<TITLE>ARSperl Manual - ars_GetCharMenuItem</TITLE>
This function builds a "linked list" of menu items. It returns an
array pointer to the top level menu that is made up of
<I>(name, value)</I> pairs. If the <I>value</I> is, in turn, another
array pointer, then it points to a submenu structure. <P>
($name = "Item1" , $value = "This is item1")
($name = "Sub Menu", $value = array reference)
+------> @sub_menu_struct
($name = "SubItem1", $value = ...)
See <I>Show_Menu.pl</I> for a demonstration of using this function
and its output.<P>
<DT><B>On success</B><DD>
A reference to an array.
<DT><B>On failure</B><DD>
$m = ars_GetCharMenuItems($ctrl, $menu_name));
@menu_struct = @$m;
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Last changes to this page 26th June 1997 by d.j.adams@soton.ac.uk<br>
© J.C.Murphy, J.W.Murphy 1997 arsperl@smurfland.cit.buffalo.edu