# $Header: /cvs/ARSperl/example/PrintQual.pl,v 1.2 1999/10/03 04:09:08 jcmurphy Exp $
# PrintQual.pl
# Using ars_perl_qualifier, decode the QualifierStruct and
# print it in human readable form. This script is really
# only a basis and handles most of the generic cases. Further
# developement would be needed to fully implement a qualifier
# re-builder.
# You can include the routine Decode_QualHash() and Decode_FVoAS()
# in your own scripts by requiring 'ars_QualDecode.pl';
# TR. and DB. references need to be implemented in ARS.xs
# as of now, we don't get that information, so we can't
# decode it.
# ArithStruct is not handled. See the GetFilter.pl example
# for routines that will handle this. This probably doesnt
# matter since i dont think ARS allows you to use arith
# expression in a qualification.
# jeff murphy
# 02/20/97
# $Log: PrintQual.pl,v $
# Revision 1.2 1999/10/03 04:09:08 jcmurphy
# various
# Revision 1.1 1997/02/20 19:33:02 jcmurphy
# Initial revision
use ARS;
require 'ars_QualDecode.pl';
$debug = 0;
# Parse command line parameters
($server, $username, $password, $schema, $qual) = @ARGV;
if(!defined($password)) {
print "usage: $0 [server] [username] [password] [schema] [qualification]\n";
exit 1;
# Log onto the ars server specified
($ctrl = ars_Login($server, $username, $password)) ||
die "can't login to the server";
# Load the qualifier structure
($q = ars_LoadQualifier($ctrl,$schema, $qual)) ||
die "error in ars_LoadQualifier:\n$ars_errstr\n";
# Decode the encoded structure
($dq = ars_perl_qualifier($ctrl, $q)) ||
die "ars_perl_qualifier failed: $ars_errstr\n";
# Convert the decoded structure to a readable format
$e = ars_Decode_QualHash($ctrl, $schema, $dq);
print "$e\n";
exit 0;