use lib "/usr/projects/CIPP3/lib";
use strict;
use Cwd;
$| = 1;
my $COPYRIGHT = <<__EOC;
cipp-link-static - Copyright (c) 2003 dimedis GmbH, All Rights Reserved
my $USAGE = <<__EOU;
Usage: cipp-link-static { [-r dir] | file ... }
-r dir process recursively all files in the given directory
file ... or link explicitly all given files
This program links all needed includes statically into
CIPP CGI programs.
main: {
my %opt;
my $opt_ok = getopts ('r:', \%opt);
my $rec_dir = $opt{r};
if ( not $opt_ok or ( $rec_dir and @ARGV ) or
(not $rec_dir and not @ARGV ) ) {
print $USAGE;
exit 1;
my $files;
if ( not $rec_dir ) {
$files = \@ARGV;
} else {
my @files;
find ( sub {
push @files, $File::Find::name
if $File::Find::name =~ /\.cgi$/;
}, $rec_dir );
$files = \@files;
foreach my $file ( @{$files} ) {
copy ( $file, "$file.bak" ) if not -f "$file.bak";
print "\n* linking $file ";
link_static ( file => $file);
print "\n";
sub link_static {
my %par = @_;
my ($file) = @par{'file'};
my $cwd = cwd();
$0 = "$cwd/$file"; # NewSpirit::Project->init uses $0
my $tmp_file = "$file.tmp";
my $read_fh = FileHandle->new;
open ($read_fh, $file) or die "can't read $file";
my $project;
my $request;
my %inserted_includes;
my $insert_include_code;
my $line;
# read input file and collect include code
while (<$read_fh>) {
# collect already inserted includes
if ( /CIPP::Runtime::Request->add_include_subroutine/ ) {
# parse file
$line = <$read_fh>;
my ($file) = $line =~ /=>\s+['"](.*?)['"]/;
$inserted_includes{$file} = 1;
# init project
if ( /CIPP::Runtime::NewSpirit::Project->init/ ) {
# parse project name
$line = <$read_fh>;
my ($project_name) = $line =~ /=>\s+['"](.*?)['"]/;
# parse back_prod_path
$line = <$read_fh>;
my ($back_prod_path) = $line =~ /=>\s+['"](.*?)['"]/;
CIPP::Runtime::NewSpirit::Project->init (
project => $project_name,
back_prod_path => $back_prod_path,
$project = CIPP::Runtime::NewSpirit::Project->handle (
project => $project_name,
# create request object
if ( /_cipp_project->new_request/ ) {
# parse program name
$line = <$read_fh>;
my ($program_name) = $line =~ /=>\s+['"](.*?)['"]/;
$request = $project->new_request (
program_name => $program_name,
mime_type => "text/html",
# collect includes
if ( /request->call_include_subroutine/ ) {
# parse file
$line = <$read_fh>;
my ($file) = $line =~ /=>\s+['"](.*?)['"]/;
next if $inserted_includes{$file};
$inserted_includes{$file} = 1;
my $full_path = $request->resolve_inc_filename (
file => $file,
my $fh = FileHandle->new;
open ($fh, $full_path) or die "can't read $full_path";
my $perl_code;
while ( <$fh> ) {
last if /^sub/;
$perl_code = $_;
while ( <$fh> ) {
$perl_code .= $_;
close $fh;
$insert_include_code .=
"CIPP::Runtime::Request->add_include_subroutine (\n".
"\tfile => '$file',\n".
"\tcode => $perl_code".
print ".";
chdir $cwd;
if ( $insert_include_code ) {
my $write_fh = FileHandle->new;
open ($write_fh, ">$tmp_file") or die "can't write $tmp_file";
# insert include code somewhere at the top of the file
seek ($read_fh, 0, 0);
my $code_inserted;
while ( <$read_fh> ) {
if ( not $code_inserted and /^\$_cipp_project->new_request/ ) {
print $write_fh $_;
my $line = <$read_fh>;
print $write_fh $line;
$line = <$read_fh>;
print $write_fh $line;
$line = <$read_fh>;
print $write_fh $line;
print $write_fh $insert_include_code;
$code_inserted = 1;
print $write_fh $_;
close $write_fh;
close $read_fh;
rename ($tmp_file, $file);
chmod 0775, $file;
link_static ( file => $file );
} else {
close $read_fh;