# $Header: /cvsroot/arsperl/ARSperl/example/GetField.pl,v 1.4 1998/09/11 14:46:18 jcmurphy Exp $
# GetField.pl [server] [username] [password] [schema] [fieldname]
# Connect to the server and fetch information about the
# named field. Print the information out.
# We'll be looking up the field names in the Default Admin View.
# jeff murphy
# 02/19/97
# $Log: GetField.pl,v $
# Revision 1.4 1998/09/11 14:46:18 jcmurphy
# altered script logic so that it figures out whether it
# should decode a hash or array on the fly.
# fixed typo that was causing arrays not to be printed.
# Revision 1.3 1997/11/26 20:05:54 jcmurphy
# nada
# Revision 1.2 1997/05/07 15:38:19 jcmurphy
# fixed incorrect hash usage
# Revision 1.1 1997/02/19 22:41:16 jcmurphy
# Initial revision
use ARS;
# Parse command line parameters
($server, $username, $password, $schema, $fieldname) = @ARGV;
if(!defined($password)) {
print "usage: $0 [server] [username] [password] [schema] [fieldname]\n";
exit 1;
# Log onto the ars server specified
print "Logging in ..\n";
($ctrl = ars_Login($server, $username, $password)) ||
die "can't login to the server";
# Fetch all of the fieldnames/ids for the specified schema
print "Fetching field table ..\n";
(%fids = ars_GetFieldTable($ctrl, $schema)) ||
die "GetFieldTable: $ars_errstr";
# See if the specified field exists.
if(!defined($fids{$fieldname})) {
print "ERROR: I couldn't find a field called \"$fieldname\" in the
Default Admin View of schema \"$schema\"\n";
exit 0;
# Get the field info
print "Fetching field information ..\n";
($fieldInfo = ars_GetField($ctrl, $schema, $fids{$fieldname})) ||
die "GetField: $ars_errstr";
print "Here are some of the field attributes. More are available.
fieldId: $fieldInfo->{fieldId}
createMode: $fieldInfo->{createMode}
dataType: $fieldInfo->{dataType}
defaultVal: $fieldInfo->{defaultVal}
owner: $fieldInfo->{owner}
dumpKV($fieldInfo, 0);
exit 0;
sub dumpKV {
my $hr = shift;
my $i = shift;
foreach $k (keys %$hr){
print "\t"x$i."key=<$k> val=<$hr->{$k}>\n";
if(ref($hr->{$k}) eq "HASH") {
dumpKV($hr->{$k}, $i+1);
elsif(ref($hr->{$k}) eq "ARRAY") {
dumpAV($hr->{$k}, $i+1);
sub dumpAV {
my $ar = shift;
my $i = shift;
my $a = 0;
foreach (@$ar) {
print "\t"x$i."index=<$a> val=<$_>\n";
if(ref($_) eq "HASH") {
dumpKV($_, $i+1);
elsif(ref($_) eq "ARRAY") {
dumpAV($_, $i+1);