# $Header: /cvsroot/arsperl/ARSperl/example/ars_GetListUser.pl,v 1.2 2001/04/11 15:10:15 jcmurphy Exp $
# ars_GetListUser.pl
# ars_GetListUser.pl [server] [username] [password]
# Demo of said function. Fetches and prints listing of
# all currently connected users and their license info.
# email addr and notify mech are (as far as we can tell) part of the
# return values from the API, but are never filled in. this is not a
# bug in arsperl.
# jeff murphy
# $Log: ars_GetListUser.pl,v $
# Revision 1.2 2001/04/11 15:10:15 jcmurphy
# updates to Makefile.PL for server info map
# Revision 1.1 1997/07/23 18:21:29 jcmurphy
# Initial revision
use ARS;
@noteMech = ("NONE", "NOTIFIER", "EMAIL", "?");
@licType = ("NONE", "FIXED", "FLOATING", "FIXED2");
@licTag = ("", "WRITE", "FULL_TEXT", "RESERVED1");
($c = ars_Login(shift, shift, shift)) || die "login: $ars_errstr";
print "Calling GetListUser and asking for all connected users...\n";
# 0 = current user's info
# 1 = all users' info
# 2 = all connected users' info
# default = 0
(@h = ars_GetListUser($c, &ARS::AR_USER_LIST_REGISTERED)) || die "ERR: $ars_errstr\n";
print "errstr=$ars_errstr\n";
print "GetListUser returned the following:\n";
foreach $userHash (@h) {
print "userName: $userHash->{userName}\n";
print "\tconnectTime: ".localtime($userHash->{connectTime})."\n";
print "\tlastAccess: ".localtime($userHash->{lastAccess})."\n";
print "\tnotify mech: $userHash->{defaultNotifyMech} (".$noteMech[$userHash->{defaultNotifyMech}].")\n";
print "\temail addr: $userHash->{emailAddr}\n";
for($i = 0; $i <= $#{$userHash->{licenseTag}}; $i++) {
print "\tlicense \#$i info:\n";
print "\t\tlicenseTag: ".@{$userHash->{licenseTag}}[$i].
" (".$licTag[@{$userHash->{licenseTag}}[$i]].")\n";
print "\t\tlicenseType: ".@{$userHash->{licenseType}}[$i].
" (".$licType[@{$userHash->{licenseType}}[$i]].")\n";
print "\t\tcurrentLicenseType: ".@{$userHash->{currentLicenseType}}[$i].
" (".$licType[@{$userHash->{currentLicenseType}}[$i]].")\n";