#use Apache::Cookie;
require Apache;
use strict;
use Carp;
use vars qw($VERSION $key);
$VERSION = '0.03';
# get the encryption key
my $r = Apache->request;
$key = $r->dir_config('COOKIE_KEY');
# Our own constructor. Effectivly overrides the new constructor.
sub new {
my ($class) = shift;
my @args = @_;
# variable declaration
my (@new_args, $r, $params);
$params = {};
# we go through the argument to pull the Apache::Request out of the array and
# put the rest into another one to be parsed after this.
foreach my $arg (@args) {
if (ref($arg) eq "Apache::Request" || ref($arg) eq "Apache") {
$r = $arg;
} else {
push(@new_args, $arg);
# load in options supplied to new()
for (my $x = 0; $x <= $#new_args; $x += 2) {
defined($args[($x + 1)]) or croak("Apache::Cookie::Encrypted->new() called with odd number of".
" option parameters - should be of the form -option => value");
$params->{lc($new_args[$x])} = $new_args[($x + 1)];
# check for the key and place it in the proper variable
unless ($key) {
if (exists($params->{-key})) {
$key = $params->{-key};
delete $params->{-key};
} else {
croak "No key defined - key must be defined for Apache::Cookie::Encrypted to work\n";
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($r);
if (exists($params->{-name})) {
if (exists($params->{-value})) {
$params->{-value} = &_encrypt_data( $params->{-value} );
if (exists($params->{-expires})) {
if (exists($params->{-domain})) {
if (exists($params->{-path})) {
if (exists($params->{-secure})) {
# return the blessed object
return bless $self, $class;
sub Apache::Cookie::Encrypted::value {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift || undef;
if ($data) {
$data = &_encrypt_data($data) if $data ne '';
} else {
my @cookie_data = $self->SUPER::value();
my $data_in;
if (scalar(@cookie_data) > 1) {
$data_in = \@cookie_data;
} else {
$data_in = $cookie_data[0];
my $data_out = &_decrypt_data( $data_in );
return wantarray ? @$data_out : $data_out;
sub Apache::Cookie::Encrypted::parse {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift || undef;
my %parsed;
if ($data) {
%parsed = SUPER::parse($data);
} else {
%parsed = SUPER::parse();
my %new_parsed;
foreach (keys %parsed) {
$new_parsed{$_} = bless $parsed{$_}, $self;
return wantarray ? %new_parsed : \%new_parsed;
sub Apache::Cookie::Encrypted::fetch {
my $self = shift;
my %fetched = $self->SUPER::fetch();
my %enc_fetch_translated;
foreach (keys %fetched) {
$enc_fetch_translated{$_} = bless $fetched{$_}, $self;
return wantarray ? %enc_fetch_translated : \%enc_fetch_translated;
# data encryption subroutine
sub _encrypt_data {
my $data = shift;
croak("Can't encrypt anything without a key!") unless $key;
my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($key,'Blowfish');
if (ref($data) eq "ARRAY") {
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$data; $i++) {
$data->[$i] = $cipher->encrypt_hex($data->[$i]);
return $data;
} else {
$data = $cipher->encrypt_hex( $data );
return $data;
# data decryption subroutine
sub _decrypt_data {
my $data = shift;
croak("Can't decrypt anything without a key!") unless $key;
my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($key,'Blowfish');
if (ref($data) eq "ARRAY") {
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$data; $i++) {
$data->[$i] = $cipher->decrypt_hex($data->[$i]);
return $data;
} else {
$data = $cipher->decrypt_hex( $data );
return $data;
=head1 NAME
Apache::Cookie::Encrypted - Encrypted HTTP Cookies Class
use Apache::Cookie::Encrypted;
my $cookie = Apache::Cookie::Encrypted->new($r, ...);
The Apache::Cookie::Encrypted module is a class derived from Apache::Cookie.
It creates a cookie with its contents encrypted with Crypt::Blowfish.
=head1 METHODS
This interface is identical to the I<Apache::Cookie> interface with a couple of
exceptions. Refer to the I<Apache::Cookie> documentation while these docs
are being refined.
You'll notice that the documentation is pretty much the same as I<Apache::Cookie's>.
It is. I took most of the documentation and put it here for your convienience.
=over 4
=item new
Just like Apache::Cookie->new(), it also requires an I<Apache> object
but also can take an I<Apache::Request> object:
my $cookie = Apache::Cookie::Encrypted->new($r,
-key => $key,
-name => 'foo',
-value => 'bar',
-expires => '+3M',
-domain => '.myeboard.com',
-path => '/',
-secure => 1
The key doesn't have to be defined in the constructor if you set it in
your httpd.conf as a PerlSetVar.
PerlSetVar COOKIE_KEY <Blowfish key>
B<Make sure you do define a key or else the module will croak.>
=item bake
This is the same bake method in I<Apache::Cookie>.
=item parse
This method parses the given string if present, otherwise, the incoming Cookie header:
my $cookies = $cookie->parse; #hash ref
my %cookies = $cookie->parse;
my %cookies = $cookie->parse($cookie_string);
=item fetch
Fetch and parse incoming I<Cookie> header:
my $cookies = Apache::Cookie::Encrypted->fetch; # hash ref
my %cookies = Apache::Cookie::Encrypted->fetch; # plain hash
The value will be decrypted upon call to $cookie->value.
=item as_string
Format the cookie object as a string:
#same as $cookie->bake
$r->err_headers_out->add("Set-Cookie" => $cookie->as_string);
=item name
Get or set the name of the cookie:
my $name = $cookie->name;
=item value
Get or set the values of the cookie:
my $value = $cookie->value;
my @value = $cookie->value;
Just like in I<Apache::Cookie> except that the contents are encrypted
and decrypted automaticaly with the key defined in the constructor or
set within httpd.conf as a PerlSetVar.
B<Remember the key must be set in the constructor or in the httpd.conf
file for this module to work. It wil complain if its not set.>
=item domain
Get or set the domain for the cookie:
my $domain = $cookie->domain;
=item path
Get or set the path for the cookie:
my $path = $cookie->path;
=item expires
Get or set the expire time for the cookie:
my $expires = $cookie->expires;
=item secure
Get or set the secure flag for the cookie:
my $secure = $cookie->secure;
=head1 SEE ALSO
I<Apache>(3), I<Apache::Cookie>(3), I<Apache::Request>(3)
=head1 AUTHOR
Jamie Krasnoo<jkrasnoo@socal.rr.com>
=head1 CREDITS
Apache::Cookie - docs and modules - Doug MacEachern
Crypt::CBC - Lincoln Stein, lstein@cshl.org
Crypt::Blowfish - Dave Paris <amused@pobox.com> and those mentioned in the module.