=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Sampler::ParentBased - A composite sampler
my $sampler = OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Sampler::ParentBased->new(
root => $parent_sampler,
my $result = $sampler->should_sample( ... );
if ( $result->sampled ) {
This module provides a sampler whose
L<should_sample|OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Sampler/should_sample> method
will always return a L<result|OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Sampler::Result> that
is neither sampled nor recording.
=head1 METHODS
This class implements the L<OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Sampler> role.
Please consult that module's documentation for details on the behaviours it
=head2 new
$sampler = OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Sampler::ParentBased->new(
root => $root,
remote_parent_sampled => $remote_sampled // AlwaysOn,
remote_parent_not_sampled => $remote_not_sampled // AlwaysOff,
local_parent_sampled => $local_sampled // AlwaysOn,
local_parent_not_sampled => $local_not_sampled // AlwaysOff,
Takes a number of samplers on which the sampling decision will be delegated
depending on the span in question. The delegate samplers will be used in the
following cases:
=item root
Used for spans without a parent, or "root" spans.
=item remote_parent_sampled
Used for spans with a remote parent that is flagged as sampled.
=item remote_parent_not_sampled
Used for spans with a remote parent that is not flagged as sampled.
=item local_parent_sampled
Used for spans with a local parent that is flagged as sampled.
=item local_parent_not_sampled
Used for spans with a local parent that is not flagged as sampled.
The span's L<OpenTelemetry::Trace::SpanContext> is used to determine the above
cases. A span is a root span when calling
L<invalid|OpenTelemetry::Trace::SpanContext/invalid> on it returns true.
A span's parent is remote when calling
L<remote|OpenTelemetry::Trace::SpanContext/remote> on the span context returns
true, and sampled when calling
L<sampled|OpenTelemetry::Propagator::TraceContext::TraceFlags|/sampled> on the
associated L<OpenTelemetry::Propagator::TraceContext::TraceFlags> returns
Of these parameters, only the C<root> sampler is required. If not provided,
the rest will default to the L<OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Sampler::AlwaysOn>
sampler for sampled spans, and the
L<OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Sampler::AlwaysOff> sampler for not sampled
=head2 description
$string = $sampler->description;
Returns a string starting with C<ParentBased> and composed of the descriptions
of the individual samplers this sampler is composed of.
=head2 should_sample
$result = $sampler->should_sample(
context => $context,
trace_id => $trace_id,
kind => $span_kind,
name => $span_name,
attributes => \%attributes,
links => \@links,
This method will read the span from the L<OpenTelemetry::Context> object
provided in the C<context> key (or the current context, if none is provided)
and delegate this sampling decision to the sampler that has been configured
for that span depending on whether it is a root span, whether it has a remote
parent, and whether it is sampled, as described above.
Any additional parameters passed to this method will be forwarded to the
delegated sampler.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=item L<OpenTelemetry::Context>
=item L<OpenTelemetry::Propagator::TraceContext::TraceFlags>
=item L<OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Sampler::AlwaysOff>
=item L<OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Sampler::AlwaysOn>
=item L<OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Sampler::Result>
=item L<OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Sampler>
=item L<OpenTelemetry::Trace::SpanContext>
This software is copyright (c) 2023 by José Joaquín Atria.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.