use strict;
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/ key secret error status_code service debug signer error_response/);
our $VERSION = '1.8';
sub CreateTopic
my ($self, $name) = @_;
my $r = $self->dispatch({
'Action' => 'CreateTopic',
'Name' => $name,
my $arn = eval { $r->{'CreateTopicResult'}{'TopicArn'} };
return defined $arn ? $self->GetTopic($arn) : undef;
sub GetTopic
my ($self, $arn) = @_;
return Amazon::SNS::V4::Topic->new({
'sns' => $self,
'arn' => $arn,
sub GetTarget
my ($self, $arn) = @_;
return Amazon::SNS::V4::Target->new({
'sns' => $self,
'arn' => $arn,
sub DeleteTopic
my ($self, $arn) = @_;
return $self->dispatch({
'Action' => 'DeleteTopic',
'TopicArn' => $arn,
sub ListTopics
my ($self, $name) = @_;
my $r = $self->dispatch({
'Action' => 'ListTopics',
return map {
'sns' => $self,
'arn' => $_->{'TopicArn'},
} @{$r->{'ListTopicsResult'}{'Topics'}[0]{'member'}};
sub Subscribe
my ($self, $protocol, $topicarn, $endpoint) = @_;
'Action' => 'Subscribe',
'Protocol' => $protocol,
'TopicArn' => $topicarn,
'Endpoint' => $endpoint,
sub Unsubscribe
my ($self, $arn) = @_;
'Action' => 'Unsubscribe',
'SubscriptionArn' => $arn,
sub dispatch
my ($self, $args) = @_;
unless defined $self->service;
$self->signer( AWS::Signature4->new(
-access_key => scalar $self->key,
-secret_key => scalar $self->secret,
)) unless defined $self->signer;
my $signer = $self->signer;
# sanitize args
do { delete $args->{$_} unless defined $args->{$_} } for (keys %$args);
$args->{'Version'} = '2010-03-31';
if (defined($args->{'Attributes'}) and ref($args->{'Attributes'}) eq 'HASH') {
foreach my $attr (keys %{$args->{'Attributes'}}) {
$args->{$attr} = $args->{'Attributes'}->{$attr};
delete $args->{'Attributes'};
my $post = POST $self->service, [%$args];
$signer->sign( $post );
my $response = LWP::UserAgent->new->request( $post );
if ($response->is_success) {
return XMLin($response->content,
'SuppressEmpty' => 1,
# 'KeyAttr' => { },
'ForceArray' => [ qw/ Topics member / ],
} else {
$self->error_response( $response_content );
($response->content =~ /^<.+>/)
? eval { XMLin($response->content)->{'Error'}{'Message'} || $response->status_line }
: $response->status_line
print STDERR 'ERROR: ', $self->error, "\n"
if $self->debug;
return undef;
sub timestamp {
return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.000Z", sub {
($_[5]+1900, $_[4]+1, $_[3], $_[2], $_[1], $_[0])
use strict;
our $VERSION = '1.8';
use JSON;
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/ sns arn /);
sub Publish
my ($self, $msg, $subj) = @_;
# XXX croak on invalid arn
my $structure = undef;
# support JSON payload
if (ref($msg) eq 'HASH') {
$structure = 'json';
$msg = encode_json($msg);
my $r = $self->sns->dispatch({
'Action' => 'Publish',
'TopicArn' => $self->arn,
'Message' => $msg,
'MessageStructure' => $structure,
'Subject' => $subj,
# return message id on success, undef on error
return $r ? $r->{'PublishResult'}{'MessageId'} : undef;
sub DeleteTopic
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->sns->DeleteTopic($self->arn);
use strict;
our $VERSION = '1.8';
use JSON;
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/ sns arn /);
sub Publish
my ($self, $msg, $subj, $attr) = @_;
# XXX croak on invalid arn
my $structure = undef;
my $attributes = undef;
# support JSON payload
if (ref($msg) eq 'HASH') {
$structure = 'json';
$msg = encode_json($msg);
if (defined($attr) and ref($attr) eq 'HASH') {
my $i = 1;
foreach my $key (keys %$attr) {
$attributes->{"MessageAttributes.entry.$i.Name"} = $key;
$attributes->{"MessageAttributes.entry.$i.Value.DataType"} = $attr->{$key}->{'Type'};
if($attr->{$key}->{'Type'} eq 'Binary') {
$attributes->{"MessageAttributes.entry.$i.Value.BinaryValue"} = $attr->{$key}->{'Value'};
} else {
$attributes->{"MessageAttributes.entry.$i.Value.StringValue"} = $attr->{$key}->{'Value'};
my $r = $self->sns->dispatch({
'Action' => 'Publish',
'TargetArn' => $self->arn,
'Message' => $msg,
'MessageStructure' => $structure,
'Subject' => $subj,
'Attributes' => $attributes,
# return message id on success, undef on error
return $r ? $r->{'PublishResult'}{'MessageId'} : undef;
=head1 NAME
Amazon::SNS::V4 - Amazon Simple Notification Service with v4 Signatures
use Amazon::SNS::V4;
my $sns = Amazon::SNS::V4->new({ 'key' => '...', 'secret' => '...' });
# create a new topic and publish
my $topic = $sns->CreateTopic('MyTopic')
or die $sns->error;
$topic->Publish('My test message');
# delete it!
# publish to a known ARN
my $topic = $sns->GetTopic('arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:123456789099:MyTopic');
$topic->Publish('My test message', 'My Subject');
# get all topics
my @topics = $sns->ListTopics;
print $_->arn, "\n" for @topics;
# change region
Amazon::SNS::V4 is basically L<Amazon::SNS> v1.3, changed to use v4 Signatures, from
L<< AWS::Signature4 >>.
Sorry for not providing a better documentation, patches are always accepted. ;)
=head1 METHODS
=item Amazon::SNS::V4->new({ 'key' => '...', 'secret' => '...' })
Creates an Amazon::SNS::V4 object with given key and secret.
=item $sns->GetTopic($arn)
Gives you an Amazon::SNS::V4::Topic object using an existing ARN.
=item $sns->GetTarget($arn)
Gives you an Amazon::SNS::V4::Target object using an existing ARN. Sending Notification to TargetArn instead of TopicArn.
=item $sns->Publish($message, $subject, $attributes) (Amazon::SNS::V4::Target)
When used with Amazon::SNS::V4::Target object (see GetTarget), additional parameter $attributes is used to pass
MessageAttributes.entry.N attributes with message.
An example of MobilePush TTL: $attributes = {"AWS.SNS.MOBILE.APNS.TTL" => {"Type" => "String", "Value" => 3600}};
More information can be found on Amazon web site:
=item $sns->CreateTopic($name)
Gives you an Amazon::SNS::V4::Topic object with the given name, creating it
if it does not already exist in your Amazon SNS account.
=item $sns->DeleteTopic($arn)
Deletes a topic using its ARN.
=item $sns->ListTopics
The result is a list of all the topics in your account, as an array of Amazon::SNS::V4::Topic objects.
=item $sns->error
Description of the last error, or undef if none.
=item $sns->status_code
The status code of the last HTTP response.
=item $sns->service
=item $sns->service($service_url)
Get/set SNS service url, something like ''.
=item $sns->key
=item $sns->key('...')
Get/set auth key.
=item $sns->secret
=item $sns->secret('...')
Get/set secret.
=item $sns->debug
=item $sns->debug(1)
Get/set debug level. When set to 1 you'll get some debug output on STDERR.
=head1 NOTES
Be sure to use ARNs in the same region as you have set the service to.
The module defaults to the EU (Ireland) region.
=head1 AUTHOR
Alessandro Zummo, E<lt>a.zummo@towertech.itE<gt>
James Wright, E<lt>jwright@cpan.orgE<gt>
=head1 SEE ALSO
Copyright (C) 2020 James Wright
Copyright (C) 2011-15 Alessandro Zummo
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.