use ARS;
use strict;
require './t/config.cache';
use Test::More tests => 9;
my $c = ars_Login(&CCACHE::SERVER,
ok(defined($c), "login") || diag "login: $ars_errstr";
skip 8, "login failed" unless defined($c);
my @a = ars_GetListEscalation($c, "ARSperl Test");
ok($#a == 0, "GetListEscalation") ||
diag "GetListEscalation ($#a) $ars_errstr";
@a = ars_GetListField($c, "ARSperl Test", 0, 1);
ok($#a == 110, "GetListField") ||
diag "GetListField ($#a) $ars_errstr";
@a = ars_GetListFilter($c, "ARSperl Test");
ok($#a == 0, "GetListFilter") ||
diag "GetListFilter ($#a) $ars_errstr";
@a = ars_GetListGroup($c);
ok(@a, "GetListGroup") ||
diag "GetListGroup $ars_errstr";
@a = ars_GetListSchema($c, 0, 0 + 1024);
ok(@a, "GetListSchema") ||
diag "GetListSchema $ars_errstr";
# since this test can fail and still be OK
# (/etc/ar is empty) we wont do it.
#@a = ars_GetListServer();
# this test might fail if the sql is bad or this
# isnt an admin account we are running with
@a = ars_GetListSQL($c, "select name, schemaid, nextid from arschema");
ok(@a, "GetListSQL") ||
diag("GetListSQL ($ars_errstr) - it's OK if this fails");
@a = ars_GetListUser($c);
ok (@a, "GetListUser") ||
diag("GetListUser ($ars_errstr)");
@a = ars_GetListVUI($c, "ARSperl Test");
ok (@a, "GetListVUI") ||
diag("GetListVUI ($ars_errstr)");