use ARS;
require './t/config.cache';
my $NT = 7;
my $TN = 1;
print "1..$NT\n";
my($ctrl) = ars_Login(&CCACHE::SERVER,
if(!defined($ctrl)) {
print "not ok [", $TN++, "]\n";
while($TN <= $NT) {
print "not ok [", $TN++, "]\n";
} else {
print "ok [", $TN++,"] login\n";
# submit some records into "ARSperl Test2"
my %ft = ars_GetFieldTable($ctrl, "ARSperl Test2");
if (%ft) {
print "ok [", $TN++, "] GFT\n";
} else {
print "not ok [", $TN++, "]\n";
while($TN <= $NT) {
print "not ok [", $TN++, "]\n";
#print join("\n", keys %ft), "\n";
# add a record
my $ok = 0;
for (my $loop = 0 ; $loop < 5 ; $loop++) {
my $rv = ars_CreateEntry($ctrl, "ARSperl Test2",
$ft{'Submitter-AT2'}, 'jcmurphy',
$ft{'Status-AT2'}, 1,
$ft{'SD-AT2'}, 'short desc'
$ok++ if defined $rv;
if ($ok != 5) {
print "not ok [", $TN++, "]\n";
while($TN <= $NT) {
print "not ok [", $TN++, "] ($ars_errstr)\n";
print "ok [", $TN++, "] CE\n";
# get the fields from the join form
my %jft = ars_GetFieldTable($ctrl, "ARSperl Test-join");
if( %jft ) {
print "ok [", $TN++, "] GFT\n";
} else {
print "not ok [", $TN++, "]\n";
while($TN <= $NT) {
print "not ok [", $TN++, "] ($ars_errstr)\n";
# fetch a list of records
my $q = ars_LoadQualifier($ctrl, "ARSperl Test-join", "(1 = 1)");
if(defined($q)) {
print "ok [", $TN++, "] LQ\n";
} else {
print "not ok [", $TN++, "]\n";
while($TN <= $NT) {
print "not ok [", $TN++, "] ($ars_errstr)\n";
my @matches = ars_GetListEntry($ctrl, "ARSperl Test-join", $q, 0, 0);
if ($#matches != -1) {
print "ok [", $TN++, "] GLE (got $#matches matches)\n";
} else {
print "not ok [", $TN++, "] ($ars_errstr)\n";
while($TN <= $NT) {
print "not ok [", $TN++, "]\n";
print join("\n", @matches), "\n";
# do alot of GetFields on the Join
$ok = 1;
foreach my $fn (keys %jft) {
my $fh1 = ars_GetField($ctrl, "ARSperl Test-join", $jft{$fn});
$ok = 0 if (!defined($fh1));
if($ok) {
print "ok [", $TN++, "] GF\n";
} else {
print "not ok [", $TN++, "] GF\n";
exit 0;