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<h2><code>ars_CreateEntry(ctrl, schema, field_id1, value1,
This function creates a new entry (row) in the schema. This is the same
as ``submitting a new ticket''. Pairs of field ids and values should
follow the schema name. Data types are automatically converted.
<dt><b>On success</b></dt>
<dd> Returns the new entry id. </dd>
<dt><b>On failure</b></dt>
<dd> Returns <code>undef</code>. </dd>
<p>Example 1: </p>
<pre> ($entry_id = ars_CreateEntry($c, "Schema01", $id, $val)) || <br> die $ars_errstr;<br></pre>
<p>Example 2:</p>
<pre>&nbsp; my %fieldname_to_id = ars_GetFieldTable($c, "User") || <br> die $ars_errstr;<br> my $entry_id = ars_CreateEntry($c, "User",<br> $fieldname_to_id{"Login Name"}, "johnd",<br> $fieldname_to_id{"Full Name"}, "John Doe",<br> $fieldname_to_id{"Password"}, "xyz",<br> ) || die $ars_errstr;</pre>
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Last changes to this page 13th August 2007 by Michiel Beijen<br>
&copy; J.C.Murphy, J.W.Murphy 1997 arsperl@arsperl.org