use strict;
use Yahoo::BBAuth;
# Test the Photos API using BBauth
# Author: Jason Levitt
# Display errors in the web browser, if possible
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
# Make sure standard output headers are sent
use CGI qw(:all);
print header();
# Put your BBauth appid and secret here
my $bbauth = Yahoo::BBAuth->new(
appid => 'ZUPN1wTIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxEIEJBc_V26',
secret => 'e7b7f0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0a10439',
# Retrieve CGI environment variables
my $grabcgi = CGI->new;
# If the token is not in the environment, we're not coming back from a BBauth authorization
if (!defined($grabcgi->param('token'))) {
my $send_userhash = 1;
my $appdata = 'someappdata';
# Display the BBauth login link for the user
print '<h1>Test Yahoo! Photos Using BBauth</h1>';
print '<b>You have not authorized access to your Yahoo! Photos account yet.</b><br>';
printf '<a href="%s">Click here to authorize</a>', $bbauth->auth_url(
send_userhash => '1',
appdata => 'someappdata',
} else {
# Validate the BBauth attempt
if (!$bbauth->validate_sig()) {
print '<h2>Authentication Failed. Error is: </h2>'.$bbauth->{sig_validation_error};
print '<h2>BBauthAuthentication Successful</h2>';
print '<b>Userhash is: '.$bbauth->{userhash}.'</b><br>';
print '<b>appdata is: '.$bbauth->{appdata}.'</b><br>';
# Make an authenticated web services call
my $xml = $bbauth->auth_ws_get_call($url);
if (!$xml) {
print '<h2>Web services call failed. Error is:</h2> '. $bbauth->{access_credentials_error};
print '<b>timeout is: '.$bbauth->{timeout}.'<br>';
print 'token is: '.$bbauth->{token}.'<br>';
print 'WSSID is: '.$bbauth->{WSSID}.'<br>';
print 'Cookie is: '.$bbauth->{cookie}.'<br></b>';
# Alter the XML so that we can display it in the user's browser without it being
# interpreted as HTML markup
my %entities = ( "<"=>"&lt;", ">"=>"&gt;", "&"=>"&amp;" );
while (my ($k, $v) = each(%entities)) {
$xml =~ s/$k/$v/g;
print '<br><b>The web service call appeared to succeed. Here is the XML response showing your Y! Photo Albums:</b><br><br> '.$xml;