use strict;
use Carp;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(DBIx::ORM::Declarative);
# Check a create action against constraints, return a data structure suitable
# for use in constructing the required INSERT statement
sub __check_constraints
my ($self, $tab_obj, %params) = @_;
carp "This method requires an object" and return unless ref $tab_obj;
my %rv = ();
# Create a map of constraints by name
my %cons = map { @{$_}{qw(name constraint)} } $tab_obj->_columns;
# Primary keys
my @pk = $tab_obj->_primary_key;
my @keys = ();
my @vals = ();
my @binds = ();
my $npk = 0;
for my $k (@pk)
my $v = delete $params{$k};
if(defined $v)
if(not $self->apply_method($cons{$k}, 0, $v))
carp "column $k constraint failed";
push @binds, $v;
push @vals, '?';
push @keys, $k;
$npk = 1;
my $fnp = $tab_obj->_for_null_primary;
push @vals, $fnp;
push @keys, $k;
# Non-primary keys
for my $k (map { $_->{name} } $tab_obj->_columns)
next if grep { $_ eq $k } @pk;
my $v = $params{$k};
if(not $self->apply_method($cons{$k}, 0, $v))
carp "column $k constraint failed";
# We only need to save the key if it was presented in the parameters
if(exists $params{$k})
push @keys, $k;
if(defined $v)
push @binds, $v;
push @vals, '?';
push @vals, 'NULL';
# Generate the columns list
my %n2s = $tab_obj->_column_map;
my $kstr = '' . join(',', map { $n2s{$_} } @keys);
# The values string
my $vstr = '' . join(',', @vals);
# We return a 1 first, because it's conceivable that everything else
# is empty
return (1, $kstr, $vstr, $npk, @binds);
# Make a SQL-safe alias from a table's name or alias
sub __make_sql_safe
my ($self, $str) = @_;
$str =~ s/\W/_/g;
if($str =~ /^[^a-zA-Z_]/)
$str = "_$str";
# Create an alias for a table
sub alias
my ($self, @args) = @_;
return $self->table(@args);
my $alias;
eval { $alias = $self->_alias; };
return $alias;
# Create/install a new alias
my ($alias, $table) = @args;
my $schema_class = ref $self || $self;
my $alias_class = $schema_class . "::$alias";
my $table_class = $schema_class . "::$table";
# Set it up
no strict 'refs';
if(not @{$alias_class . '::ISA'})
@{$alias_class . '::ISA'} = ($table_class);
*{$alias_class . '::_class'} = sub { $alias_class; };
*{$alias_class . '::_table'} = sub { $alias; };
*{$alias_class . '::_alias'} = sub { $table; };
my $cons = *{$alias_class} = sub
my ($self) = @_;
my $rv = $self->new;
bless $rv, $alias_class unless $rv->isa($alias_class);
return $rv;
} ;
# Make sure row objects promote to alias objects, NOT table objects
my $row_class = $alias_class . '::Rows';
@{$row_class . '::ISA'} = ($self->ROW_CLASS, $alias_class);
*{$alias_class . '::_row_class'} = sub { $row_class; };
# Install into the table methods hash
$self->table_method($alias, $cons);
# Get the current table name, or switch to a new table, or create a new
# table class
sub table
my ($self, @args) = @_;
my $table = shift @args;
return $self unless $table;
my $meth = $self->table_method($table);
return unless $meth;
return $meth->($self);
my $table;
eval { $table = $self->_table; };
return $table;
# Get the table's name
my %args = @args;
my $table = delete $args{table};
carp "missing table argument" and return unless $table;
my $name = delete $args{alias} || $table;
# Column definitions
my $primary = delete $args{primary};
my $unique = delete $args{unique};
my $columns = delete $args{columns};
carp "missing column definitions" and return unless
$primary or $unique or $columns;
# Other miscellany
my $onpnull = delete $args{for_null_primary};
my $selonpnull = delete $args{select_null_primary};
my $join = delete $args{join_clause};
my $group_by = delete $args{group_by};
# class and schema names
my $super = $self->_schema_class;
my $table_class = $super . "::$name";
my $row_class = $table_class . "::Rows";
my $schema = $self->_schema;
# Set up the class heirarchy
no strict 'refs';
@{$table_class . '::ISA'} = ($super, $self->TABLE_CLASS);
@{$row_class . '::ISA'} = ($self->ROW_CLASS, $table_class);
# Information methods
*{$table_class . '::_class'} = sub { $table_class; };
*{$table_class . '::_row_class'} = sub { $row_class; };
*{$table_class . '::_table'} = sub { $name; };
*{$table_class . '::_sql_name'} = sub { $table; };
*{$table_class . '::_for_null_primary'} = sub { $onpnull; };
*{$table_class . '::_select_null_primary'} = sub { $selonpnull; };
*{$table_class . '::_join_clause'} = sub { $join; };
# handle GROUP BY
my @p = @$group_by;
*{$table_class . '::_group_by' } = sub { @p; };
*{$table_class . '::_group_by' } = sub { };
# The table object constructor
my $cons = sub
my ($self) = @_;
my $rv = $self->new;
bless $rv, $table_class unless $rv->isa($table_class);
return $rv;
} ;
*{$table_class} = $cons;
$self->table_method($name, $cons);
# Handle column information
my %seen_keys;
my @newcolumns;
my @p;
# The primary keys
@p = @$primary if $primary;
*{$table_class . '::_primary_key'} = sub { @p; };
# Just in case the primary keys aren't formally defined elsewhere...
$seen_keys{$_} =
{ sql_name => $_, name => $_, constraint => 'isstring' } foreach @p;
my %pk = map {($_,1);} @p;
@newcolumns = @p;
# Process unique keys
my @uniqs;
push @uniqs, [@p] if @p;
# This is not strictly needed, since the loop will autovivify
# $unique to contain an empty array ref if it's undefined at this
# point. The loop provides the lvalue context to make this work.
$unique ||= [ ];
for my $un (@$unique)
# Check to see if they've duplicated the primary key
my %kv = map {($_,1)} @$un;
delete @kv{@p};
next if not %kv and scalar(@p) == scalar(@$un);
# Create a copy so they can't change things out from under us
push @uniqs, [ @$un ];
# Add the keys to the %seen_keys hash
for my $k (@$un)
next if $seen_keys{$k};
$seen_keys{$k} = { sql_name => $k, name => $k,
constraint => 'isnullablestring' };
push @newcolumns, $k;
# Get the unique keys data
# For stability, this _should_ be a Readonly variable
# Unfortunately, Readonly is really slow on older Perls
*{$table_class . '::_unique_keys' } = sub { @uniqs; };
# The rest of the column definitions
my @coldefs;
my %colmap;
for my $col (@$columns)
# Copy the column definition, hack-n-slash at will...
my %cdef = %$col;
# Column names
my $sql_name = delete $cdef{name};
my $name = delete $cdef{alias} || $sql_name;
$colmap{$name} = $sql_name;
delete $seen_keys{$sql_name};
# Handle constraints and type matching
my $constraint = delete $cdef{constraint};
my $match = delete $cdef{matches};
my $type = delete $cdef{type};
if (not $constraint)
# The default constraint is "match EVERYTHING"
$constraint = 'isnullablestring';
# If we have a regular expression, use it
$constraint = sub
my ($self, $value) = @_;
$value =~ /$match/;
# Or if we have a type, use that
# We check for every type except nullablestring,
# because we already set that as the default
if($type eq 'number') { $constraint = 'isnumber'; }
elsif($type eq 'string') { $constraint = 'isstring'; }
elsif($type eq 'nullablenumber')
$constraint = 'isnullablenumber';
# Save the column definition
push @coldefs,
sql_name => $sql_name,
name => $name,
constraint => $constraint,
column_name => $sql_name,
# Create the column method
*{$row_class . "::$name"} = $self->__create_column_accessor(
$sql_name, $pk{$sql_name});
# Add columns for missing primary/unique key components
for my $col (@newcolumns)
my $def = delete $seen_keys{$col};
next unless $def;
push @coldefs, $def;
$colmap{$col} = $col;
*{$row_class . "::$col"} = $self->__create_column_accessor(
$col, $pk{$col});
# Save the column and mapping information
*{$table_class . '::_columns' } = sub { @coldefs; } ;
*{$table_class . '::_column_map' } = sub { %colmap; } ;
my @sql_cols = sort values %colmap;
*{$table_class . '::_column_sql_names' } = sub { @sql_cols; };
return &{$table_class}($self);
# Create a new join, or return the name of this join object
sub join
my ($self, @args) = @_;
# Turn this into a join object, if requested
my $join = shift @args;
return $self unless $join;
my $meth = $self->join_method($join);
return unless $meth;
return $meth->($self);
my $join;
eval { $join = $self->_join; };
return $join;
# If we get to here, we're adding a new join declaration.
my %args = @args;
my $name = delete $args{name};
carp "duplicate table/join declaration" and return if $self->can($name);
# Class family names
my $super = $self->_schema_class;
my $join_class = $super . "::$name";
my $row_class = $join_class . '::Rows';
my $schema = $self->_schema;
my $ptab = delete $args{primary};
carp "missing join name" and return unless $name;
my $tables = delete $args{tables};
carp "missing table(s) to join" and return unless $ptab and $tables;
# Look for the table class(es) we need
my @req_tabs = ($ptab, map { $_->{table} } @$tables);
carp "missing required tables" and return
if grep { not $self->can($_); } @req_tabs;
# Create a primary table object
my $ptab_obj = $self->table($ptab);
carp "No such table '$ptab'" and return unless $ptab_obj;
# Info to create the join
my $ptab_name = $ptab_obj->_table;
my $ptab_alias = $self->__make_sql_safe($ptab_name);
# Primary table's columns
my @ptab_cols = map { $_->{name} } $ptab_obj->_columns;
# Will be turned into _sql_name
my @join_table_info = ($ptab_obj->_sql_name . " $ptab_alias");
# Will be turned into _columns
my @column_info =
sql_name => "$ptab_alias." . $_->{sql_name},
name => $_->{name},
constraint => $_->{constraint},
table => $ptab_name,
table_alias => $ptab_alias,
column_name => $_->{sql_name},
sql_name => "$ptab_alias." . $_->{sql_name},
name => $ptab_name . '_' . $_->{name},
constraint => $_->{constraint},
table => $ptab_name,
table_alias => $ptab_alias,
column_name => $_->{sql_name},
# Will be turned into _column_map
my %column_map =
map { @{$_}{qw(name sql_name)} } @column_info;
# The "where" clause info
my @wherefrags;
# The "group by" clause info
my @group_by = map { $column_map{$_} } $ptab_obj->_group_by;
# Primary table's primary keys
my %pkeys = map {($_ => 1, $ptab_name . "_$_" => 1)}
my @tables_seen;
# Need to clone table info so it doesn't get changed out from under us
my @tab_info;
for my $tab (@$tables)
my $tab_name = $tab->{table};
my $tab_obj = $self->table($tab_name);
# No sense doing all the work if the table doesn't exist...
carp "No such table '$tab_name'" and return unless $tab_obj;
my $info_ref = { table => $tab_name };
# Support secondary table joins
my @use_cols = @ptab_cols;
my $usetab_name = $ptab_name;
my $usetab_alias = $ptab_alias;
my $secondary = $tab->{on_secondary};
carp "Secondary table '$secondary' unknown" and return
unless grep { $secondary eq $_ } @tables_seen;
my $secondary_obj = $self->table($secondary);
carp "No such table '$secondary'" and return unless $secondary_obj;
$info_ref->{on_secondary} = $secondary;
@use_cols = map { $_->{name} } $secondary_obj->_columns;
$usetab_name = $secondary;
$usetab_alias = $self->__make_sql_safe($usetab_name);
push @tables_seen, $tab_name;
my $tab_alias = $self->__make_sql_safe($tab_obj->_table);
my %join_info = %{$tab->{columns}};
my @tab_cols = $tab_obj->_columns;
for my $k (keys %join_info)
carp "No such key '$k' on primary table '$usetab_name'" and return
unless grep { $k eq $_ } @use_cols;
carp "No such key '$k' on secondary table '$tab_name'" and return
unless grep { $join_info{$k} eq $_->{name} } @tab_cols;
$info_ref->{columns}{$k} = $join_info{$k};
# We set the join keys as primary so they don't get changed on us
$pkeys{$k} = $pkeys{$join_info{$k}} = 1;
# Save the "where" clause info
push @wherefrags, "$usetab_alias.$k = $tab_alias.$join_info{$k}";
# Save the copy
push @tab_info, $info_ref;
# Save table join information
push @join_table_info, $tab_obj->_sql_name . " $tab_alias";
# Save group by information
my %tab_group_by = map { ($_,1) } $tab_obj->_group_by;
# Housekeeping information
for my $col ($tab_obj->_columns)
my $column_ref = "$tab_alias." . $col->{sql_name};
# Save the column information
push @column_info,
sql_name => $column_ref,
name => $col->{name},
constraint => $col->{constraint},
table => $tab_name,
table_alias => $tab_alias,
column_name => $_->{sql_name},
sql_name => $column_ref,
name => $tab_name . '_' .$col->{name},
constraint => $col->{constraint},
table => $tab_name,
table_alias => $tab_alias,
column_name => $_->{sql_name},
# Save column mapping info
$column_map{$col->{name}} ||= $column_ref;
$column_map{$tab_name . '_' . $col->{name}} ||= $column_ref;
push @group_by, $column_ref if $tab_group_by{$col->{name}};
# Keep track of housekeeping information
$pkeys{$tab_name . "_$_"} = $pkeys{$_} = 1
foreach $tab_obj->_primary_key;
# We're constructing refs, so turn off strictness
no strict 'refs';
# Class heirarchy
@{$join_class . '::ISA'} = ($super, $self->JOIN_CLASS);
@{$row_class . '::ISA'} = ($self->JROW_CLASS, $join_class);
# Information methods
*{$join_class . '::_class'} = sub { $join_class; };
*{$join_class . '::_row_class'} = sub { $row_class; };
*{$join_class . '::_join'} = sub { $name; };
*{$join_class . '::_primary'} = sub { $ptab; };
# The stuff to make searching for joins work...
my $join_tabs = join(', ', @join_table_info);
*{$join_class . '::_sql_name'} = sub { $join_tabs; };
my $where_prefix = join(' AND ', @wherefrags);
*{$join_class . '::_where_prefix'} = sub { $where_prefix; };
*{$join_class . '::_columns'} = sub { @column_info; };
*{$join_class . '::_column_map'} = sub { %column_map; };
*{$join_class . '::_group_by'} = sub { @group_by; };
# We need to get the list of columns...
my %h = reverse %column_map;
my @sql_cols = sort keys %h;
*{$join_class . '::_column_sql_names' } = sub { @sql_cols; };
my $cons = sub
my ($self) = @_;
my $rv = $self->new;
bless $rv, $join_class unless $rv->isa($join_class);
return $rv;
} ;
*{$join_class} = $cons;
$self->join_method($name, $cons);
*{$join_class . '::_join_info'} = sub { @tab_info; };
# Create the accessors
*{$row_class . "::$_" } =
$self->__create_column_accessor($column_map{$_}, $pkeys{$_})
foreach keys %column_map;
# Return success
return &{$join_class}($self);
# Create a method to access column data
sub __create_column_accessor
my ($self, $name, $pk_flag) = @_;
# This is a primary key, so it's read-only
return sub
my $self = shift;
carp "$name is not a class method" and return unless ref $self;
carp "$name is part of the primary key" and return $self if @_;
return $self->{__data}{$name};
# If we get to here, it's not a primary key, so we can beat on it
return sub
my $self = shift;
carp "$name is not a class method" and return unless ref $self;
my $val = $self->{__data}{$name};
my $nval = $_[0];
# Changing undef to undef is not a change...
return $self if not defined $val and not defined $nval;
if(not defined $val or $nval ne $val)
delete $self->{__data}{$name};
$self->{__data}{$name} = $nval if defined $nval;
$self->{__dirty} = 1;
return $self;
return $val;