<TITLE>ARSperl Manual - ars_decodeStatusHistory</TITLE>
Use this to decode the field value of the status history
field. It will decode it into an array of hash references.
Each array element will correspond to the enumeration value
of the status field. Each hash reference will contain a
USER and TIME hash key. These correspond to the user and time
that the status field was last in a particular enumerated
state. You can use
<a href="ars_GetField.html">ars_GetField()</a> to map from labels (open,
held, closed, etc) to enumerations (0, 1, 2, etc)
<DT><B>On success</B><DD>
Returns an array of hash references.
<DT><B>On failure</B><DD>
Returns undef.
$d = ars_decodeStatusHistory($fieldvalue);
# OPEN = 0;
print $d[0]->{USER}."\n";
print $d[0]->{TIME}."\n";
<I>ars_decodeStatusHistory was introduced in version 1.52 of ARSperl</I>
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Last changes to this page 11 September 1998 by jcmurphy@smurfland.cit.buffalo.edu<BR>
&#169; J.C.Murphy, J.W.Murphy 1997 arsperl@smurfland.cit.buffalo.edu