTERNAL;
call_list links => [];
call name => 'foo';
call parent_span_id => INVALID_SPAN_ID;
call resource => U;
call span_id => validator(sub { length == 8 });
call start_timestamp => T;
call dropped_attributes => 0;
call dropped_events => 0;
call dropped_links => 0;
call trace_flags => object { call flags => 0 };
call trace_id => validator(sub { length == 16 });
call trace_state => object { call to_string => '' };
call status => object {
call code => SPAN_STATUS_UNSET;
call description => '';
}, 'Can create readable snapshot';