# $Header: /cvs/ARSperl/example/ars_QualDecode.pl,v 1.7 2000/06/01 16:54:03 jcmurphy Exp $
# ars_QualDecode.pl
# this module is designed to be "required" by another
# perl script (your script). it includes a routine
# and some helpers. the only only you need to
# be concerned with is Decode_QualHash.
# jeff murphy
# $Log: ars_QualDecode.pl,v $
# Revision 1.7 2000/06/01 16:54:03 jcmurphy
# *** empty log message ***
# Revision 1.6 1998/04/20 17:13:25 jcmurphy
# patch by jkeener@utsi.com for
# "case where value = undef (NULL)."
# /
# Revision 1.5 1998/02/25 19:21:14 jcmurphy
# minor corrections
# Revision 1.4 1998/01/07 15:07:00 jcmurphy
# modifications by dave adams to arith printing stuff
# Revision 1.3 1997/02/20 20:17:27 jcmurphy
# added more descriptive comments and also handled keywords correctly.
# Revision 1.2 1997/02/20 19:35:29 jcmurphy
# *** empty log message ***
# Decode_QualHash($ctrl, $schema, $qualhash)
# Takes that hash that is returned by
# ars_perl_qualifier() and converts it
# into something (more or less) readable
# This routine over parenthesises, but should
# yield correct results nonetheless.
# We need the ctrl struct and schema name so
# we can reverse map from fieldId's to field names.
# a scalar on success
# undef on failure
# jeff murphy
sub ars_Decode_QualHash {
my $c = shift;
my $s = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $fids;
my %fids_orig;
my $fieldName;
print "ars_Decode_QualHash(c=$c, s=$s, q=$q)\n" if !$debug;
if(!(defined($c) && (ref($c) eq "ARControlStructPtr"))) {
print "ars_Decode_QualHash: ctrl is not an ARControlStructPtr\n";
return undef;
if(!(defined($s) && ($s ne ""))) {
print "ars_Decode_QualHash: schema is not a SCALAR\n";
return undef;
if(!(defined($q) && (ref($q) eq "HASH"))) {
print "ars_Decode_QualHash: qualifier is not a HASH\n";
return undef;
(%fids_orig = ars_GetFieldTable($c, $s)) ||
die "GetFieldTable: $ars_errstr";
foreach $fieldName (keys %fids_orig) {
$fids{$fids_orig{$fieldName}} = $fieldName;
return ars_DQH($q, %fids);
sub ars_DQH {
my $h = shift;
my $fids = shift;
my $e = undef;
print "ars_DQH(h=$h, fids=$fids)\n" if $debug;
if($h) {
print "\n
left = $h->{left}
oper = $h->{oper}
right = $h->{right}
not = $h->{not}
rel_op = $h->{rel_op}\n\n" if $debug;
if($h->{oper} eq "and") {
print "handling AND\n" if $debug;
$e .= "(".ars_DQH($h->{left}, $fids)." AND ".ars_DQH($h->{right}, $fids).")";
elsif($h->{oper} eq "or") {
$e .= "(".ars_DQH($h->{left}, $fids)." OR ".ars_DQH($h->{right}, $fids).")";
elsif($h->{oper} eq "not") {
$e .= "( NOT (".ars_DQH($h->{not}, $fids).") )";
elsif($h->{oper} eq "rel_op") {
$e .= "(".ars_DQH($h->{rel_op}, $fids).")";
else {
$e .= "(".Decode_FVoAS($h->{left}, $fids)." ".$h->{oper}." ".Decode_FVoAS($h->{right}, $fids).")";
} else {
print "WARNING: ars_DQH: invalid params\n";
return $e;
sub Decode_FVoAS {
my $h = shift;
my $fids = shift;
my $e = "";
# my $f;
# print "keys:\n";
# foreach $f (keys %$h) {
# print "$f <".$h->{$f}.">\n";
# }
# print "\n";
# a field is referenced
if(defined($h->{fieldId})) {
print "\tfieldId: $h->{fieldId}\n" if $debug;
if($fids{$h->{fieldId}} ne "") {
$e = "'".$fids{$h->{fieldId}}."'";
} else {
$e = "'".$h->{fieldId}."'";
# a transaction field reference
elsif(defined($h->{TR_fieldId})) {
print "\tTR_fieldId: $h->{TR_fieldId}\n" if $debug;
$e = "'TR.".$fids{$h->{TR_fieldId}}."'";
# a database value field reference
elsif(defined($h->{DB_fieldId})) {
print "\tDB_fieldId: $h->{DB_fieldId}\n" if $debug;
$e = "'DB.".$fids{$h->{DB_fieldId}}."'";
# a value
elsif(exists($h->{value})) {
if(! defined($h->{value})) {
# this is a NULL
$e = NULL;
elsif($h->{value} =~ /^\000/) {
# this is a keyword
$h->{value} =~ s/\000/\$/g;
$h->{value} =~ tr [a-z] [A-Z];
$e = $h->{value};
elsif($h->{value} =~ /\D/) {
# this is an alphanum string
$e = '"'.$h->{value}.'"';
else {
# this is a number
$e = "$h->{value}";
# an arithmetic expression
# not implemented. see code in GetField.pl for
# example of decoding. i dont think ARS allows
# arith in the qualification (i think aradmin will
# give an error) so this is irrelevant to this
# demo.
elsif(defined($h->{arith})) {
# addition by "David Adams" <D.J.Adams@soton.ac.uk>
local($ar) = $h->{arith};
$e .= "(".Decode_FVoAS($ar->{left}, $fids)." ".$ar->{oper}." ".Decode_FVoAS($ar->{right}, $fids).")";
# a set of values (used for the "IN" operator)
# i've never really seen the "IN" keyword used
# either.. so i'll just flag it and dump something
# semi-appropriate.
elsif(defined($h->{valueSet})) {
$e = "valueSet(".join(',', @{$h->{valueSet}}).")";
# a local variable. this is in the API, but i dont think
# it's a real feature that is available.. perhaps
# something that remedy is working on? hmm..
elsif(defined($h->{variable})) {
$e = "variable($h->{variable})";
# an external query on another schema. not sure
# how this works so we'll let it go for now..
# i can't think of how this works for a filter
# or active link.. perhaps this is more "in development"
# stuff at remedy? either that or this structure is also
# used for query menus maybe..
elsif(defined($h->{queryValue})) {
$e = "external_query";
# comparing against the status history. useful,
# but i dont think i'll bother to decode it here.
# you would need to examine the statHistory which
# contains "userOrTime" and "enumVal". you will then
# contruct "StatusHistory.USER.[enum]" or "..TIME.[enum]"
# where enum is the name of the enumerated value (like
# "Closed" or whatever). USER or TIME keywords are
# determined from the userOrTime value (1 or 2).
elsif(defined($h->{statHistory})) {
$e = "[statusHistory]";
# a query against a value of a field in
# the current schema
elsif(defined($h->{queryCurrent})) {
if($fids{$h->{queryCurrent}} ne "") {
$e = "current('".$fids{$h->{queryCurrent}}."')";
} else {
$e = "current('".$h->{queryCurrent}."')";
else {
print "WARNING: unknown FieldValueOrArithStruct hash key\n";
printf ("{%s}\n", keys %{$h});
return $e;