use strict;
use Carp;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(DBIx::ORM::Declarative::Table);
# For compatibility with old-style join syntax
sub _join_clause { ''; }
# this is a join
sub _isjoin { 1; }
# Create a row in a multi-table join, observing column constraints
sub create
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $handle = $self->handle;
carp "can't create without a database handle" and return unless $handle;
# Get table information
my $primary = $self->_primary;
my @table_info = $self->_join_info;
# Check the primary table first
my $tab_obj = $self->table($primary);
my ($flag) = $self->__check_constraints($tab_obj, %params);
return unless $flag;
my %primary_map = $tab_obj->_column_map;
# Assemble the data
my @row_data;
# Do each other table in turn
my @backout_cmds;
for my $tab (@table_info)
# Get a table object
my $table = $tab->{table};
$tab_obj = $self->table($table);
my $tab_name = $tab_obj->_sql_name;
# Copy the primary table parameters to where they map on the secondary
my %p = %params;
$p{$tab->{columns}{$_}} = delete $p{$_}
foreach grep { exists $p{$_} } keys %{$tab->{columns}};
# Override with any long-named parameters
for my $col (grep { $_->{table} eq $table } $self->_columns)
# Construct the name, skip this entry if the name is already
# constructed
my $nm = $col->{name};
my $tab_alias = $col->{table_alias};
next if length($nm)>length($tab_alias)
and $tab_alias eq substr($nm, length($tab_alias));
my $augmented_name = $tab_alias . '_' . $nm;
$p{$nm} = $params{$augmented_name}
if exists $params{$augmented_name};
my ($flag, $keys, $values, $npk, @binds)
= $self->__check_constraints($tab_obj, %p);
if(not $flag)
# We have a constraint violation
# Might as well conditionally create the row
my $sql = "INSERT INTO $tab_name ($keys) SELECT $values FROM DUAL";
my %map = $tab_obj->_column_map;
# Check for a defined primary key
my @pk = $tab_obj->_primary_key;
my @conditions;
if(@pk and not $npk)
my @wk;
for my $k (@pk)
if(exists $p{$k})
push @wk, $map{$k} . '=?';
push @binds, $p{$k};
# We have part or all of the primary key
push @conditions, join(' AND ', @wk);
# Check for other unique keys
my @uniques = $tab_obj->_unique_keys;
shift @uniques if @pk;
for my $un (@uniques)
my @wk;
for my $k (@$un)
if(exists $p{$k})
push @wk, $map{$k} . '=?';
push @binds, $p{$k};
push @wk, $map{$k} . ' IS NULL';
# save it if we've got it
push @conditions, join(' AND ', @wk) if @wk;
# Add the conditional part
$sql .= " WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM $tab_name WHERE "
. join(' OR ', map { "($_)" } @conditions)
. ')';
# We have the command - now create the row
unshift @binds, undef if @binds; # Deal with DBI bone-headedness
my $dbres = $handle->do($sql, @binds);
if(not $dbres)
carp "Database error: " . $handle->errstr;
# Get the primary key, if we have one
# Set the data return to a string so we know if we never tried
# to get any data from the database.
my $data = 'never called';
# See if we actually created a row
if($dbres != 0)
my $np = $tab_obj->_select_null_primary;
$data = $handle->selectall_arrayref($np);
# See if we can find the conflicting row
# Use the first non-primary unique key we have, or
# everything if we don't have one.
my ($ign, $un) = $tab_obj->_unique_keys;
my @cols;
@cols = @$un;
@cols = grep { exists $p{$_} }
map { $_->{name} }
@binds = ();
# Generate the SQL
$sql = 'SELECT ' . join(',', map { $map{$_} } @pk)
. " FROM $tab_name WHERE ";
my @wk;
push @wk, $map{$_} . (defined $p{$_}?'=?':' IS NULL')
foreach @cols;
push @binds, $p{$_} foreach grep { defined $p{$_} } @cols;
$sql .= join(' AND ', @wk);
unshift @binds, undef if @binds;
$data = $handle->selectall_arrayref($sql, @binds);
# check for errors
if(not $data)
carp "Database error: " . $handle->errstr;
if(ref $data and not defined $data->[0][0])
carp "Database error: can't find primary key";
# Save the primary key data
@p{@pk} = @{$data->[0]} if ref $data;
# We're gonna have problems if we don't have anything in %p by now...
if(not %p)
carp "Database error: no search parameters";
# Find the row for this join
# First - create the "WHERE" clause
# Note that we're literalizing the values so we can reuse this later
my @cols = map { $_->{name} } $tab_obj->_columns;
my @wk = map { $map{$_}
. ((defined $p{$_})?('=' . $handle->quote($p{$_})):(' IS NULL')) }
grep { exists $p{$_} } @cols;
my $table_name = $tab_obj->_sql_name;
my $wclause = " FROM $table_name WHERE " . join(' AND ', @wk);
# Create the SQL
$sql = 'SELECT ' . join(',', map { $map{$_} } @cols) . $wclause;
# Get the data
my $data = $handle->selectall_arrayref($sql);
# blow up if we can't find it
if(not $data or not $data->[0])
carp $self->E_NOROWSOUND if $data;
carp 'Database error: ', $handle->errstr unless $data;
# Blow up if there's too much of a good thing
if(@$data > 1)
carp $self->E_TOOMANYROWS;
# Copy stuff back to the %p hash
@p{@cols} = @{$data->[0]};
# Rename it back to what's expected by the primary table
$p{$_} = delete $p{$tab->{columns}{$_}}
foreach grep { exists $p{$tab->{columns}{$_}} }
keys %{$tab->{columns}};
# Copy it back to the %params hash
$params{$_} = $p{$_} foreach grep { exists $p{$_} }
keys %{$tab->{columns}};
# Save it to the results object
push @row_data, @{$data->[0]};
# Save undo instructions
push @backout_cmds, "DELETE $wclause";
# Now that we have the secondary rows, create the main one
my ($keys, $values, $npk, @binds);
$tab_obj = $self->table($primary);
($flag, $keys, $values, $npk, @binds) =
$self->__check_constraints($tab_obj, %params);
$self->__do_rollback(@backout_cmds) and return unless $flag;
# Prepare & execute the statement
my $table_name = $tab_obj->_sql_name;
my $sql = "INSERT INTO $table_name ($keys) VALUES ($values)";
unshift @binds, undef if @binds;
my $dbres = $handle->do($sql, @binds);
# Get any null primary key info
my @pk = $tab_obj->_primary_key;
my $np = $tab_obj->_select_null_primary;
if(@pk and $np)
my $data = $handle->selectall_arrayref($np);
if(not $data or not defined $data->[0][0])
carp $self->E_NOROWSFOUND if $data;
carp "Database error: " . $handle->errstr unless $data;
# Save the primary key data
@params{@pk} = @{$data->[0]};
# Finally, look for what we just inserted
my @search_params =
map {($_, (defined $params{$_}?(eq => $params{$_}):('isnull')))}
grep { exists $params{$_} }
map { $_->{name} }
my @res = $self->search(\@search_params);
if(not @res)
# Now we're in somewhat murky water: we have too many matching
# rows. We can't delete what we've inserted, because we may
# nuke too many rows. We can't delete the secondary table rows
# because that may screw up referential integrity. So, just call
# rollback on the handle, and if the database is transactional, let
# it handle the fallout. Otherwise, there's not a whole lot we can
# do...
carp $self->E_TOOMANYROWS;
# Turn off warnings and commit
local ($SIG{__WARN__}) = $self->w__noop;
return $res[0];
sub no_can_do
my ($self, $method) = @_;
carp "Can't $method via a join - use the individual tables for that";
sub delete { $_[0]->no_can_do('delete'); }
sub bulk_create { $_[0]->no_can_do('bulk_create'); }
sub create_only { $_[0]->no_can_do('create_only'); }