<TITLE>ARSperl Manual - Schema Type</TITLE>
<H2>Schema Type Structure</H2>
This HASH structure is returned as part of the
<a href="ds_schema.html">HASH structure</a>
returned by function
<A href="ars_GetSchema.html">ars_GetSchema</a>.
"schemaType" =&gt; one of <B>view</b> or <b>join</b>
<I>if <b>view</b> then these keys are defined:</I>
"tableName" =&gt; string
"keyField" =&gt; string
"viewQual" =&gt; string
<I>if <b>join</b> then these keys are defined:</I>
"memberA" =&gt; string
"memberB" =&gt; string
"joinQual" =&gt; ARQualifierStructPtr
"option" =&gt; integer (bitfield)
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Last changes to this page 4th July 2000 by jcmurphy@buffalo.edu