#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 2005 Jean-Michel Fayard jmfayard_at_gmail.com
# Put into the public domain.
# Example on how to use the Image::Kimdaba.pm module
# to parse the image database made by the beautiful
# Image::Kimdaba available on http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba
# Copy paste from this to start your own script.
# To use it, run $ kimdaba -demo,
# or launch the demo from the Image::Kimdaba help menu
# and run it as
# ./kim_example.pl /tmp/kimdaba-demo-$user
# (or whereever the pictures of the demo are stored )
use strict;
push @INC,"/mandrakelinux/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4";
use Gimp;
my @ListOfPictures;
my $folder=getRootFolder();
parseDB( "$folder" );
# parse the xml file and create three hashes:
# %imageattributes : HASH OF (url of the picture, REF. HASH OF (attribute, value) )
# %imageoptions : HASH of (url, REF. HASH OF (optoin, REF. LIST OF value) )
# %alloptions : HASH of (option, REF. LIST of values)
my $nb1= scalar keys %imageattributes;
my $nb2= scalar keys %imageoptions;
print "Following options were present in your $nb1 pictures :\n";
while( my ($option,$r_values) = (each %alloptions) )
my $nb = scalar @$r_values;
print "\t$nb $option\n";
print "\n";
printImage( (keys %imageattributes)[0] );
printImage( (keys %imageattributes)[$nb2-1] );
print "\n\n== NO Keywords ==\n";
@ListOfPictures=matchAnyOption( "Keywords" => [] );
print join("\n", sort @ListOfPictures);
print "\n\n== Holiday ==\n";
@ListOfPictures=matchAnyOption( "Keywords" => [ "holiday" ] );
print join("\n", sort @ListOfPictures);
print "\n\n== ANNE HELENE ==\n";
@ListOfPictures=matchAnyOption( "Persons" => [ "Anne Helene" ] );
print join("\n", sort @ListOfPictures);
print "\n\n== ANY OF (JESPER, ANNE HELEN) ==\n";
@ListOfPictures=matchAnyOption( "Persons" => [ "Jesper" , "Anne Helene" ] );
print $_,"\n" foreach (sort @ListOfPictures);
print "\n\n== ALL OF (JESPER, ANNE HELEN) ==\n";
@ListOfPictures=matchAllOptions( "Persons" => [ "Jesper" , "Anne Helene" ] );
print join("\n", sort @ListOfPictures);
print "\n\n== PERSONS=Jesper, Locations=Mallorca ==\n";
"Persons" => [ "Jesper" ],
"Locations" => [ "Mallorca" ]
print join("\n", sort @ListOfPictures);