# ARSperl - An ARS v2-v4 / Perl5 Integration Kit
# Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Joel Murphy, jmurphy@acsu.buffalo.edu
# Jeff Murphy, jcmurphy@acsu.buffalo.edu
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms as Perl itself.
# Refer to the file called "Artistic" that accompanies the source distribution
# of ARSperl (or the one that accompanies the source distribution of Perl
# itself) for a full description.
# Official Home Page:
# Mailing List (must be subscribed to post):
# arsperl@arsinfo.cit.buffalo.edu
package ARS::form;
require Carp;
# new ARS::form(-form => name, -vui => view, -connection => connection)
sub new {
my ($class, $self) = (shift, {});
my ($b) = bless($self, $class);
my ($form, $vui, $connection) =
"usage: new ARS::form(-form => name, -vui => vui, -connection => connection)\nform and connection parameters are required."
if(!defined($form) || !defined($connection));
$vui = "Default Admin View" unless defined $vui;
$self->{'form'} = $form;
$self->{'connection'} = $connection;
$self->{'vui'} = $vui;
my %f = ARS::ars_GetFieldTable($connection->{'ctrl'},
$self->{'fields'} = \%f;
my %rev = reverse %f; # convenient
$self->{'fields_rev'} = \%rev;
my(%t, %enums);
foreach (keys %f) {
print "caching field: $_\n" if $self->{'connection'}->{'.debug'};
my $fv = ARS::ars_GetField($self->{'connection'}->{'ctrl'},
$t{$_} = $fv->{'dataType'};
print "\tdatatype: $t{$_}\n" if $self->{'connection'}->{'.debug'};
if ($fv->{'dataType'} eq "enum") {
if (ref($fv->{'limit'}->{'enumLimits'}) eq "ARRAY") {
$enums{$_} = [@{$fv->{'limit'}->{'enumLimits'}}];
elsif (exists $fv->{'limit'}->{'enumLimits'}->{'regularList'}) {
$enums{$_} = [@{$fv->{'limit'}->{'enumLimits'}->{'regularList'}}];
} else {
print "Sorry. I'm not sure what to do with non-regularLists of enums.\n";
print "(this enum is type \"", keys %{$fv->{'limit'}->{'enumLimits'}}, "\")\n";
print "listStyle = ", $fv->{'limit'}->{'enumLimits'}->{'listStyle'}, "\n";
$self->{'fieldtypes'} = \%t;
$self->{'fieldEnumValues'} = \%enums;
return $b;
# getEnumValues(-field => "fieldname")
sub getEnumValues {
my ($this) = shift;
my ($field) = ARS::rearrange([FIELD], @_);
if(ref($this->{'fieldEnumValues'}->{$field}) eq "ARRAY") {
return @{$this->{'fieldEnumValues'}->{$field}};
"field $field is not an enumeration field.");
return undef;
# query(-query => "qualifier", -maxhits => 100, -firstretrieve => 0)
sub query {
my ($this) = shift;
my ($query, $maxhits, $firstretr) = ARS::rearrange([QUERY,MAXHITS,FIRSTRETRIEVE], @_);
$query = "(1 = 1)" unless defined($query);
$maxhits = 0 unless defined($maxhits);
$firstretr = 0 unless defined($firstretr);
if($this->{'connection'}->{'.debug'}) {
print "form->query(".$this->{'form'}.", $query, ".$this->{'vui'}.")\n";
$this->{'qualifier'} =
my @sortOrder = ();
if(defined($this->{'sortOrder'}) &&
ref($this->{'sortOrder'}) eq "ARRAY") {
@sortOrder = @{$this->{'sortOrder'}};
my @matches = ARS::ars_GetListEntry($this->{'connection'}->{'ctrl'},
$maxhits, $firstretr,
my(@mids, @mdescs);
for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#matches ; $i += 2) {
push @mids, $matches[$i];
push @mdescs, $matches[$i+1];
$this->{'matches'} = \@mids;
$this->{'querylist'} = \@mdescs;
return @mids;
# getFieldID(-field => name)
sub getFieldID {
my $this = shift;
my ($name) = ARS::rearrange([FIELD], @_);
"usage: form->getFieldID(-field => name)\nname parameter is required.")
unless defined($name);
if(!defined($this->{'fields'}->{$name})) {
"field '$name' not in view: ".$this->{'vui'}."\n"
return $this->{'fields'}->{$name} if(defined($name));
# getFieldName(-id => id)
sub getFieldName {
my $this = shift;
my ($id) = ARS::rearrange([ID], @_);
"usage: form->getFieldName(-id => id)\nid parameter required."
unless defined($id);
return $this->{'fields_rev'}->{$id} if defined($this->{'fields_rev'}->{$id});
"field id '$id' not available on form: ".$this->{'form'}.""
# getFieldType(-field => name, -id => id)
sub getFieldType {
my $this = shift;
my ($name, $id) = ARS::rearrange([FIELD,ID], @_);
if(!defined($name) && !defined($id)) {
"usage: form->getFieldType(-field => name, -id => id)\none of the parameters must be specified.");
if(defined($name) && !defined($this->{'fieldtypes'}->{$name})) {
"field '$name' not in view: ".$this->{'vui'}."\n"
#print "getFieldType($name, $id)\n" if $this->{'connection'}->{'.debug'};
return $this->{'fieldtypes'}->{$name} if defined($name);
# they didnt give us a name, but instead gave us an id. look up the
# name and return the type.
if(defined($id)) {
my $n = $this->getFieldName(-id => $id);
return $this->{'fieldtypes'}->{$n};
"couldn't determine dataType for field.");
# delete(-entry => id)
sub delete {
my $this = shift;
my ($id) = ARS::rearrange([ENTRY],@_);
"usage: form->delete(-entry => id)\nentry parameter is required.")
unless defined($id);
my (@d);
# allow the user to delete multiple entries in one shot
if(ref($id) eq "ARRAY") {
@d = @{$id};
} else {
push @d, $id;
foreach (@d) {
# merge(-type => mergeType, -values => { field1 => value1, ... })
sub merge {
my ($this) = shift;
my ($type, $vals) =
"usage: form->merge(-type => mergeType, -values => { field1 => value1, ... })\ntype and values parameters are required.")
unless(defined($type) && defined($vals));
"usage: form->merge(-type => mergeType, -values => { field1 => value1, ... })\nvalues parameter must be HASH ref.")
unless ref($vals) eq "HASH";
my (%realmap);
# as we work thru each value, we need to perform translations for
# enum fields.
foreach (keys %{$vals}) {
my ($rv) = $this->value2internal(-field => $_,
-value => $vals->{$_});
#print "[form->merge] realval for $_ = $rv\n";
$realmap{$this->getFieldID($_)} = $rv;
print "merge/type=$type\n" if $this->{'connection'}->{'.debug'};
my ($rv) = ARS::ars_MergeEntry($this->{'connection'}->{'ctrl'},
# if ($rv is "") and there are no FATAL or ERRORs and
# an entry id was in our vals realmap hash, then this was
# a successful "OVERWRITE" or "MERGE" operation. lets return
# the entry-id. if $rv is no "", then whatever operation this
# was - it was successful. if it's "" and we had no entry-id
# specified - or we did have one specified and there are FATALs
# or ERRORs then something is wrong. complicated, but that's how
# the C API works. we try to make the OO layer a little nicer for
# the end user.
if(($rv eq "") && defined($realmap{1})) {
if(!$this->{'connection'}->hasFatals() &&
!$this->{'connection'}->hasErrors()) {
$rv = $realmap{1};
return $rv;
# set(-entry => id, -gettime => tstamp, -values => { field1 => value1, ... })
sub set {
my ($this) = shift;
my ($entry,$gettime,$vals) =
$gettime = 0 unless defined($gettime);
"usage: form->set(-entry => id, -gettime => tstamp, -values => { field1 => value1, ... })\nentry and values parameters are required."
unless (defined($vals) && defined($entry));
"usage: form->set(-entry => id, -values => { field1 => value1, ... })\nvalues parameter must be HASH ref.")
unless ref($vals) eq "HASH";
my (%realmap);
# as we work thru each value, we need to perform translations for
# enum fields.
foreach (keys %{$vals}) {
my ($rv) = $this->value2internal(-field => $_,
-value => $vals->{$_});
#print "realval for $_ = $rv\n";
$realmap{$this->getFieldID($_)} = $rv;
my ($rv) = ARS::ars_SetEntry($this->{'connection'}->{'ctrl'},
return $rv;
# value2internal(-field => name, -value => value)
sub value2internal {
my ($this) = shift;
my ($f, $v) = ARS::rearrange([FIELD,VALUE], @_);
"usage: form->value2internal(-field => name, -value => value)\nfield parameter is required.")
unless (defined($f));
return $v unless defined $v;
my ($t) = $this->getFieldType($f);
print "value2internal($f, $v) type=$t\n"
if $this->{'connection'}->{'.debug'};
# translate an text value into an enumeration number if this
# field is an enumeration field and we havent been passed a number
# to begin with.
if(($t eq "enum") && ($v !~ /^\d+$/)) {
if(!defined($this->{'fieldEnumValues'}->{$f})) {
"[1] unable to translate enumeration value for field '$f'");
for($i = 0 ; $i <= $#{$this->{'fieldEnumValues'}->{$f}} ; $i++) {
return $i if $this->{'fieldEnumValues'}->{$f}->[$i] eq $v;
"[2] unable to translate enumeration value for field '$f'");
# we don't need translation..
return $v;
# internal2value(-field => name, -id => id, -value => value)
sub internal2value {
my ($this) = shift;
my ($f, $id, $v) = ARS::rearrange([FIELD,ID,VALUE], @_);
"usage: form->internal2value(-field => name, -id => id, -value => value)\nid or field parameter are required.")
unless (defined($f) || defined($id));
$f = $this->getFieldName(-id => $id) unless defined($f);
my ($t) = $this->getFieldType($f);
print "internal2value($f, $v) type=$t\n"
if $this->{'connection'}->{'.debug'};
# translate an enumeration value into a text value
if($t eq "enum") {
# if the field doesnt exist in our cache, or if the
# enumeration value exceeds the known list of enumerations,
# barf.
return undef unless defined $v;
if(!defined($this->{'fieldEnumValues'}->{$f}) ||
($#{$this->{'fieldEnumValues'}->{$f}} < $v) ) {
"[1] unable to translate enumeration value for field '$f'"
return $this->{'fieldEnumValues'}->{$f}->[$v]
# we don't need translation..
return $v;
# create(-values => { field1 => value1, ... })
sub create {
my ($this) = shift;
my ($vals) = ARS::rearrange([[VALUES,VALUE]],@_);
"usage: form->create(-values => { field1 => value1, ... })\nvalues parameter is required.")
unless defined($vals);
"usage: form->create(-values => { field1 => value1, ... })\nvalues parameter must be HASH ref.")
unless ref($vals) eq "HASH";
my (%realmap);
print "Mapping field information.\n" if $self->{'connection'}->{'.debug'};
foreach (keys %{$vals}) {
my ($rv) = $this->value2internal(-field => $_,
-value => $vals->{$_});
#print "realval for $_ = $rv\n";
$realmap{$this->getFieldID($_)} = $rv;
print "calling ars_CreateEntry..\n" if $self->{'connection'}->{'.debug'};
my ($id) = ARS::ars_CreateEntry($this->{'connection'}->{'ctrl'},
print "calling tryCatch()..\n" if $self->{'connection'}->{'.debug'};
return $id;
# get(-entry => entryid, -fields => [ field1, field2 ])
sub get {
my $this = shift;
my ($eid, $fields) = ARS::rearrange([ENTRY,[FIELD,FIELDS]],@_);
"usage: form->get(-entry => entryid, -fields => [ field1, field2, ... ])\nentry parameter is required.")
unless defined($eid);
my (@fieldlist) = ();
my ($allfields) = 1;
if(defined($fields)) {
$allfields = 0;
foreach (@{$fields}) {
push @fieldlist, $this->getFieldID($_);
# what we want to do is: retrieve all of the values, but for
# certain datatypes (attachments) we want to insert
# an object instead of the field value. for enum types,
# we want to decode the value.
#print "("; print $this->{'form'}; print ", $eid, @fieldlist)\n";
my @v;
if($allfields == 0) {
@v = ARS::ars_GetEntry($this->{'connection'}->{'ctrl'},
$eid, @fieldlist);
} else {
@v = ARS::ars_GetEntry($this->{'connection'}->{'ctrl'},
my @rv;
for(my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#v ; $i += 2) {
if($this->getFieldType(-id => $v[$i]) eq "attach") {
push @rv, $v[$i+1]; # "attach";
elsif($this->getFieldType(-id => $v[$i]) eq "enum") {
push @rv, $this->internal2value(-id => $v[$i],
-value => $v[$i+1]);
else {
push @rv, $v[$i+1];
return @rv unless ($#rv == 0);
return $rv[0];
# getAsHash(-entry => entryid, -fields => [field1, field2, ...])
sub getAsHash {
my $this = shift;
my ($eid, $fields) = ARS::rearrange([ENTRY,[FIELD,FIELDS]],@_);
"usage: form->getAsHash(-entry => entryid, -fields => [ field1, field2, ... ])\nentry parameter is required.")
unless defined($eid);
my (@fieldlist) = ();
my ($allfields) = 1;
if(defined($fields)) {
$allfields = 0;
foreach (@{$fields}) {
push @fieldlist, $this->getFieldID($_);
my @v;
if($allfields == 0) {
@v = ARS::ars_GetEntry($this->{'connection'}->{'ctrl'},
$eid, @fieldlist);
} else {
@v = ARS::ars_GetEntry($this->{'connection'}->{'ctrl'},
for(my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#v ; $i += 2) {
if($this->getFieldType(-id => $v[$i]) eq "attach") {
#$v[$i+1] = "attach";
elsif($this->getFieldType(-id => $v[$i]) eq "enum") {
$v[$i+1] = $this->internal2value(-id => $v[$i],
-value => $v[$i+1]);
$v[$i] = $this->getFieldName(-id => $v[$i]);
return @v;
# getAttachment(-entry => eid, -field => fieldname, -file => filename)
# if file isnt specified, the attachment is returned "in core"
sub getAttachment {
my $this = shift;
my ($eid, $field, $file) = ARS::rearrange([ENTRY,FIELD,FILE],@_);
if(!defined($eid) && !defined($field)) {
"usage: getAttachment(-entry => eid, -field => fieldname, -file => filename)\nentry and field parameters are required.");
if(defined($file)) {
my $rv = ARS::ars_GetEntryBLOB($this->{'connection'}->{'ctrl'},
return $rv;
return ARS::ars_GetEntryBLOB($this->{'connection'}->{'ctrl'},
#setSort(... )
sub setSort {
my $this = shift;
if(($#_+1) % 2 == 1){
"usage: setSort(...)\nMust have an even number of parameters. (nparm = $#_)");
my (@t) = @_;
for(my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#t ; $i+=2) {
$t[$i] = $this->getFieldID($t[$i]);
$this->{'sortOrder'} = \@t;