# $Header: /cvs/ARSperl/example/Dump_Setup.pl,v 1.3 1999/06/14 17:07:39 jcmurphy Exp $
# Dump_Setup.pl [username] [password] [path]
# Log onto the server and export all schemas, filters, etc.
# This might require special permission for the username you login as
# joel murphy
# 03/14/96
# $Log: Dump_Setup.pl,v $
# Revision 1.3 1999/06/14 17:07:39 jcmurphy
# added some login error checking
# Revision 1.2 1998/12/11 15:24:38 jcmurphy
# adjustments to GetListSchema for >=3.0 systesm
# Revision 1.1 1996/11/21 20:13:50 jcmurphy
# Initial revision
use ARS;
$rcs = "/usr/local/bin";
$ci = "$rcs/ci";
$perm = 0755;
chomp($path = `pwd`) if (!$path);
$c = ars_Login("localhost",$ACCOUNT,$PASSWORD);
die "login error: $ars_errstr\n" unless defined($c);
@schema = ars_GetListSchema($c, 0, 1024);
@active = ars_GetListActiveLink($c);
@filter = ars_GetListFilter($c);
@escal = ars_GetListEscalation($c);
@menu = ars_GetListCharMenu($c);
@admin_ext = ars_GetListAdminExtension($c);
# Warning! this might make several names map to the same file
sub name_to_path {
my $name = shift;
$name =~ s/ /_/g;
$name =~ s/\//:/g;
return $name;
sub dump_type {
my ($path, $type, $names) = @_;
if (! -d "$path") {
mkdir "$path", $perm || die "can't create directory $path";
mkdir "$path/RCS", $perm || die "can't create directory $path/RCS";
foreach $name (@$names) {
$val = ars_Export($c,"",$type,$name);
$val =~ s/^#.*/#/gm; # get rid of comments with export date
$name = name_to_path($name);
open DUMP, "> $path/$name" || die "can't write file $path/$name";
print DUMP $val;
close DUMP;
$name =~ s/'/'\\''/;
system("$ci -l -q '$path/$name'");
dump_type("$path/schema", "Schema", \@schema);
dump_type("$path/active", "Active_Link", \@active);
dump_type("$path/filter", "Filter", \@filter);
dump_type("$path/escalation", "Escalation", \@escal);
dump_type("$path/menu", "Char_Menu", \@menu);
dump_type("$path/admin_ext", "Admin_Ext", \@admin_ext);