<H2><CODE>ARS::AR_DAY(mask, dayNumber)</CODE></H2>
Determine if the specified day number is set in the mask. Days range
from 1 to 31. Mask, depending upon semantics, might contain the
days of the month (1 - 31) or the days of the week (1 - 7).
<DT><B>On success</B><DD>
Returns 1 (TRUE).
<DT><B>On failure</B><DD>
Returns 0 (FALSE).
if(ARS::AR_DAY($mask, 13) == 1) {
print "The 13th is set.\n";
<I>ARS::AR_DAY was introduced in version 1.5 of ARSperl</I>
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Last changes to this page 21st July 1997 by jcmurphy@smurfland.cit.buffalo.edu<BR>
&#169; J.C.Murphy, J.W.Murphy 1997 arsperl@smurfland.cit.buffalo.edu