# test out importing a schema definition
use ARS;
require './t/config.cache';
print "1..1\n";
if(!defined($ctrl)) {
print "not ok (login $ars_errstr)\n";
exit 0;
my $d = "aptest.def";
# if we're compiled against 4.0, we'll import a schema
# with an attachment field so we can test that out.
if(ars_APIVersion() >= 4) {
$d = "aptest50.def";
# delete the schema (assuming it already exists). if it doesnt,
# we ignore the error.
ars_DeleteSchema($ctrl, "ARSperl Test", ARS::AR_SCHEMA_FORCE_DELETE);
ars_DeleteSchema($ctrl, "ARSperl Test2", ARS::AR_SCHEMA_FORCE_DELETE);
ars_DeleteSchema($ctrl, "ARSperl Test-join", ARS::AR_SCHEMA_FORCE_DELETE);
ars_DeleteFilter($ctrl, "ARSperl Test-Filter1");
ars_DeleteActiveLink($ctrl, "ARSperl Test-alink1");
ars_DeleteEscalation($ctrl, "ARSperl Test-escalation1");
ars_DeleteCharMenu($ctrl, "ARSperl Test-menu-search1");
# read in the schema definition
my $buf = "";
open(FD, "./t/".$d) || die "not ok (open $!)\n";
while(<FD>) {
$buf .= $_;
# import it
my $rv = ars_Import($ctrl,
"Schema", "ARSperl Test",
"Schema", "ARSperl Test2",
"Schema", "ARSperl Test-join",
"Filter", "ARSperl Test-Filter1",
"Active_Link", "ARSperl Test-alink1",
"Escalation", "ARSperl Test-escalation1",
"Char_Menu", "ARSperl Test-menu-search1"
if(defined($rv) && ($rv == 1)) {
print "ok\n";
} else {
print "not ok [$ars_errstr]\n";
exit 0;