# ARSperl - An ARS v2-v4 / Perl5 Integration Kit
# Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Joel Murphy, jmurphy@acsu.buffalo.edu
# Jeff Murphy, jcmurphy@acsu.buffalo.edu
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms as Perl itself.
# Refer to the file called "Artistic" that accompanies the source distribution
# of ARSperl (or the one that accompanies the source distribution of Perl
# itself) for a full description.
# Official Home Page:
# Mailing List (must be subscribed to post):
# arsperl@arsinfo.cit.buffalo.edu
sub internalDie {
my ($this, $msg, $trace) = (shift, shift, shift);
$msg = "[no message available]" unless (defined($msg) && ($msg ne ""));
$trace = "[no traceback available]"
unless (defined($trace) && ($trace ne ""));
die "$msg\n\nTRACEBACK:\n\n$trace\n";
sub internalWarn {
my ($this, $msg, $trace) = (shift, shift, shift);
$msg = "[no message available]" unless (defined($msg) && ($msg ne ""));
$trace = "[no traceback available]"
unless (defined($trace) && ($trace ne ""));
warn "$msg\n\nTRACEBACK:\n\n$trace\n";
# 81000 = Usage Errors
# 81001 = Field Name Not In VUI
# 81002 = Invalid Field ID
# 81003 = Unknown Field Data Type
# 81004 = Unable to Xlate Enum Value
# 81005 = misspelled/invalid parameter
# .catch is a hash ref
sub initCatch {
my $this = shift;
$this->setCatch(&ARS::AR_RETURN_WARNING => "internalWarn");
$this->setCatch(&ARS::AR_RETURN_ERROR => "internalDie");
$this->setCatch(&ARS::AR_RETURN_FATAL => "internalDie");
sub setCatch {
my $this = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $func = shift;
$this->{'.catch'}->{$type} = $func;
# this routine is periodically called to see if any exceptions
# have occurred. if they have, and an exception handler is specified,
# we will call the handler and pass it the exception.
sub tryCatch {
my $this = shift;
if(defined($this->{'.catch'}) && ref($this->{'.catch'}) eq "HASH") {
if(defined($this->{'.catch'}->{$_}) && $this->hasMessageType($_)) {
my $stackTrace = Carp::longmess("exception generated");
&{$this->{'.catch'}->{$_}}($_, $this->messages(),
sub pushMessage {
my ($this, $type, $num, $text) = (shift, shift, shift, shift);
push @{$ARS::ars_errhash{messageType}}, $type;
push @{$ARS::ars_errhash{messageNum}}, $num;
push @{$ARS::ars_errhash{messageText}}, $text;
sub messages {
my(%mTypes) = ( 0 => "OK", 1 => "WARNING", 2 => "ERROR", 3 => "FATAL",
-1 => "TRACEBACK");
my ($this, $type, $str) = (shift, shift, undef);
return $ars_errstr if(!defined($type));
for(my $i = 0; $i < $ARS::ars_errhash{numItems}; $i++) {
if(@{$ARS::ars_errhash{'messageType'}}[$i] == $type) {
$s .= sprintf("[%s] %s (ARERR \#%d)",
$s .= "\n" if($i < $ARS::ars_errhash{numItems}-1);
return $s;
sub errors {
my $this = shift;
return $this->messages(&ARS::AR_RETURN_ERROR);
sub warnings {
my $this = shift;
return $this->messages(&ARS::AR_RETURN_WARNING);
sub fatals {
my $this = shift;
return $this->messages(&ARS::AR_RETURN_FATAL);
sub hasMessageType {
my ($this, $t) = (shift, shift);
return $t if !defined($t);
for(my $i = 0; $i < $ARS::ars_errhash{numItems}; $i++) {
return 1
if(@{$ARS::ars_errhash{'messageType'}}[$i] == $t);
return 0;
sub hasFatals {
my $this = shift;
return $this->hasMessageType(&ARS::AR_RETURN_FATAL);
sub hasErrors {
my $this = shift;
return $this->hasMessageType(&ARS::AR_RETURN_ERROR);
sub hasWarnings {
my $this = shift;
return $this->hasMessageType(&ARS::AR_RETURN_WARNING);