<TITLE>ARSperl Manual - GetFullTextInfo Hash Values</TITLE>
<H2>GetFullTextInfo Hash Values</H2>
This structure is returned by
<A href="ars_GetFullTextInfo.html">ars_GetFullTextInfo</a>.
"StopWords" =&gt; <B>reference</B> to an array of strings,
"CaseSensitive" =&gt; integer,
"State" =&gt; integer,
"CollectionDir" =&gt; string,
"MatchOp" =&gt; integer
0 = Insensitive, 1 = Sensitive
0 = Force Leading and Trailing <BR>
1 = Ignore Leading and Force Trailing <BR>
2 = Ignore Leading <BR>
3 = Remove Loading and Trailing <BR>
4 = Query Unchanged
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
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Last changes to this page 21st July 1997 by jcmurphy@arsperl.org<br>
&#169; J.C.Murphy, J.W.Murphy 1997 arsperl@arsperl.org