use strict;
our @ISA=qw(AutoCode::Root);
sub _initialize {
my ($self, @args)=@_;
my ($schema, $package_prefix)=
$self->_rearrange([qw(SCHEMA PACKAGE_PREFIX)], @args);
defined $schema or $self->throw("NO Schema set");
$package_prefix ||= $schema->package_prefix;
$package_prefix ||= 'AutoCode';
*make_virtual_module = \&make_module;
sub make_module {
my ($self, $type, $isa) =@_;
## this is added due to AutoSQL::ModuleFactory
$isa='AutoCode::Root' unless defined $isa;
my $schema=$self->schema;
my $package_prefix=$self->package_prefix;
my $vp = $self->_get_virtual_package($type);
my $model = $schema->get_module_model($type);
# generate its parents modules if any.
my @isa=$model->get_isas($type);
no strict 'refs';
push @{"$vp\::ISA"}, $self->make_virtual_module($_);
# virtual package is with the consideration of schema name and type.
my $vp = $self->_get_virtual_package($type);
no strict 'refs';
push @{"$vp\::ISA"}, $isa unless @{"$vp\::ISA"};
# $self->_add_scalar_accessor(@scalar_accessors);
$self->debug("making $type in $vp");
# map {*{"$vp\::$_"} = \&{__PACKAGE__."::$_"}} @scalar_accessors;
map {$self->_add_scalar_accessor($_, $vp);} $model->get_scalar_attributes;
map {$self->_add_array_accessor([$_, $schema->get_plural($_)], $vp);}
return $vp;
sub _make_initialize {
my ($self, $type)=@_;
my $schema = $self->schema;
my $package_prefix=$self->package_prefix;
my $model = $self->schema->get_module_model($type);
my @scalar_attrs = $model->get_scalar_attributes;
my @array_attrs = $model->get_array_attributes;
my @array_attrs_plural= map {$schema->get_plural($_)} @array_attrs;
my $vp = $self->_get_virtual_package($type);
my $source = 'sub { my($dummy, @args)=@_;'."\n";
# The line below is for debug. It will run only when the made module is working
# $source .= "print 'I am in _init of '. ref(\$dummy) . '_____';";
# $source .= "\$dummy->SUPER::_initialize(\@args);\n";
if(@scalar_attrs || @array_attrs){
$source .= 'my ('. join ',', map{"\$$_"} @scalar_attrs;
$source .= ', '. join ',', map{"\$$_"} @array_attrs_plural;
$source .= ')='."\n".'$dummy->_rearrange([qw(';
$source .= join ' ', @scalar_attrs;
$source .= ' '. join ' ', @array_attrs_plural;
$source .= ')], @args);'."\n";
map {$source .=
"defined \$$_ and \$dummy->$_(\$$_);\n"} @scalar_attrs;
# if the array ref is defined, assign the dereferenced into array,
# otherwise initialize the array by invoking remove_$plural
map {my ($singular, $plural)=($_, $schema->get_plural($_));
if(ref(\$$plural) eq'ARRAY'){
\$dummy->add_$singular(\$_) foreach (\@{\$$plural});
# The following 3 lines are to replace 'the not-working USPER with eval'
# It spends almost a whole afternoon of the second day of 2004.
$source .= "no strict 'refs';\n";
$source .= 'my $super=AutoCode::Root::_find_super("'. $vp .'", "_initialize");'."\n";
$source .= '&{$super. "::_initialize"}($dummy, @args);'."\n";
# $source .= "\$dummy->SUPER::_initialize(\@args);\n";
# $source .= "print '______' \. *{\$dummy->SUPER::_initialize} \. \"\\n\"";
$source .= '};'."\n";
# print "$source\n";
no strict 'refs';
$_ = $source;
*{"$vp\::_initialize"} = eval $source;
$self->throw( "Error when eval'ing _initialize\n$@") if($@);
sub _get_virtual_package {
my ($self, $type)=@_;
my $package_prefix=$self->package_prefix;
return "$package_prefix\::Virtual::$type"; # 'virtual package'