Sub::Timekeeper - calls a function with a stopwatch
use Sub::Timekeeper qw(timekeeper);
my $val = timekeeper(my $elapsed, sub {
return $retval;
my @arr = timekeeper(my $elapsed, sub {
return @retarr;
The module exports the "timekeeper" function, that can be used to
measure the time spent to execute a function. The duration is set to the
first argument in seconds (as a floating point value).
The duration is set regardless of whether the called function returned
normally or by an exception. In other words the following snippet will
report the correct duration.
my $elapsed;
eval {
timekeeper($elapsed, sub {
if ($@) {
warn "got error $@ after $elapsed seconds";
Kazuho Oku
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.