#* Insertion.pl *
#* *
#* Author: Jon Rusert *
#If program is run without any passed arguments, show basic help
if($#ARGV < 0)
#If user enters help flag, print help
if($ARGV[0] =~ /--help/)
#If program does not have enough arguments, informs user of error.
if($#ARGV < 1)
print "Input or Output missing!\n";
print "Type Insertion.pl --help for help.\n";
$tempIn = ""; #temporarily holds inLemma data as one string
@inLemma = ("", "", "", "", ""); #Current lemma to be inserted into WordNet
#inLemma's will hold the Lemma data as follows:
#(lemma, part-of-speech, item-id, definition, def source)
@outLemma = ("", "", ""); #Stores proccessed lemma after insertion
#outLemma holds data as follows:
#(item-id, WordNet sense, operation)
$tempOut = ""; #temporarily stores processed lemma before inserting to file
$wn = WordNet::QueryData->new; #to be used to access data from wordnet
@wordNetNouns; #stores all words for noun sense from wordnet
@wordNetVerbs; #stores all words for verb sense from wordnet
%wnGlosses = ();
%wnHypes = ();
%wnHypos = ();
%wnSyns = ();
%wnFreq = ();
%senseScores = (); #stores the scores of each sense, the highest scoring sense generally chosen as WordNet word.
$highSenseScore = 0; #stores highest sense score for comparison.
$highSense = ""; #stores highest scored sense.
$wikParser = Wiktionary::Parser->new(); #Parses data from wiktionary pages.
$attachMerge = "";
$count =0;
# Runs main insertion program.
sub run()
#Attempts to open trial data
open TRIAL, "$ARGV[0]" or die $!;
open (OUTTRIAL, '>', "$ARGV[1]") or die $!;
while(<TRIAL>) #While lemmas are left in the trial data
for $tempIn (split("\n")) #processes data line by line.
@inLemma = split("\t"); #stores lemma as formatted above
$tempOut = "$outLemma[0]\t$outLemma[1]\t$outLemma[2]\n";
print OUTTRIAL "$tempOut";
print "$tempOut";
#* Highly increases speed of program by making
#*as many outside calls as possible and storing
#*outside info to be used later.
sub preProcessing()
@wordNetNouns = $wn->listAllWords('noun'); #Stores all nouns from wordNet for multiple uses.
@wordNetVerbs = $wn->listAllWords('verb'); #Stores all verbs from wordNet for multiple uses.
#Preemptively retrieves glosses, hypes, hypos, and syns for all senses as they will be used every iteration.
foreach my $noun (@wordNetNouns)
my @nSenses = $wn->querySense("$noun\#n"); #gets all senses for that word
foreach my $curNSense (@nSenses)
#stores in noun senses to differentiate from verbs.
push(@wnNounSenses, $curNSense);
#obtain each gloss and clean up before inserting into hash.
my @nGlosses = $wn->querySense($curNSense, "glos");
my $tempSenseGloss = $nGlosses[0];
#Clean up the words in the temporary sense gloss.
$tempSenseGloss =~ s/(\(|\)|\.)//g;
$tempSenseGloss =~ s/^a-zA-Z//g;
$tempSenseGloss = lc $tempSenseGloss; #converts all words to lowercase.
$tempSenseGloss =~ s/\b(the|is|at|which|on|a|an|and|or|up)\b//g; #remove stop words
#maps each sense to its gloss
$wnGlosses{$curNSense} = $tempSenseGloss;
#obtains and stores, hypes, hypos, and syns
my @hypes = $wn->querySense($curNSense, "hype");
$wnHypes{$curNSense} = \@hypes;
my @hypos = $wn->querySense($curNSense, "hypo");
$wnHypos{$curNSense} = \@hypos;
my @syns = $wn->querySense($curNSense, "syns");
$wnSyns{$curNSense} = \@syns;
$wnFreq{$curNSense} = $wn->frequency($curNSense);
#stores verbs' senses' glosses, hypes, hypos, and syns.
foreach my $verb (@wordNetVerbs)
my @vSenses = $wn->querySense("$verb\#v"); #gets all senses for that word
foreach my $curVSense (@vSenses)
#stores in verb senses to differentiate later.
push(@wnVerbSenses, $curVSense);
#obtain each gloss and clean up before inserting into hash.
my @vGlosses = $wn->querySense($curVSense, "glos");
my $tempSenseGloss = $vGlosses[0];
#Clean up the words in the temporary sense gloss.
$tempSenseGloss =~ s/(\(|\)|\.)//g;
$tempSenseGloss =~ s/^a-zA-Z//g;
$tempSenseGloss = lc $tempSenseGloss; #converts all words to lowercase.
$tempSenseGloss =~ s/\b(the|is|at|which|on|a|an|and|or|up)\b//g; #remove stop words
#maps each sense to its gloss
$wnGlosses{$curVSense} = $tempSenseGloss;
#obtains and stores, hypes, hypos, and syns
my @hypes = $wn->querySense($curVSense, "hype");
$wnHypes{$curVSense} = \@hypes;
my @hypos = $wn->querySense($curVSense, "hypo");
$wnHypos{$curVSense} = \@hypos;
my @syns = $wn->querySense($curVSense, "syns");
$wnSyns{$curVSense} = \@syns;
$wnFreq{$curVSense} = $wn->frequency($curVSense);
#* Determines where the OOV Lemma should be
#*inserted into WordNet, stores the output in
sub processLemma()
%senseScores = ();#reset sense scores hash
$highSenseScore = 0; #reset hss.
$highSense = ""; #reset
if($inLemma[1] =~ /noun/)#only process nouns
foreach $curSense (@wnNounSenses) #runs through each sense of current word
else#only process verbs
foreach $curSense (@wnVerbSenses)
if($wnFreq{$highSense} == 0)
$attachMerge = "attach";
$attachMerge = "merge";
$outLemma[0] = $inLemma[2];
$outLemma[1] = $highSense;
$outLemma[2] = $attachMerge;
#* Calculates a score for the passed sense then
#*stores that score with the sense into %senseScores
sub scoreSense()
$word = substr($curSense, 0, index($curSense, '#')); #extracts base word.
#_________________Sense Gloss_________________________________
my @curSenseGloss = split (' ', $wnGlosses{$curSense}); #initialize current sense gloss.
#__________________Hype Gloss_________________________________
#Now expands to hypernyms glosses in overlaps
my @senseHypes = @{$wnHypes{$curSense}};
my @senseHypeGloss = ();
my $tempAllHypeGloss = "";
for my $hype (0..$#senseHypes)
my $tempHypeGloss = $wnGlosses{$hype};
$tempAllHypeGloss = $tempAllHypeGloss . " " . $tempHypeGloss;
@senseHypeGloss = split(' ', $tempAllHypeGloss);
#________________Hypo Gloss__________________________________
#adds in hyponyms' glosses in overlaps
my @senseHypos = @{$wnHypos{$curSense}};
my @senseHypoGloss = ();
my $tempAllHypoGloss = "";
for my $hypo (0..$#senseHypos)
my $tempHypoGloss = $wnGlosses{$hypo};
$tempAllHypoGloss = $tempAllHypoGloss . " " . $tempHypoGloss;
@senseHypoGloss = split(' ', $tempAllHypoGloss);
#_________________Syns Gloss_________________________________
#adds in synsets' glosses in overlaps
my @senseSyns = @{$wnSyns{$curSense}};
my @senseSynsGloss = ();
my $tempAllSynsGloss = "";
for my $syns (0..$#senseSyns)
if(!($syns =~ /\b$word\b/)) #do not repeat sense
my $tempSynsGloss = $wnGlosses{$syns};
$tempAllSynsGloss = $tempAllSynsGloss . " " . $tempSynsGloss;
@senseSynsGloss = split(' ', $tempAllSynsGloss);
#________________Lemma Gloss_________________________________
my $tempLemmaGloss = $inLemma[3];
#Clean up the words in the temp lemma gloss.
$tempLemmaGloss =~ s/(\(|\)|\.)//g;
$tempLemmaGloss =~ s/^a-zA-Z//g;
$tempLemmaGloss = lc $tempLemmaGloss;
$tempLemmaGloss =~ s/\b(the|is|at|which|on|a|an|and|or|up)\b//g; #remove stop words
my @curLemmaGloss = split(' ', $tempLemmaGloss);
my $glossLength = 0;#(scalar @curSenseGloss) + (scalar @curLemmaLength) + (scalar @senseHypeGloss) + (scalar @senseHypoGloss) + (scalar @senseSynsGloss) + 1; #stores length of current gloss + current lemma + hype gloss + hypo gloss.
my $overlaps = 0.0; #number of overlapped words.
#scan through each word from the sense gloss and see if any overlap on the lemma gloss.
for my $lWord (0..$#curLemmaGloss)
$glossLength = $glossLength + length $curLemmaGloss[$lWord];
if($curLemmaGloss[$lWord] =~ /\b$word\b/) #if lemma contains current word from sense itself
$overlaps = $overlaps + 10*(length $word);
$spaceWord = $word;
$spaceWord =~ s/_/ /g; #substitute underscores for spaces for comparison below
if($spaceWord =~ /(^\w+\s\b$curLemmaGloss[$lWord]\b$)|(^\b$curLemmaGloss[$lWord]\b\s\w+$)/)
$overlaps = $overlaps + 100*(length $curLemmaGloss[$lWord]);
for my $sWord (0..$#curSenseGloss)
if($curLemmaGloss[$lWord] =~ /\b\Q$curSenseGloss[$sWord]\E\b?/)
$overlaps = $overlaps + length $curSenseGloss[$sWord];
for my $hypeWord (0..$#senseHypeGloss)
if($curLemmaGloss[$lWord] =~ /\b\Q$senseHypeGloss[$hypeWord]\E\b?/)
$overlaps = $overlaps + length $senseHypeGloss[$hypeWord];
for my $hypoWord (0..$#senseHypoGloss)
if($curLemmaGloss[$lWord] =~ /\b\Q$senseHypoGloss[$hypoWord]\E\b?/)
$overlaps = $overlaps + length $senseHypeGloss[$hypoWord];
for my $synsWord (0..$#senseSynsGloss)
if($curLemmaGloss[$lWord] =~ /\b\Q$senseSynsGloss[$synsWord]\E\b?/)
$overlaps = $overlaps + length $senseSynsGloss[$synsWord];
$score = $overlaps/$glossLength;
if($score >= $highSenseScore)
$highSenseScore = $score;
$highSense = $curSense;
$senseScores{$curSense} = $score;
#* Refines chosen sense, by determing which
#*numbered sense should be chosen.
sub refineSense()
$word = substr($highSense, 0, index($highSense, '#')); #extracts base word.
$shortSense = substr($inLemma[1], 0, 1);
$sense = $word . "#" . $shortSense;
$highSenseScore = 0;
my $rSenseScore = 0;
my $refineHigh = "$sense#1"; #assume first sense.
my $tempLemmaGloss = $inLemma[3];
#Clean up the words in the temp lemma gloss.
$tempLemmaGloss =~ s/(\(|\)|\.)//g;
$tempLemmaGloss =~ s/^a-zA-Z//g;
$tempLemmaGloss = lc $tempLemmaGloss;
$tempLemmaGloss =~ s/\b(the|is|at|which|on|a|an|and|or|up)\b//g; #remove stop words
my @refineLemmaGloss = split(' ', $tempLemmaGloss);
my $rGlossLength = 0.0;
my $rOverlaps = 0.0;
my @refineSenses = $wn->querySense($sense); #obtains the other senses for the same word.
for my $rSense (0..$#refineSenses)
my $tempSenseGloss = $wnGlosses{$rSense};
for my $rLemma (0..$#refineLemmaGloss)
$rGlossLength = $rGlossLength + length $refineLemmaGloss[$rLemma];
if($refineLemmaGlos[$rLemma] ne $word)
if($tempSenseGloss =~ /$refineLemmaGloss[$rLemma]/)
$rOverlaps = $rOverlaps + length $refineLemmaGloss[$rLemma];
$rSenseScore = $rOverlaps/$rGlossLength;
if($rSenseScore > $highSenseScore)
$highSenseScore = $rSenseScore;
$refineHigh = $rHypo;
$highSense = $refineHigh;
# Prints basic program usage to screen.
sub printUsage()
print "Usage: Insertion.pl DATA SOURCE | DESTINATION SOURCE\n";
print "\tType Insertion.pl --help for help.\n";
# Prints indepth help guide to screen.
sub printHelp()
print "Takes in lemmas from file and attempts to\n";
print "insert them into WordNet by first finding\n";
print "a hypernym, then either a) merging the \n";
print "lemma with the hypernym or b) attaching \n";
print "the lemma to the hypernym.\n";