# $Id: Compose.pm,v 1.27 2001/10/14 10:02:30 joern Exp $
@ISA = qw ( JaM::GUI::Component );
use strict;
use MIME::Words qw();
use POSIX;
use Carp;
MIME::Types::import_mime_types ("lib/JaM/mime.types");
sub gtk_win { my $s = shift; $s->{gtk_win}
= shift if @_; $s->{gtk_win} }
sub gtk_toolbar { my $s = shift; $s->{gtk_toolbar}
= shift if @_; $s->{gtk_toolbar} }
sub gtk_menubar { my $s = shift; $s->{gtk_menubar}
= shift if @_; $s->{gtk_menubar} }
sub gtk_notebook { my $s = shift; $s->{gtk_notebook}
= shift if @_; $s->{gtk_notebook} }
sub gtk_subject { my $s = shift; $s->{gtk_subject}
= shift if @_; $s->{gtk_subject} }
sub gtk_text { my $s = shift; $s->{gtk_text}
= shift if @_; $s->{gtk_text} }
sub gtk_to_vbox { my $s = shift; $s->{gtk_to_vbox}
= shift if @_; $s->{gtk_to_vbox} }
sub gtk_to_entries { my $s = shift; $s->{gtk_to_entries}
= shift if @_; $s->{gtk_to_entries} }
sub gtk_to_options { my $s = shift; $s->{gtk_to_options}
= shift if @_; $s->{gtk_to_options} }
sub gtk_to_sw { my $s = shift; $s->{gtk_to_sw}
= shift if @_; $s->{gtk_to_sw} }
sub gtk_attachment_list { my $s = shift; $s->{gtk_attachment_list}
= shift if @_; $s->{gtk_attachment_list} }
sub to_header_choices { my $s = shift; $s->{to_header_choices}
= shift if @_; $s->{to_header_choices} }
sub attachments { my $s = shift; $s->{attachments}
= shift if @_; $s->{attachments} }
sub additional_headers { my $s = shift; $s->{additional_headers}
= shift if @_; $s->{additional_headers} }
sub no_signature { my $s = shift; $s->{no_signature}
= shift if @_; $s->{no_signature} }
sub save_as_template { my $s = shift; $s->{save_as_template}
= shift if @_; $s->{save_as_template} }
sub save_as_draft { my $s = shift; $s->{save_as_draft}
= shift if @_; $s->{save_as_draft} }
sub changed { my $s = shift; $s->{changed}
= shift if @_; $s->{changed} }
sub delete_mail_after_send { my $s = shift; $s->{delete_mail_after_send}
= shift if @_; $s->{delete_mail_after_send} }
sub add_header {
my $self = shift;
my ($name, $value) = @_;
push @{$self->{additional_headers}},
{ name => $name, value => $value };
sub build {
my $self = shift;
my $win = $self->gtk_win ( Gtk::Window->new );
my $vpane = new Gtk::VPaned();
$win->add ($vpane);
my $vbox_head = Gtk::VBox->new (0, 5);
my $vbox_body = Gtk::VBox->new (0, 5);
$vpane->add1 ($vbox_head);
$vpane->add2 ($vbox_body);
$vpane->set_handle_size( 10 );
$vpane->set_gutter_size( 15 );
my $menubar = $self->create_menubar;
my $toolbar = $self->create_toolbar;
my $notebook = $self->create_notebook;
my $subject = $self->create_subject;
my $body = $self->create_body;
$vbox_head->pack_start ($menubar, 0, 1, 0);
$vbox_head->pack_start ($toolbar, 0, 1, 0);
$vbox_head->pack_start ($notebook, 1, 1, 0);
$vbox_body->pack_start ($subject, 0, 1, 0);
$vbox_body->pack_start ($body, 1, 1, 0);
$win->set_position ("center");
$win->set_title ("Compose a message");
$win->set_default_size (600, 700);
$win->signal_connect ("delete-event", sub { $self->close_window } );
sub create_toolbar {
my $self = shift; $self->trace_in;
my $toolbar = Gtk::Toolbar->new ( 'horizontal', 'text' );
$toolbar->set_space_size( 3 );
$toolbar->set_space_style( 'empty' );
$toolbar->set_button_relief( 'none' );
$toolbar->border_width( 0 );
my $label = $self->save_as_template ?
'Save As Template' : 'Send Message';
my $tooltip = $self->save_as_template ?
'Save as template' : 'Send message';
my $send_button = $toolbar->append_item (
$label, $tooltip, undef, undef
$send_button->signal_connect ("clicked", sub { $self->cb_send_button } );
$self->gtk_toolbar ($toolbar);
return $toolbar;
sub create_menubar {
my $self = shift;
my @menu_items = (
{ path => '/_File',
type => '<Branch>' },
{ path => '/File/Send Message',
callback => sub { $self->cb_send_button }, },
{ path => '/File/Cancel Message',
callback => sub { $self->close_window }, },
{ path => '/_Edit',
type => '<Branch>' },
{ path => '/Edit/Cu_t',
accelerator => '<control>X',
callback => sub { $self->gtk_text->signal_emit_by_name( 'cut-clipboard' ) } },
{ path => '/Edit/_Copy',
accelerator => '<control>C',
callback => sub { $self->gtk_text->signal_emit_by_name( 'copy-clipboard' ) } },
{ path => '/Edit/_Paste',
accelerator => '<control>V',
callback => sub { $self->gtk_text->signal_emit_by_name( 'paste-clipboard' ) } },
{ path => '/Edit/sep1',
type => '<Separator>' },
{ path => '/Edit/Delete _Quoted text beneath cursor',
accelerator => '<control>Q',
callback => sub { $self->remove_quoted_text }, }
my $accel_group = Gtk::AccelGroup->new;
my $item_factory = Gtk::ItemFactory->new (
$item_factory->create_items ( @menu_items );
$self->gtk_win->add_accel_group ( $accel_group );
my $menubar = $self->gtk_menubar ( $item_factory->get_widget( '<main>' ) );
return $menubar;
sub create_notebook {
my $self = shift; $self->trace_in;
my $to_sw = new Gtk::ScrolledWindow(undef, undef);
$to_sw->set_policy('never', 'automatic');
my $to_vbox = Gtk::VBox->new (0,0);
$to_sw->add_with_viewport ($to_vbox);
$self->gtk_to_vbox ( $to_vbox);
$self->gtk_to_entries ([]);
$self->gtk_to_options ([]);
$self->to_header_choices ([]);
my $notebook = Gtk::Notebook->new;
$notebook->set_tab_pos ('left');
$notebook->set_usize (undef, 100);
my $to_label = Gtk::Label->new("To");
$notebook->append_page ($to_sw, $to_label);
my $attach = $self->create_attachments;
my $attach_label = Gtk::Label->new ("Attach");
$notebook->append_page ($attach, $attach_label);
$self->gtk_to_sw ($to_sw);
return $notebook;
sub create_attachments {
my $self = shift;
my $vbox = Gtk::VBox->new (0,0);
my $sw = Gtk::ScrolledWindow->new;
$sw->set_policy('never', 'automatic');
$vbox->pack_start ($sw, 1, 1, 0);
my $list = Gtk::List->new;
$list->selection_mode ("browse");
my $hbox = Gtk::HBox->new (0, 5);
$vbox->pack_start($hbox, 0, 1, 0);
my $add_button = Gtk::Button->new (" Add Attachment ");
$hbox->pack_start($add_button, 0, 1, 0);
$add_button->signal_connect("clicked", sub { $self->cb_add_button (@_) });
my $del_button = Gtk::Button->new (" Delete Attachment ");
$hbox->pack_start($del_button, 0, 1, 0);
$del_button->signal_connect("clicked", sub { $self->cb_del_button (@_) });
$self->gtk_attachment_list ( $list );
return $vbox;
sub add_recipient_widget {
my $self = shift;
my $to_hbox = Gtk::HBox->new (0,0);
my $to_options_menu = Gtk::Menu->new;
my $i = @{$self->to_header_choices};
foreach my $header ( "To", "CC", "BCC", "Reply-To" ) {
my $item = Gtk::MenuItem->new ($header);
$item->signal_connect ("select", \&cb_set_header_choice, $self, $i, $header );
$to_options_menu->append ($item);
my $to_options = Gtk::OptionMenu->new;
$to_hbox->pack_start($to_options, 0, 1, 0);
my $to_entry = Gtk::Entry->new;
my $nr = scalar(@{$self->gtk_to_entries});
$to_entry->signal_connect_after("key_press_event", sub { $self->cb_to_entry_key_press (@_, $nr) });
$to_entry->signal_connect ("changed", sub { $self->changed(1) } );
$to_hbox->pack_start($to_entry, 1, 1, 0);
$self->gtk_to_vbox->pack_start($to_hbox, 0, 1, 0);
push @{$self->gtk_to_entries}, $to_entry;
push @{$self->gtk_to_options}, $to_options;
if ( @{$self->to_header_choices} ) {
my $last_choice = $self->to_header_choices->[@{$self->to_header_choices}-1];
print STDERR "last_choice=$last_choice\n";
if ( $last_choice eq 'CC' ) {
push @{$self->to_header_choices}, "CC";
$to_options->set_history (1);
} elsif ( $last_choice eq 'BCC' ) {
push @{$self->to_header_choices}, "BCC";
$to_options->set_history (2);
} else {
push @{$self->to_header_choices}, "To";
} else {
push @{$self->to_header_choices}, "To";
return $to_entry;
sub cb_set_header_choice {
my ($widget, $self, $i, $header) = @_;
$self->to_header_choices->[$i] = $header;
sub cb_to_entry_key_press {
my $self = shift;
my ($widget, $event, $nr) = @_;
if ( $event->{keyval} == $Gtk::Keysyms{Tab} or
$event->{keyval} == $Gtk::Keysyms{Return} ) {
my $text = $widget->get_text;
$text =~ s/^\s+//;
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
if ( $text !~ /\@/ and $text ne '' ) {
my $address = JaM::Address->lookup (
dbh => $self->dbh,
string => $text
if ( $address ) {
my $name = $address->name;
$text = $address->email;
if ( $name ) {
$text = "$name <$text>";
if ( $text !~ /\@/ and $text ne '' and
$self->config('default_recipient_domain') ) {
$text .= '@'.$self->config('default_recipient_domain');
if ( $event->{keyval} == $Gtk::Keysyms{Tab} ) {
} elsif ( $event->{keyval} == $Gtk::Keysyms{Return} ) {
if ( $nr+1 >= @{$self->gtk_to_entries} ) {
my $adj = $self->gtk_to_sw->get_vadjustment;
} else {
sub create_subject {
my $self = shift; $self->trace_in;
my $hbox = Gtk::HBox->new (0, 10);
my $label = Gtk::Label->new ("Subject:");
$hbox->pack_start ($label, 0, 1, 0);
my $subject = Gtk::Entry->new;
my $style = $subject->style->copy;
$style->font ($self->config('font_mail_compose'));
$subject->set_style ($style);
$subject->signal_connect_after("key_press_event", sub { $self->cb_subject_key_press (@_) });
$subject->signal_connect ("changed", sub { $self->changed(1) } );
$hbox->pack_start ($subject, 1, 1, 0);
return $hbox;
sub cb_subject_key_press {
my $self = shift;
my ($widget, $event) = @_;
if ( $event->{keyval} == $Gtk::Keysyms{Tab} or
$event->{keyval} == $Gtk::Keysyms{Return} ) {
return 1;
sub create_body {
my $self = shift; $self->trace_in;
# Create a table
my $table = new Gtk::Table( 2, 2, 0 );
$table->set_row_spacing( 0, 2 );
$table->set_col_spacing( 0, 2 );
# Create the Text widget
my $text = new Gtk::Text( undef, undef );
$text->set_editable( 1 );
$text->set_word_wrap ( 1 );
$table->attach( $text, 0, 1, 0, 1,
[ 'expand', 'shrink', 'fill' ],
[ 'expand', 'shrink', 'fill' ],
0, 0 );
my $style = $text->style->copy;
$style->font ($self->config('font_mail_compose'));
$text->set_style ($style);
$text->signal_connect ("key_press_event", sub { $self->cb_text_key_press (@_) });
$text->signal_connect ("changed", sub { $self->changed(1) } );
# Add a vertical scrollbar to the GtkText widget
my $vscrollbar = new Gtk::VScrollbar( $text->vadj );
$table->attach( $vscrollbar, 1, 2, 0, 1, 'fill',
[ 'expand', 'shrink', 'fill' ], 0, 0 );
$self->gtk_text ($text);
$self->add_signature if not $self->no_signature;
$text->set_point (0);
return $table;
sub cb_text_key_press {
my $self = shift;
my ($widget, $event) = @_;
my $keyval = $event->{keyval};
$self->debug ("press keyval=$keyval");
if ( $keyval == $Gtk::Keysyms{Return} ) {
# enter key should delete actual selection
sub remove_quoted_text {
my $self = shift;
my $widget = $self->gtk_text;
# this workaround is needed to make this method
# function when called from the menu. Obviously
# ->get_point does not return the correct value,
# so I use ->get_position (from Gtk::Editable).
# But the manipulation methods beyound need a
# correct ->set_point (from Gtk::Text), so I
# set this explicetely here.
my $index = $widget->get_position;
$widget->set_point ($index);
my $len = $widget->get_length;
my $text = $widget->get_chars (0, $len);
$text =~ s/(.{$index})//s;
my $line;
my $cnt;
while ( $text =~ /^(.*)$/mg ) {
$line = $1;
last if $line !~ m/^\s*>/ and $line !~ /^\s*$/;
$cnt += length($line)+1;
$widget->insert (undef, undef, undef, "\n");
sub add_signature {
my $self = shift;
my $file = "$ENV{HOME}/.signature";
return if not -r $file;
my $text = $self->gtk_text;
$text->insert (undef, undef, undef, "\n-- \n");
open (IN, $file) or warn ("can't read signature file $file");
while (<IN>) {
$text->insert ( undef, undef, undef, $_ );
close IN;
sub cb_send_button {
my $self = shift;
my $to_entries = $self->gtk_to_entries;
my $to_headers = $self->to_header_choices;
my (%header, $field, $value, $i);
my @to;
foreach my $entry ( @{$to_entries} ) {
$value = $entry->get_text;
$field = $to_headers->[$i++];
next if $field eq 'Reply-To';
if ( $value ) {
push @to, $value;
if ( $field ne 'BCC' ) {
push @{$header{$field}}, $self->encode_word($value)
if ( not @to ) {
$self->message_window (
message => "Please specify a recipient."
return 1;
my $account = JaM::Account->load_default ( dbh => $self->dbh )
or return;
my $from = $account->from_name." <".$account->from_adress.">";
my $subject = $self->gtk_subject->get_text;
my $gtk_text = $self->gtk_text;
my $len = $gtk_text->get_length;
my $text = $gtk_text->get_chars (0, $len);
$self->wrap_mail_text ( text_sref => \$text, length => 72 );
my $x_mailer =
$self->config('x_mailer')." v".
foreach my $add_head ( @{$self->additional_headers} ) {
$header{"$add_head->{name}:"} = $add_head->{value};
my $mail = MIME::Entity->build (
From => $self->encode_word($from),
Subject => $self->encode_word($subject),
Date => $self->get_rfc822_date,
Data => [ $text ],
Charset => 'iso-8859-1',
Encoding => '8bit',
'X-Mailer' => $x_mailer,
$self->add_attachments_to_mail (
mail => $mail,
if ( not $self->save_as_draft and not $self->save_as_template ) {
my $smtp;
eval {
$smtp = Net::SMTP->new(
Hello => $self->config('smtp_hello'),
Timeout => 60,
Debug => 0,
die "Helo" if not $smtp;
die "From" if not $smtp->mail($from);
die "To" if not $smtp->to(@to);
die "Data" if not $smtp->data();
$self->debug("now mail->as_string");
die "Body" if not $smtp->datasend($mail->as_string);
$self->debug("finished mail->as_string");
die "Dataend" if not $smtp->dataend();
if ( $@ ) {
my $command = $@;
print $command;
$command =~ s/ at .*\n//;
$self->message_window (
message => "SMTP error when transmitting command '$command'"
return 1;
my $dropper = JaM::Drop->new (
dbh => $self->dbh,
type => 'output',
my ($mail_id, $folder_id);
if ( not $self->save_as_draft and not $self->save_as_template ) {
($mail_id, $folder_id) = $dropper->drop_mail (
entity => $mail,
status => 'R',
} else {
$folder_id = $self->config('drafts_folder_id')
if $self->save_as_draft;
$folder_id = $self->config('templates_folder_id')
if $self->save_as_template;
($mail_id) = $dropper->drop_mail (
entity => $mail,
status => ($self->save_as_draft ? 'N' : 'R'),
folder_id => $folder_id
my $subjects = $self->comp('subjects');
my $folders = $self->comp('folders');
my $selected_folder_object = $folders->selected_folder_object;
$subjects->prepend_new_mail ( mail_id => $mail_id )
if $selected_folder_object and
$folder_id == $selected_folder_object->id;
$folders->update_folder_item (
folder_object => JaM::Folder->by_id($folder_id)
my $delete_mail;
if ( $delete_mail = $self->delete_mail_after_send ) {
my $subjects = $self->comp('subjects');
my $delete_mail_id = $delete_mail->mail_id;
# is this mail in the currently selected folder?
# (then we need to update the GUI)
my $folder_id = $delete_mail->folder_id;
if ( $folder_id == $subjects->folder_object->folder_id ) {
# find row in subjects
my $row = 0;
foreach my $mail_id ( @{$subjects->mail_ids} ) {
last if $mail_id == $delete_mail_id;
$subjects->remove_rows (
rows => [ $row ],
$self->comp('folders')->update_folder_item (
folder_object => JaM::Folder->by_id($folder_id)
return 1;
sub encode_word {
my $self = shift;
my ($word) = @_;
my $encode_it;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < length($word); ++$i ) {
if ( ord(substr($word,$i,1)) > 127 ) {
if ( $encode_it ) {
return MIME::Words::encode_mimeword($word);
} else {
return $word;
sub get_rfc822_date {
my $self = shift;
my ($oldlocale, $date);
my $now = time();
# save the old locale
$oldlocale = POSIX::setlocale (LC_TIME);
# set the locale to RFC822's
POSIX::setlocale (LC_TIME, "en");
# generate the local time string
$date = POSIX::strftime ("%a, %e %b %Y %T %z", localtime($now));
# revert the locale
POSIX::setlocale (LC_TIME, $oldlocale);
return $date;
sub close {
my $self = shift;
sub insert_reply_message {
my $self = shift;
my %par = @_;
my ($mail, $reply_all) = @par{'mail','reply_all'};
my $mail_comp = $self->comp('mail');
my $mail_as_text = JaM::GUI::MailAsText->new;
my $from = $mail->head_get_decoded('from');
$from =~ s/<.*?>//;
$from =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$from =~ s/\s$//;
if ( $from eq "" ) {
$from = $mail->head_get_decoded('from');
$from =~ s/<//;
$from =~ s/>//;
$mail_as_text->write ("$from wrote:\n\n");
$mail_as_text->write ("> ");
if ( $mail->body ) {
$mail_comp->put_mail_text (
widget => $mail_as_text,
data => $mail->body->as_string
$mail_comp->print_child_entities (
first_time => 1,
widget => $mail_as_text,
entity => $mail
my $text = $self->gtk_text;
my $charset = $mail->head->mime_attr('content-type.charset');
if ( $charset =~ /^utf-?8$/i ) {
$self->message_window (
message => "Warning:\n\n".
"Reply message was converted from\n".
"UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1.",
require Unicode::String;
my $content = Unicode::String::utf8($mail_as_text->text);
$text->insert (undef, undef, undef, $content->latin1);
} else {
$text->insert (undef, undef, undef, $mail_as_text->text);
my $subject = $mail->joined_head('subject');
$subject = "Re: $subject" if $subject !~ /^(Re|Aw):/i;
$self->gtk_subject->set_text ($subject);
my @to_header;
@to_header = ("from") if not $mail->head_get("reply-to") or $reply_all;
push @to_header, "reply-to" if $mail->head_get("reply-to");
if ( $reply_all ) {
push @to_header, qw ( to cc );
my $gtk_to_entries = $self->gtk_to_entries;
my $gtk_to_options = $self->gtk_to_options;
my $to_header_choices = $self->to_header_choices;
my @values;
my $value;
my $no_reply_regex =
join ("|", map (quotemeta($_), @{$self->config('no_reply_addresses')})).
my %to;
foreach my $field ( @to_header ) {
@values = $mail->head_get ($field);
foreach $value ( @values ) {
$value = $mail->word_decode ($value);
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
my @addresses = Mail::Address->parse ($value);
foreach my $adr ( @addresses ) {
$value = $adr->address;
next if $no_reply_regex ne "()" and $value =~ /$no_reply_regex/;
next if $to{$value};
$self->add_recipient (
field => ($field eq 'from' or $field eq 'reply-to') ? 'To' : 'CC',
address => $value
$to{$value} = 1;
my $msgid;
if ( $msgid = $mail->head_get('message-id') ) {
$self->add_header (
"in-reply-to", $msgid
sub add_recipient {
my $self = shift;
my %par = @_;
my ($field, $address) = @par{'field','address'};
my $gtk_to_entries = $self->gtk_to_entries;
my $gtk_to_options = $self->gtk_to_options;
my $to_header_choices = $self->to_header_choices;
$gtk_to_entries->[@{$gtk_to_entries}-1]->set_text ($address);
($field eq 'To') ? 0 : 1
$to_header_choices->[@{$gtk_to_entries}-1] = $field;
sub cb_add_button {
my $self = shift; $self->trace_in;
my $dir = $self->session_parameters->{'attachment_source_dir'};
$dir ||= $self->config ('attachment_source_dir');
$self->show_file_dialog (
title => "Select attachment file...",
dir => $dir,
filename => "",
confirm => 0,
cb => sub { $self->add_attachment ( filename => $_[0] ); $self->changed(1) }
sub add_attachment {
my $self = shift;
my %par = @_;
my ($filename, $mail, $copy_attachments) =
confess ("no parameter set")
if not $filename and not $mail and not $copy_attachments;
$self->session_parameters->{'attachment_source_dir'} = dirname $filename
if $filename;
my $attachments = $self->attachments;
my ($name, $item);
if ( $filename ) {
$name = basename($filename);
push @{$attachments}, {
filename => $filename,
name => $name
$item = Gtk::ListItem->new ($name);
} elsif ( $mail) {
$name = "[Fwd: ".$mail->subject."]";
push @{$attachments}, {
mail => $mail,
name => $name
$item = Gtk::ListItem->new ($name);
} elsif ( $copy_attachments ) {
my $first = 1;
foreach my $part ( @{$copy_attachments->parts} ) {
if ( $first ) {
$first = 0;
$name = $part->filename;
push @{$attachments}, {
part => $part,
name => $name
$item = Gtk::ListItem->new ($name);
sub add_attachments_to_mail {
my $self = shift; $self->trace_in;
my %par = @_;
my ($mail) = @par{'mail'};
my $attachments = $self->attachments;
foreach my $att ( @{$attachments} ) {
if ( $att->{filename} ) {
my $filename = $att->{filename};
my ($mime_type, $encoding) =
if ( not $mime_type ) {
$mime_type = "application/octet-stream";
$encoding ="base64";
$mail->attach (
Path => $filename,
Type => $mime_type,
Encoding => $encoding
} elsif ( $att->{part} ) {
my $filename = $att->{part}->filename;
my ($mime_type, $encoding) =
my $part = $mail->attach (
Data => $att->{part}->body->as_string,
Type => $mime_type,
Encoding => $encoding,
Filename => $filename
} else {
$mail->attach (
Data => $att->{mail}->entity->as_string,
Type => "message/rfc822",
sub forwarded_message {
my $self = shift; $self->trace_in;
my %par = @_;
my ($mail) = @par{'mail'};
my $subject = $mail->subject;
$subject = "[Fwd: $subject]";
$self->gtk_subject->set_text ($subject);
sub cb_del_button {
my $self = shift; $self->trace_in;
my $list = $self->gtk_attachment_list;
my $item = $list->selection;
return 1 if not $item;
my $index = $list->child_position ($item);
$list->remove_items ($item);
my $attachments = $self->attachments;
splice @{$attachments}, $index, 1;
sub wrap_mail_text {
my $self = shift;
my %par = @_;
my ($text_sref, $length) = @par{'text_sref','length'};
my $new_text = "";
my $line;
my $DEBUG = 0;
LINE: while ( $$text_sref =~ m/^(.*)$/mg ) {
$DEBUG && print "read a new line\n";
$line = $1;
chomp $line;
$DEBUG && print "line='$line'\n";
if ( $line =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
# empty line
$new_text .= "\n";
if ( $line =~ /^(\s+|\s*>)/ ) {
# we dont wrap indented or quoted lines
# (which distinguishes this from Text::Wrap)
$new_text .= $line."\n";
# now wrap new_line
while ( 1 ) {
if ( length($line) > $length ) {
$DEBUG && print "new_line too long\n";
my ($left, $right) = ( $line =~ m/^(.{0,$length})(.*)/ );
$DEBUG && print "left='$left'\n";
$DEBUG && print "right='$right'\n";
# did we cut a word?
if ( $left =~ m/[^\s]$/ and $right =~ m/^[^\s]/ ) {
$DEBUG && print "we cut a word\n";
$left =~ s/([^\s]+)$//;
if ( $left eq '' ) {
$DEBUG && print "line too long\n";
$new_text .= "$line\n";
next LINE;
$DEBUG && print "word start from left: $1\n";
$line = "$1$right";
$new_text .= "$left\n";
} else {
$DEBUG && print "we NOT cut a word\n";
$left =~ s/\s+$//;
$new_text .= "$left\n";
$right =~ s/^\s+//;
$line = $right;
} else {
$DEBUG && print "add to new_text: '$line'\n";
$new_text .= "$line\n";
$$text_sref = $new_text;
sub close_window {
my $self = shift;
if ( not $self->changed ) {
return 1;
$self->confirm_window (
message => "Do you want to save the unsent message in the Drafts folder?",
position => 'center',
yes_label => "Yes",
no_label => "No",
yes_callback => sub {
no_callback => sub {
sub insert_template_message {
my $self = shift;
my %par = @_;
my ($mail) = @par{'mail'};
my %history = ( "To" => 0, "CC" => 1, "Reply-To" => 3);
my $gtk_to_entries = $self->gtk_to_entries;
my $gtk_to_options = $self->gtk_to_options;
my $to_header_choices = $self->to_header_choices;
my $mail_comp = $self->comp('mail');
my ($value, @values);
foreach my $field ( "Reply-To", "To", "CC", ) {
@values = $mail->head_get ($field);
foreach $value ( @values ) {
$value = $mail->word_decode ($value);
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
my @addresses = Mail::Address->parse ($value);
foreach my $adr ( @addresses ) {
$value = $adr->address;
$gtk_to_entries->[@{$gtk_to_entries}-1]->set_text ($value);
$to_header_choices->[@{$gtk_to_entries}-1] = $field;
if ( $mail->body ) {
my $text = $self->gtk_text;
$text->insert (undef, undef, undef, $mail->body->as_string);
} elsif ( $mail->parts ) {
my $text = $self->gtk_text;
$text->insert (undef, undef, undef, $mail->parts->[0]->body->as_string);
my $subject = $mail->joined_head('subject');
$self->gtk_subject->set_text ($subject);
$self->add_attachment (
copy_attachments => $mail