use strict;
use Carp;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(DBIx::ORM::Declarative::Row);
sub delete
carp "You must delete each component of a join individually";
# Create a collection of where clause to find this particular join object
sub __create_where
my ($self) = @_;
carp "not a class method" and return unless ref $self;
# Assemble the information, if we haven't already
if(not exists $self->{__whereinfo})
# We'll work on these tables...
for my $table ($self->_primary, map { $_->{table} } $self->_join_info)
my $tab_obj = $self->table($table);
# Get a list of keys to use
my ($un) = $tab_obj->_unique_keys;
$un ||= [ map { $_->{name} } $tab_obj->_columns ];
my %name2sql_map = $tab_obj->_column_map;
# Get the data and keys
my (@wclause, @binds);
for my $key (@$un)
my $sql_name = $name2sql_map{$key};
my $value = $self->{__data}{"$table.$sql_name"};
# Create the subclause
if(defined $value)
push @wclause, "$sql_name=?";
push @binds, $value;
push @wclause, "$sql_name IS NULL";
# Paste it all together
@{$self->{__whereinfo}{$table}} =
# The WHERE clause the data
(join(' AND ', @wclause), @binds);
return %{$self->{__whereinfo}};
sub commit
my ($self) = @_;
carp "commit: not a class method" and return unless ref $self;
return $self unless $self->{__dirty};
my $handle = $self->handle;
carp "Can't commit without a handle" and return unless $handle;
# Give it the business...
my %whereinfo = $self->__create_where;
for my $table (keys %whereinfo)
# Gather our data
my $tab_obj = $self->table($table);
my @cols= map { $_->{sql_name} } $tab_obj->_columns;
# Silly as it may be, a table with no columns is still "legal"
carp "encountered a table with no columns" and next unless @cols;
my ($wclause, @binds) = @{$whereinfo{$table}};
unshift @binds, @{$self->{__data}}{map { "$table.$_" } @cols};
# The SQL statement
my $table_name = $tab_obj->_sql_name;
my $sql = "UPDATE $table_name SET "
. join(',', map { "$_=?" } @cols) . " WHERE $wclause";
if(not $handle->do($sql, undef, @binds))
carp "Database error: ", $handle->errstr;
delete $self->{__dirty};
return $self;