# $Header: /cvs/ARSperl/example/ars_MergeEntry.pl,v 1.1 1998/02/09 17:57:04 jcmurphy Exp $
# ars_MergeEntry.pl [server] [user] [password] [schema] [diaryfieldname]
# [entryid]
# open the named schema and retrieve the contents of the diary field
# for the specified entryid. if the diary field contains entries,
# change the first entry and merge it back into the record.
# jeff murphy
# $Log: ars_MergeEntry.pl,v $
# Revision 1.1 1998/02/09 17:57:04 jcmurphy
# Initial revision
use ARS;
($S, $U, $P, $SC, $DF, $EID) = (shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift);
if($EID eq "") {
print "Usage: $0 [server] [user] [password] [schema] [diaryfieldname]
exit 0;
($c = ars_Login($S, $U, $P)) ||
die "ars_Login: $ars_errstr";
($fid = ars_GetFieldByName($c, $SC, $DF)) ||
die "ars_GetFieldByName: $ars_errstr";
(%val = ars_GetEntry($c, $SC, $EID, $fid)) ||
die "ars_GetEntry: $ars_errstr";
printf("Diary field \"$DF\" contains %d entries.\n\n",
print "First entry is:\n\n";
print "time = ".localtime(${$val{$fid}}[0]->{timestamp})."\n";
print "user = ".${$val{$fid}}[0]->{user}."\n";
print "value = ".${$val{$fid}}[0]->{value}."\n";
print "\nAppending \"Foobar!\" to first entry.\n";
${$val{$fid}}[0]->{value} .= " Foobar!";
print "Constructing encoded diary.\n";
($encodedDiary = ars_EncodeDiary(@{$val{$fid}})) ||
die "ars_EncodeDiary failed";
print "Merging entry back into database.\n";
# see html doc page for explanation of numeric flags.
# ... mergeType=4, eid-fid, entryid, diary-fid, encoded-diary
($eid = ars_MergeEntry($c, $SC, 4, 1, $EID, $fid, $encodedDiary)) ||
die "ars_MergeEntry: $ars_errstr";