# Copyright @ 2002 Joseph A. White and The Institute for Genomic
# Research (TIGR)
# All rights reserved.
package SlideMap;
require 5.005_02;
use strict;
#use warnings;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
# This allows declaration use SlideMap ':all';
# If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK
# will save memory.
%EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw() ] );
@EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
@EXPORT = qw();
$VERSION = '1.4';
# Preloaded methods go here.
package SlideMap;
my %defaults;
## set default values in case user neglects to do so; use old CT-72 format
%defaults = (machine => 'IAS', x_pin => 2, y_pin => 6, x_spacing => 24,
y_spacing => 25, x_repeat => 1, y_repeat => 1, x_pitch => 0,
y_pitch => 0, num_spots => 0);
package SlideMap;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %args = (%defaults, @_);
my $self = bless {
# print head dimensions
_x_pin => int($args{x_pin}),
_y_pin => int($args{y_pin}),
# block dimensions (in spots)
_xspacing => int($args{x_spacing}),
_yspacing => int($args{y_spacing}),
# for future use; define the spacing in micrometers
_x_pitch => int($args{x_pitch}),
_y_pitch => int($args{y_pitch}),
# microtitre plate dimensions (in wells)
_max_plate_row => 0,
_max_plate_col => 0,
# no. of dips in x (row) dimension
_max_xpass => 0,
# no. of dips in y (col) dimension
_max_ypass => 0,
# total # of dips per plate
_pass_plate => 0,
# number of wells per plate
_num_wells => 0,
# total number of spots on slide; default 0
_num_spots => int($args{num_spots}),,
# absolute array dimensions
_max_row => 0,
_max_col => 0,
# total number of plates to fill array
_num_plates => 0,
# print order (labels for plates)
_plates => [],
# 1 => 96-well, 2=> 384-well
_format => 1,
# 0 => normal mode, 1 => repeat mode; for MD/MD3
_repeat => 0,
# number repeated blocks; 1 => none, 2 => 2 reps, etc.
_x_repeat => int($args{x_repeat}),
_y_repeat => int($args{y_repeat}),
# 0 => top->bottom printing, 1 => left->right printing
_print_dir => 0,
# 0 => (1,1)->B1 (IAS 12-pen mode), 1 => (1,1)->A1
_nocomplement => 0,
_machine => $args{machine},
# the slide map (row,col,plate,well)
_map => [],
# for Lucidia printer
_paramA => 0,
_paramB => 0,
_convert_well => {},
_convert_spot => {},
_test => $args{test}
}, $class;
if($args{machine} eq 'MD3') {
$self->{_format} = 2;
$self->{_print_dir} = 1;
$self->{_x_repeat} = 2;
$self->{_x_repeat} = 1;
$self->{_xspacing} = 32;
$self->{_x_pin} = 1;
$self->{_y_pin} = 12;
$self->{_nocomplement} = 1;
if($self->{_yspacing} > 12) { $self->{_yspacing} = 12; }
} elsif($args{machine} eq 'Lucidia') {
$self->{_format} = 2;
$self->{_print_dir} = 1;
$self->{_x_pin} = 2;
$self->{_y_pin} = 12;
} elsif($args{machine} eq 'Stanford') {
$self->{_format} = 2;
$self->{_print_dir} = 0;
$self->{_x_pin} = 4;
$self->{_y_pin} = 4;
$self->{_nocomplement} = 0;
} elsif($args{machine} eq 'MD') {
$self->{_x_repeat} = 2;
$self->{_x_repeat} = 1;
$self->{_yspacing} = 16;
$self->{_x_pin} = 1;
$self->{_y_pin} = 6;
$self->{_nocomplement} = 1;
if($self->{_xspacing} > 16) { $self->{_yspacing} = 16; }
} elsif($args{machine} eq 'IAS') {
} else {
$self->{_format} = 1;
$self->{_print_dir} = 0;
$self->{_x_repeat} = 1;
$self->{_x_repeat} = 1;
$self->{_nocomplement} = 0;
return $self;
package SlideMap;
sub initialize {
my $self = shift;
my $flag = shift || 0;
if($self->{_xspacing} < 1 || $self->{_xspacing} eq '') {
die "x_spacing value not set\n"; }
if($self->{_yspacing} < 1 || $self->{_yspacing} eq '') {
die "y_spacing value not set\n"; }
if($self->{_x_repeat} < 1 || $self->{_x_repeat} > 4) {
die "x_repeat must be an integer between 1 and 4.\n"; }
if($self->{_y_repeat} < 1 || $self->{_y_repeat} > 4) {
die "x_repeat must be an integer between 1 and 4.\n"; }
if($self->{_format} == 2) {
$self->{_max_plate_row} = 16;
$self->{_max_plate_col} = 24;
$self->{_max_xpass} = 16 / $self->{_x_pin};
$self->{_max_ypass} = 24 / $self->{_y_pin};
} else {
$self->{_max_plate_row} = 8;
$self->{_max_plate_col} = 12;
$self->{_max_xpass} = 8 / $self->{_x_pin};
$self->{_max_ypass} = 12 / $self->{_y_pin};
if($self->{_x_pin} > $self->{_max_plate_row}) {
die "x_pin must be an even integer <= plate row dimension\n"; }
if($self->{_y_pin} > $self->{_max_plate_col}) {
die "y_pin must be an even integer <= plate column dimension\n"; }
$self->{_num_wells} = $self->{_max_plate_row}
* $self->{_max_plate_col};
$self->{_pass_plate} = $self->{_max_xpass}
* $self->{_max_ypass};
$self->{_max_row} = $self->{_yspacing} * $self->{_y_pin}
* $self->{_y_repeat};
$self->{_max_col} = $self->{_xspacing} * $self->{_x_pin}
* $self->{_x_repeat};
$self->{_num_spots} = $self->{_max_row} * $self->{_max_col};
$self->{_num_plates} = int(($self->{_num_spots} - 1)/
($self->{_x_repeat} * $self->{_y_repeat}
* $self->{_num_wells})) + 1;
# $self->{_max_pass} = $self->{_num_plates} * $self->{_pass_plate};
if(! $flag) {
@{ $self->{_plates} } = ( 1 .. $self->{_num_plates} );
$self->{_paramA} = $self->{_max_plate_row}/(2 * $self->{_x_pin});
$self->{_paramB} = 2 * $self->{_x_pin};
my $code1 = &make_convert_well($self);
$self->{_convert_well} = eval "sub { $code1 }" or die $!;
my $code2 = &make_convert_spot($self);
$self->{_convert_spot} = eval "sub { $code2 }" or die $!;
package SlideMap;
sub fill_map {
my $self = shift;
for my $i (1 .. $self->{_max_row}) {
for my $j (1 .. $self->{_max_col}) {
my $spot = (($i - 1) * $self->{_max_col}) + $j;
my ($plate, $well) = &convert_spot($self, $i, $j);
my $current_plate = $self->{_plates}->[$plate - 1];
$self->{_map}->[$spot] = [ $i, $j, $current_plate,
$well ];
return $self->{_map};
package SlideMap;
sub diagnostics {
my($self) = shift;
print "machine: $self->{_machine}\n";
print "x_pin: $self->{_x_pin}\ty_pin: $self->{_y_pin}\txspacing:"
. " $self->{_xspacing}\t";
print "yspacing: $self->{_yspacing}\n";
print "x_repeat: $self->{_x_repeat}\ty_repeat: $self->{_y_repeat}\n";
if($self->{_machine} eq 'Lucidia') {
print "paramA: $self->{_paramA}\tparamB: $self->{_paramB}\n";
print "max_xpass: $self->{_max_xpass}\tmax_ypass: "
. "$self->{_max_ypass}\t";
print "pass_plate: $self->{_pass_plate}\n";
print "max_row: $self->{_max_row}\tmax_col: $self->{_max_col}"
. "\tnum_wells: ";
print "$self->{_num_wells}: \tnum_spots: $self->{_num_spots}\n";
print "format: $self->{_format}\tprint_dir: $self->{_print_dir}\n";
print "nocomplement: $self->{_nocomplement}\trepeat mode: "
. "$self->{_repeat}\n";
print "num_plates: $self->{_num_plates}\n";
print "plate_order: @{ $self->{_plates} }\n";
package SlideMap;
sub print_spots {
my $self = shift;
my $w = shift || 0;
for my $y (1 .. $self->{_max_row}) {
for my $x (1 .. $self->{_max_col}) {
my $array_row = $y;
my $array_col = $x;
my $meta_row = int(($array_row - 1)
/ $self->{_yspacing}) + 1;
my $meta_col = int(($array_col - 1)
/ $self->{_xspacing}) + 1;
my ($plate_num, $well, $plate_row, $plate_col)
= &convert_spot($self,$array_row,$array_col);
my $block = ((($meta_row) - 1) * $self->{_x_pin})
+ $meta_col;
if(length($plate_num) == 1) {
$plate_num = "00" . $plate_num;
} elsif(length($plate_num) == 2) {
$plate_num = "0" . $plate_num;
if($w == 1) {
if(length($well) == 1) {
$well = "00" . $well;
} elsif(length($well) == 2) {
$well = "0" . $well;
print "$array_row\t$array_col\t$plate_num\t"
. "$well\n";
} else {
my $rowstr = substr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP",
$plate_row - 1, 1);
if(length($plate_col) == 1) {
$plate_col = "0" . $plate_col;
print "$array_row\t$array_col\t$plate_num\t"
. "$rowstr$plate_col\n";
# }
package SlideMap;
sub print_wells {
my $self = shift;
my $w = shift || 0;
foreach my $plate_num (@{ $self->{_plates} }) {
foreach my $well (1 .. $self->{_num_wells}) {
my $row = int(($well - 1) / $self->{_max_plate_col}) + 1;
my $col = int(($well - 1) % $self->{_max_plate_col}) + 1;
my @data_refs = &convert_well($self,$plate_num,$well);
foreach my $ref (@data_refs) {
my ($array_row, $array_col, $meta_row, $meta_col,
$sub_row, $sub_col) = @$ref;
my $plate_str;
if(length($plate_num) == 1) {
$plate_str = "00" . $plate_num;
} elsif(length($plate_num) == 2) {
$plate_str = "0" . $plate_num;
} else {
$plate_str = $plate_num;
if($w == 1) {
if(length($well) == 1) {
$well = "00" . $well;
} elsif(length($well) == 2) {
$well = "0" . $well;
print "$plate_str\t$well\t$array_row\t$array_col\n";
} else {
my $rowstr = substr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP", $row - 1, 1);
my $plate_col;
if(length($col) == 1) {
$plate_col = "0" . $col;
} else {
$plate_col = $col;
print "$plate_str\t$rowstr$plate_col\t$array_row\t"
. "$array_col\n";
package SlideMap;
sub convert_well {
my $self = $_[0];
my @data = $self->{_convert_well}->(@_);
return @data;
package SlideMap;
sub convert_spot {
my $self = $_[0];
my @data = $self->{_convert_spot}->(@_);
return @data;
sub get_meta {
my($self, $_array_row, $_array_col) = @_;
## get current 'meta' pin coordinates
my $_meta_row = int(($_array_row - 1) / $self->{_yspacing}) + 1;
my $_meta_col = int(($_array_col - 1) / $self->{_xspacing}) + 1;
## now find sub-grid coordinates
my $_sub_row = $_array_row - (($_meta_row - 1) * $self->{_yspacing});
my $_sub_col = $_array_col - (($_meta_col - 1) * $self->{_xspacing});
return ($_meta_row,$_meta_col,$_sub_row,$_sub_col);
package SlideMap;
sub setFormat {
my($self,$informat) = @_;
if($informat == 1 || $informat == 2) {
$self->{_format} = $informat;
} else {
print "Format error: 1 = 96-well, 2 = 384-well\n";
return $self->{_format};
sub setPrintDirection {
my($self,$dir) = @_;
if($dir == 0 || $dir == 1) {
$self->{_print_dir} = $dir;
} else {
print "Print Direction error: '0' => top->bottom, "
. "'1' => left->right\n";
return $self->{_print_dir};
sub setNoComplement {
my ($self,$nocomp) = @_;
if($nocomp == 0 || $nocomp == 1) {
$self->{_nocomplement} = $nocomp;
} else {
print "Complement error: '0' => complemented, "
. "'1' => NOT complemented\n";
return $self->{_nocomplement};
sub setRepeatMode {
my ($self,$mode) = @_;
if($mode == 1) {
$self->{_repeat} = $mode;
if($self->{_machine} eq 'MD' || $self->{_machine} eq 'MD3') {
$self->{_x_repeat} = 1;
$self->{_y_repeat} = 1;
$self->{_print_dir} = 0;
if($self->{_machine} eq 'MD3') {
$self->{_xspacing} = 32;
$self->{_yspacing} = 12;
} else {
$self->{_xspacing} = 16;
$self->{_yspacing} = 16;
} elsif($mode == 0) {
$self->{_repeat} = $mode;
if($self->{_machine} eq 'MD' || $self->{_machine} eq 'MD3') {
$self->{_x_repeat} = 2;
$self->{_y_repeat} = 1;
if($self->{_machine} eq 'MD3') {
$self->{_print_dir} = 1;
} else {
$self->{_print_dir} = 0;
} else {
print "Repeat error: '0' => normal mode, '1' => repeat"
. "mode\n";
return $self->{_repeat};
sub setRepeats {
my ($self,$xrep,$yrep) = @_;
if($xrep > 0 && $xrep < 5) {
$self->{_x_repeat} = $xrep;
} else {
print "Repeat error: '1' => NO repeat, '2','3','4' "
. "repeats in x dimension\n";
if($yrep > 0 && $yrep < 5) {
$self->{_y_repeat} = $yrep;
} else {
print "Repeat error: '1' => NO repeat, '2','3','4' "
. "repeats in y dimension\n";
return $self->{_x_repeat},$self->{_y_repeat};
sub setPlateOrder {
my $self = shift;
my $order_string = shift;
my @tmp = split(/\W+/,$order_string);
if($order_string eq '') {
@{ $self->{_plates} } = (1 .. $self->{_num_plates});
} else {
@{ $self->{_plates} } = @tmp;
# re-initialize with flag = 1 so plate_order is not re-set
return $self->{_plates};
sub setPrintHead {
my($self,$x,$y) = @_;
if($x > 0 && $y > 0) {
$self->{_x_pin} = int($x);
$self->{_y_pin} = int($y);
} else {
print "Print head dimensions must be non-zero integers.\n";
return $self->{_x_pin},$self->{_y_pin};
sub setBlockDimensions {
my($self,$xs,$ys) = @_;
if($xs > 0 && $ys > 0) {
$self->{_xspacing} = int($xs);
$self->{_yspacing} = int($ys);
} else {
print "Block dimensions must be non-zero integers.\n";
sub setMachine {
my($self,$machine) = @_;
$self->{_machine} = $machine;
if($machine eq 'MD3') {
$self->{_format} = 2;
$self->{_print_dir} = 1;
$self->{_x_repeat} = 2;
$self->{_y_repeat} = 1;
$self->{_xspacing} = 32;
$self->{_x_pin} = 1;
$self->{_y_pin} = 12;
$self->{_nocomplement} = 1;
} elsif($machine eq 'Lucidia') {
$self->{_format} = 2;
$self->{_print_dir} = 1;
$self->{_x_repeat} = 1;
$self->{_y_repeat} = 1;
$self->{_nocomplement} = 0;
$self->{_x_pin} = 2;
$self->{_y_pin} = 12;
} elsif($machine eq 'Stanford') {
$self->{_format} = 2;
$self->{_print_dir} = 0;
$self->{_x_pin} = 4;
$self->{_y_pin} = 4;
$self->{_x_repeat} = 1;
$self->{_y_repeat} = 1;
$self->{_nocomplement} = 0;
} elsif($machine eq 'MD') {
$self->{_format} = 1;
$self->{_print_dir} = 1;
$self->{_x_repeat} = 2;
$self->{_y_repeat} = 1;
$self->{_yspacing} = 16;
$self->{_x_pin} = 1;
$self->{_y_pin} = 6;
$self->{_nocomplement} = 1;
} elsif($machine eq 'IAS') {
$self->{_format} = 1;
$self->{_print_dir} = 0;
$self->{_x_repeat} = 1;
$self->{_y_repeat} = 1;
$self->{_nocomplement} = 0;
} else {
$self->{_format} = 1;
$self->{_print_dir} = 0;
$self->{_x_repeat} = 1;
$self->{_y_repeat} = 1;
$self->{_nocomplement} = 0;
sub getFormat { return $_[0]->{_format}; }
sub getPrintDirection { return $_[0]->{_print_dir}; }
sub getNoComplement { return $_[0]->{_nocomplement}; }
sub getRepeats { return $_[0]->{_x_repeat}, $_[0]->{_y_repeat}; }
sub getRepeatMode { return $_[0]->{_repeat}; }
sub getPrintHead { return $_[0]->{_x_pin}, $_[0]->{_y_pin}; }
sub getBlockDimensions { return $_[0]->{_xspacing},
$_[0]->{_yspacing}; }
sub getMachine { return $_[0]->{_machine}; }
sub getPlateOrder { return $_[0]->{_plates}; }
sub getMap { return $_[0]->{_map}; }
sub getArrayDimensions { return $_[0]->{_max_row}, $_[0]->{_max_col}; }
sub getPitch { return $_[0]->{_x_pitch}, $_[0]->{_y_pitch}; }
sub getNumSpots { return $_[0]->{_num_spots}; }
sub showConvertWell { print "\nconvert_well:\n", &make_convert_well($_[0]); }
sub showConvertSpot { print "\nconvert_spot:\n", &make_convert_spot($_[0]); }
sub make_convert_spot {
my $self = shift;
my $code = '
my($self, $_array_row, $_array_col) = @_;
## A. get current 'meta' pin coordinates
$code .= '
my $_meta_row = int(($_array_row - 1) / $self->{_yspacing}) + 1;
my $_meta_col = int(($_array_col - 1) / $self->{_xspacing}) + 1;
## B. get current pin coordinates
$code .= '
my $_curr_ypin = int(($_meta_row - 1) / $self->{_y_repeat}) + 1;
my $_curr_xpin = int(($_meta_col - 1) / $self->{_x_repeat}) + 1;
## C. now find sub-grid coordinates
$code .= '
my $_spot_row = $_array_row - (($_meta_row - 1) * $self->{_yspacing});
my $_spot_col = $_array_col - (($_meta_col - 1) * $self->{_xspacing});
if($self->{_machine} eq 'Stanford') {
$code .= '
$_spot_col = ($self->{_xspacing} + 1 - $_spot_col);
$code .= '
my $_sub_row = $_spot_row;
my $_sub_col = $_spot_col;
## D. calc. cummulative head-pass, i.e. number of times head prints on slide
if($self->{_print_dir} == 1) {
## MD3 style printing; left -> right
$code .= '
my $_cum_pass = (($_spot_row - 1) * $self->{_xspacing}) + $_spot_col;
} else {
## default; IAS style printing; top -> bottom
$code .= '
my $_cum_pass = (($_spot_col - 1) * $self->{_yspacing}) + $_spot_row;
## get plate number, equivalent to ordinal
$code .= '
my $_plate_num = int(($_cum_pass - 1) / $self->{_pass_plate}) + 1;
## calc. current pass number
$code .= '
my $_curr_pass = int(($_cum_pass - 1) % $self->{_pass_plate}) + 1;
## now get x and y pass coordinates
if($self->{_machine} eq 'Stanford') {
$code .= '
my $_x_pass = int(($_curr_pass - 1) / $self->{_max_ypass}) + 1;
my $_y_pass = int(($_curr_pass - 1) % $self->{_max_ypass}) + 1;
} else {
$code .= '
my $_y_pass = int(($_curr_pass - 1) / $self->{_max_xpass}) + 1;
my $_x_pass = int(($_curr_pass - 1) % $self->{_max_xpass}) + 1;
## E. now get plate row and col coordinates
if($self->{_machine} eq 'Lucidia' && $self->{_nocomplement} == 1) {
$code .= '
my $_plate_row = (($_x_pass - 1) % $self->{_paramA})
* $self->{_paramA} + int(($_x_pass - 1) / $self->{_paramB})
+ 2 * ($_curr_xpin) - 1;
} elsif($self->{_machine} eq 'Lucidia') {
$code .= '
my $_plate_row = (($_x_pass - 1) % $self->{_paramA})
* $self->{_paramA} + int(($_x_pass - 1) / $self->{_paramB})
+ 2 * (1 - $_curr_xpin + $self->{_x_pin}) - 1;
} elsif($self->{_nocomplement} == 1) {
$code .= '
my $_plate_row = (($_x_pass - 1) * $self->{_x_pin}) + $_curr_xpin;
} else {
$code .= '
my $_plate_row = (($_x_pass - 1) * $self->{_x_pin})
+ (1 - $_curr_xpin + $self->{_x_pin});
$code .= '
my $_plate_col = (($_y_pass - 1) * $self->{_y_pin}) + $_curr_ypin;
## F. convert row, col coordinates to well number
$code .= '
my $_well = (($_plate_row - 1) * $self->{_max_plate_col}) + $_plate_col;
return ($_plate_num, $_well, $_plate_row, $_plate_col);
return $code;
sub make_convert_well {
my($self) = shift;
my $code = '
my($self, $_plate_num, $_well) = @_;
## convert well number to row, col
$code .= '
my $_row = int(($_well - 1) / $self->{_max_plate_col}) + 1;
my $_col = int(($_well - 1) % $self->{_max_plate_col}) + 1;
## get current pin coordinates
if($self->{_machine} eq 'Lucidia') {
$code .= '
my $_curr_xpin = $self->{_x_pin} - (int(($_row - 1)/2) % $self->{_x_pin});
} elsif($self->{_nocomplement} == 1) {
$code .= '
my $_curr_xpin = (($_row - 1) % $self->{_x_pin}) + 1;
} else {
$code .= '
my $_curr_xpin = $self->{_x_pin} - (($_row - 1) % $self->{_x_pin});
$code .= '
my $_curr_ypin = (($_col - 1) % $self->{_y_pin}) + 1;
## get pass numbers
if($self->{_machine} eq 'Lucidia') {
$code .= '
my $_xpass = ((($_row - 1) % 2) * $self->{_paramA})
+ int(($_row - 1) / $self->{_paramB}) + 1;
} else {
$code .= '
my $_xpass = int(($_row - 1) / $self->{_x_pin}) + 1;
$code .= '
my $_ypass = int(($_col - 1) / $self->{_y_pin}) + 1;
## get cummulative print-head pass on plate
if($self->{_machine} eq 'Stanford') {
$code .= '
my $_cum_pass = (($_plate_num - 1) * $self->{_pass_plate})
+ (($_xpass - 1) * $self->{_max_ypass}) + $_ypass;
} else {
$code .= '
my $_cum_pass = (($_plate_num - 1) * $self->{_pass_plate})
+ (($_ypass - 1) * $self->{_max_xpass}) + $_xpass;
## calc. sub-grid coordinates
if($self->{_print_dir} == 1) {
$code .= '
my $_spot_row = int(($_cum_pass - 1) / $self->{_xspacing}) + 1;
my $_spot_col = int(($_cum_pass - 1) % $self->{_xspacing}) + 1;
} else {
$code .= '
my $_spot_row = int(($_cum_pass - 1) % $self->{_yspacing}) + 1;
my $_spot_col = int(($_cum_pass - 1) / $self->{_yspacing}) + 1;
if($self->{_machine} eq 'Stanford') {
$code .= '
$_spot_col = ($self->{_xspacing} + 1 - $_spot_col);
$code .= '
my $_sub_row = $_spot_row;
my $_sub_col = $_spot_col;
## calc. array coordinates
## now handle the repeats and return a list of references to the data
$code .= '
my @data;
for my $j (1 .. $self->{_y_repeat}) {
$_meta_row = $j + ($_curr_ypin - 1) * $self->{_y_repeat};
$_array_row = $_spot_row + ($_meta_row - 1) * $self->{_yspacing};
for my $i (1 .. $self->{_x_repeat}) {
$_meta_col = $i + ($_curr_xpin - 1) * $self->{_x_repeat};
$_array_col = $_spot_col + ($_meta_col - 1) * $self->{_xspacing};
push @data, [ $_array_row, $_array_col, $_meta_row, $_meta_col,
$_sub_row, $_sub_col ];
return @data;
return $code;
=head1 NAME
SlideMap - Perl module for the creation of MicroArray slide maps
use SlideMap;
$sm = SlideMap->new( machine => "arrayer", x_pin => 2, y_pin => 6,
xspacing => 0, yspacing => 0, x_repeat => 1,
y_repeat => 1);
$map_ref = $sm->getMap;
($array_row, $array_col, $meta_row, $meta_col, $sub_row, $sub_col)
= $sm->convert_well($plate_num, $well);
($plate_num, $well, $plate_row, $plate_col)
= $sm->convert_spot($array_row, $array_col);
= $sm->get_meta($array_row, $array_col);
$arrayer = $sm->getMachine;
$sm->setPrintHead(2, 6);
($x_pin, $y_pin) = $sm->getPrintHead;
$sm->setBlockDimensions(25, 24);
($x_spacing, $y_spacing) = $sm->getBlockDimensions;
$sm->setNoComplement([ 0 | 1 ]);
$noComplement = $sm->getNoComplement;
$sm->setRepeats([ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ], [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]);
($x_repeat,$y_repeat) = $sm->getRepeatMode;
$sm->setRepeatMode([ 0 | 1 ]);
$repeatMode = $sm->getRepeatMode;
$sm->setFormat([ 1 | 2 ]);
$plate_format = $sm->getFormat;
$sm->setPrintDirection([ 0 | 1 ]);
$direction = $sm->getPrintDirection;
$sm->setPlateOrder("[A,B,C,D,E,F,G ... | 1,2,3,4,5, ... ]");
$plate_order = $sm->getPlateOrder;
($max_array_row,$max_array_col) = $sm->getArrayDimensions;
($x_pitch,$y_pitch) = $sm->getPitch;
$number_of_spots = $sm->getNumSpots;
$sm->print_spots([ 1 | 0 ]);
$sm->print_wells([ 1 | 0 ]);
SlideMap is used to create a row/col -> plate/well map of a microarray
slide. It does not as yet incorporate annotation data into the map,
but simply creates the map object based on input parameters. The map
is an ordered list of spots with references to annonymous arrays
containing array_row, array_col, plate_alias, well. SlideMap currently
supports 5 types of arrayers: IAS (default), MD, MD3, Lucidia, and
Stanford. (Others will be implemented as needed.)
SlideMap provides 2 methods for conversion of spots->wells and vise-versa,
based on instantiated parameters.
The main parameters are:
machine: the type of array printing machine used (IAS is the default)
x_pin: the number of print head pens in the 'X' (plate_row) dimension
y_pin: the number of print head pens in the 'Y' (plate_col) dimension
(x_pin = 2, and y_pin = 6 are the defaults)
x_spacing: the number of spots in one row of a block on the array
y_spacing: the number of spots in one column of a block on the array
(x_spacing = 24, and y_spacing = 25 are the defaults)
x_repeat: the number of repeated block in the 'X' dimension (default = 1)
y_repeat: the number of repeated block in the 'Y' dimension (default = 1)
The SlideMap module can be used in several ways:
a) 'use' SlideMap, call the constructor with all parameters, and convert
spots or wells, fill the map object and loop over it:
use SlideMap;
$sm->SlideMap->new( machine => "MD3", x_pin => 1, y_pin => 12,
xspacing => 32, yspacing => 10);
$ref = $sm->fill_map;
foreach $row_ref (@$ref)) {
($row,$col,$plate,$well) = @$row_ref;
b) 'use' SlideMap, call the constructor with minimal parameters, and set
parameters individually, then re-initialize and loop over the map:
use SlideMap;
$sm->SlideMap->new( machine => "MD3");
$ref = $sm->fill_map;
foreach $row_ref (@$ref)) {
($row,$col,$plate,$well) = @$row_ref;
c) 'use' SlideMap, call the constructor with machine argument not
listed above, set parameters individuzlly, then initialize the
map. This is useful for arrayers that are not listed above but
operate similarly to one of the above mentioned machines. NOTE:
default values for parameters are used in this case).
use SlideMap;
$sm->SlideMap->new(x_pin => 2, y_pin => 12, xspacing => 32,
yspacing => 10, machine => 'arrayer');
$ref = $sm->fill_map;
foreach $row_ref (@$ref)) {
($row,$col,$plate,$well) = @$row_ref;
There are several default values associated with each arrayer listed
above. They are:
format = 1
print_direction = 0
x_repeat = 1
y_repeat = 1
noComplement = 0
format = 2
print_direction = 1
x_repeat = 2
y_repeat = 1
x_spacing = 32
x_pin = 1
y_pin = 12
noComplement = 1
format = 1
print_direction = 0
x_repeat = 2
y_repeat = 1
yspacing = 16
x_pin = 1
y_pin = 6
noComplement = 1
format = 2
print_direction = 0
x_pin = 4
y_pin = 4
x_repeat = 1
y_repeat = 1
noComplement = 0
format = 2
print_dir = 1
x_repeat = 1
y_repeat = 1
nocomplement = 0
x_pin = 2
y_pin = 12
=head1 DETAILS
This constructor call will create a SlideMap object using the default
parameter settings:
$sm = SlideMap->new( machine => "IAS", x_pin => 2, y_pin => 6,
x_spacing => 24, y_spacing => 25, x_repeat => 1,
y_repeat => 1);
The constructor will do all initialization, but will 'NOT' create a
map in memory. That can be done as follows:
After the map has been created in memory, a reference to the map
object is obtained by calling getMap. The map object is an array
consisting of references to annonymous arrays holding array_row,
array_col, plate_alias (or number), well number.
$map_ref = $sm->getMap;
Individual spots can be mapped back to their originating microtitre
plate by supplying the row and column index of the spot to
($plate_num, $well, $plate_row, $plate_col)
= $sm->convert_spot($array_row, $array_col);
Well is an integer representing the well position on a plate.
Starting from well 1 (A1), this number increases across a row and
then to the next row, so A12 in a 96-well plate is well 12 and B1
is well 13, etc. Plate_row is an 1-based integer that represents
the row.
Likewise, the row and column indeces for a spot can be obtained
from the plate_num and well used as source for the spot.
NOTE: plate_num here refers to the position of the plate in the
series of plates used for the printing, i.e. it is an plate ordinal.
@array_of_arrays = $sm->convert_well($plate_num, $well);
This method returns an array of references to arrays. Since a well
may be spotted more than once on a slide (due to repeat status)
this method returns data for multiple spots. Eeach reference
points to an array with the following data:
($array_row, $array_col, $meta_row, $meta_col, $sub_row, $sub_col)
The meta_row and meta_col indeces refer to the row/col indeces of
the pin that printed the spot in question. The sub_row and sub_col
indeces refer to the indeces of the spot within a block. The
array_row and array_col indeces are obvious.
SlideMap includes a convenience method to return the meta_row/col,
and sub_row/col indeces for a pair of array_row, array_col indeces:
= $sm->get_meta($array_row, $array_col);
The following are get/set methods that can be used to customize a
SlideMap object to accomodate array printers not supported at the
time of release of SlideMap.pm.
getMachine: returns the current machine setting:
$arrayer = $sm->getMachine;
setMachine: sets the machine type used for printing. Currently
SlideMap supports 4 types of arrayers: 'IAS', 'MD', 'MD3', 'Lucidia'
and 'Stanford'. Note: This method resets all parameters to their
pre-defined default values and reinitializes the SlideMap object.
Using this methode requires that other parameters be set with the
methods below (if they are different from the defaults). To set
the machine type:
setPrintHead: defines the numbers of pens in the print head,
'X' (plate_row) and 'Y' (plate_col):
$sm->setPrintHead(2, 6);
getPrintHead: returns the numbers of pens in the print head:
($x_pin, $y_pin) = $sm->getPrintHead;
setBlockDimensions: set maximumn row and column indeces in blocks
on the array, row first then column:
$sm->setBlockDimensions(25, 24);
getBlockDimensions: returns block dimensions:
($x_spacing, $y_spacing) = $sm->getBlockDimensions;
NOTE: All of the following 'set*' methods require re-initialization of
the SlideMap object:
setNoComplement: switches printing pattern in the 'X' dimension;
this is in effect complementing (1 - x) in the 'X' dimension only.
Valid values are 0 => complemented, and 1 => 'NOT' complemented:
$sm->setNoComplement([ 0 | 1 ]);
getNoComplement: returns the current value of the noComplement
$noComplement = $sm->getNoComplement;
setRepeats: number of repeated blocks in 'X' and 'Y' dimension.
Valid values are 1 - 4:
$sm->setRepeats([ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ], [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]);
getRepeatMode: returns the current values of x_repeat and y_repeat:
($x_repeat, $y_repeat) = $sm->getRepeatMode;
SlideMap supports repeat mode for the MD/MD3 arrayers only.
setRepeatMode: normal mode ('0') does nothing, but repeat mode ('1')
sets x_repeat = y_repeat = 1, and print_direction = 0 (like default):
$sm->setRepeatMode([ 0 | 1 ]);
getRepeatMode: returns the current value of the repeat parameter:
$repeatMode = $sm->getRepeatMode;
setFormat: microtitre plate format: valid values are 1 => 96-well,
and 2=> 384-well:
$sm->setFormat([ 1 | 2 ]);
getFormat: returns the current value of the format parameter:
$plate_format = $sm->getFormat;
setPrintDirection: defines the order of printing used by the
printer. Valid values are 0 => top->bottom, and 1 => left->right:
$sm->setPrintDirection([ 0 | 1 ]);
getPrintDirection: returns the current value of the print_dir
$direction = $sm->getPrintDirection;
setPlateOrder: define a list of plate labels (aliases) for the
complete set of plates used for printing. The list should include
all repeats of the plate:
$sm->setPlateOrder("[A,B,C,D,E,F,G ... | 1,2,3,4,5, ... ]");
getPlateOrder: returns a reference to an array containing the
entire list of plate labels:
$plate_order_ref = $sm->getPlateOrder;
getArrayDimensions: returns the maximum row and column indeces
for the current SlideMap object:
($max_array_row,$max_array_col) = $sm->getArrayDimensions;
getPitch: returns the pitch values used to create the current
SlideMap object:
($x_pitch,$y_pitch) = $sm->getPitch;
getNumSpots: returns the number of spots in the current SlideMap
$number_of_spots = $sm->getNumSpots;
diagnostics: returns the full set of current values for the
SlideMap parameters:
print_spots/print_wells: prints an entire set of row/col/plate/well
values based on the current SlideMap parameters. if the optional
parameter is set to 1 (true) then well numbers are printed as well
numbers; if set to 0 or not set, then the well number is returned
as row_col, i.e. A1, B12, etc. These methods are useful for
diagnosing errors in the print pattern.
$sm->print_spots([ 1 | 0 ]);
$sm->print_wells([ 1 | 0 ]);
The algorithms used to convert spots to wells and vise-versa are
dynamically generated based on the type of arrayer (machine) supplied
as a parameter to the constructor (or to setMachine). To view the
algorithm currently being used, use either of the following methods:
=head2 EXPORT
None by default.
=head1 AUTHOR
Joseph A. White; jwhite25@verizon.net Version 1.4 Aug 14, 2023
=head1 SEE ALSO