Semantic Taxonomy Enrichment
David Jurgens and Mohammad Taher Pilehvar
Task 14 aims to enrich the WordNet taxonomy with new words and word senses. For
a word sense which is not already defined in the WordNet sense inventory, a
system in this task has to identify either:
a) the WordNet synset that is a generalization of the new word sense (i.e., its
hypernym), or
b) the WordNet synset whose word senses are synonyms to the new word sense.
To complete the task, a system is provided with a specific word sense, i.e., a
word together with its definition. A system's objective is then to identify the
WordNet synset to which the new word sense should be merged (i.e., the term is
synonymous with those in the synset) or added as a hyponym (i.e., the new word
sense is a specialization of an existing word sense).
The training and trial package contains the following:
README.txt this file
evaluation/scorer.py program for scoring the outputs
data/trial/ tab separated input file with trial data definitions
data/training/ tab separated input file with training data definitions
keys/gold/trial/ gold-standard answer keys for the trial data
keys/baseline/trial/ baseline system answer keys for the trial data
keys/gold/training/ gold-standard answer keys for the training data
keys/baseline/training/ baseline system answer keys for the training data
Task 14 allows two types of systems:
1) Constrained systems are restricted attempting to cross-reference the
provided definitions within existing dictionaries and from using additional
source-specific information provided within the originating document to
improve integration (e.g., using Wiki- or HTML-markup patterns, identifying
semantically-related words on the originating documents page, etc.).
2) Source-aware systems may use all information provided in the
originating-document's content to improve attachment.
Each definition in the dataset has an associated URL linking to the originating
document, which Source-aware systems may use. Note that the document containing
the definition may contain other definitions as well (e.g., the definition is
one in a list of domain terminology) or it may be a single page dedicated to
that concept.
We allow for both types of systems in order to determine the performance
difference between general-purpose methods that are capable of operating on all
types of definition input versus those systems that are tailored to specific
resources. Furthermore, when the sites containing the source document exhibit
systematic structure, this may allow for approaches to try resource alignment
techniques for integrating the target.
The input file consists of a tab-separated file with five columns:
lemma <tab> part-of-speech <tab> item-id <tab> definition <tab> definition source URL
System are expected to produce output in a tab-separated file, formatted as
item-id <tab> WordNet sense <tab> operation
Here, WordNet senses are specified as lemma#pos#number where the sense number
begins at 1 ("pos" means part of speech). The WordNet 3.0 senses inventory is
used as ground truth.
The operation should be either "merge" or "attach". For simplicity, these may
be abbreviated as 'm' or 'a', respectively, in the file.
Evaluation are performed according to two official metrics and one unofficial
1) Wu & Palmer Similarity: This metric calculates the Wu & Palmer similarity
between the synset locations where the correct integration would be and where
the system has placed the synset. The similarity score is in [0,1]. The
mean similarity is reported.
2) Recall: the percentage of items that are integrated by the solution.
The unofficial metric is:
a) Lemma matches: This matches the percentage of answers where the operation is
correct and the correct and system-provided synsets share a lemma (i.e., are
senses of the word). The difference between this score and the Wu & Palmer
score reflects the cases where the system has identified the correct
operation and lemma but has selected the wrong sense of the lemma.
Two baseline systems are included for comparison:
a) the random baseline simply chooses a random synset of the appropriate part
of speech and a random operation. This baseline reflects the expected
random performance.
b) the first word, first sense baseline looks for the first head word in the
definition with the same part of speech as the target word and then chooses
the first sense of that word.
Please visit our page in order to participate in the task:
We invite potential participants to join our Google group:
Trian data ready: June 30. 2015
Training data ready: September 7, 2015
Test data ready: December 15, 2015
Evaluation start: January 10, 2015
Evaluation end: January 31, 2015
Paper submission due: February 28, 2016 [TBC]
Paper reviews due: March 31, 2016 [TBC]
Camera ready due: April 30, 2016 [TBC]
SemEval 2016 workshop: Summer 2016