use strict;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
# This allows declaration use Device::NeurioTools ':all';
# If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK
# will save memory.
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw(
new connect fetch_Recent_Live fetch_Last_Live fetch_Samples fetch_Full_Samples fetch_Energy_Stats
) ] );
our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
our @EXPORT = qw( $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'});
if ($^O eq "MSWin32"){
use JSON qw(decode_json);
use MIME::Base64 (qw(encode_base64));
} else {
use JSON qw(decode_json);
use MIME::Base64 (qw(encode_base64));
=head1 NAME
Device::Neurio - Methods for wrapping the Neurio API calls so that they are accessible via Perl
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.10
our $VERSION = '0.10';
This module provides a Perl interface to a Neurio sensor via the following
- new
- connect
- fetch_Last_Live
- fetch_Recent_Live
- fetch_Samples
- fetch_Full_samples
- fetch_Energy_Stats
Please note that in order to use this module you will require three parameters
(key, secret, sensor_id) as well as an Energy Aware Neurio sensor installed in
your house.
The module is written entirely in Perl and has been tested on Raspbian Linux.
All date/time values are specified using ISO8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
use Device::Neurio;
my $Neurio = Device::Neurio->new($key,$secret,$sensor_id);
$data = $my_Neurio->fetch_Last_Live();
$data = $my_Neurio->fetch_Recent_Live();
$data = $my_Neurio->fetch_Recent_Live("2014-06-18T19:20:21Z");
print Dumper($data);
undef $Neurio;
=head2 EXPORT
All by default.
=head2 new - the constructor for a Neurio object
Creates a new instance which will be able to fetch data from a unique Neurio
my $Neurio = Device::Neurio->new($key,$secret,$sensor_id);
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $key : unique key for the account - Required
- $secret : secret key for the account - Required
- $sensor_id : sensor ID connected to the account - Required
Returns a Neurio object if successful.
Returns 0 on failure
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self;
$self->{'ua'} = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$self->{'key'} = shift;
$self->{'secret'} = shift;
$self->{'sensor_id'} = shift;
$self->{'base64'} = encode_base64($self->{'key'}.":".$self->{'secret'});
if ((!defined $self->{'key'}) || (!defined $self->{'secret'}) || (!defined $self->{'sensor_id'})) {
print "Neurio->new(): Key, Secret and Sensor_ID are REQUIRED parameters.\n";
return 0;
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
=head2 connect - open a secure connection to the Neurio server
Opens a secure connection via HTTPS to the Neurio server which provides
access to a set of API commands to access the sensor data.
This method accepts no parameters
Returns 1 on success
Returns 0 on failure
sub connect {
my $self = shift;
my $access_token = '';
# Submit request for authentiaction token.
my $response = $self->{'ua'}->post('',
{ basic_authentication => $self->{'base64'},
Content_Type => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
grant_type => 'client_credentials',
client_id => $self->{'key'},
client_secret => $self->{'secret'},
if($response->is_success) {
my $return = $response->content;
$return =~ /\"access_token\":\"(.*)\"\,\"token_type\"/;
$self->{'access_token'} = $1;
return 1;
} else {
print "Neurio->connect(): Failed to connect.\n";
print $response->content."\n\n";
return 0;
=head2 fetch_Recent_Live - Fetch recent sensor samples
Retrieves recent sensor readings from the Neurio server.
The values represent the sum of all phases.
This method accepts the following parameters:
$last - time of last sample received (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ) - Optional
specified using ISO8601 format
If no value is specified for $last, a default of 2 minutes is used.
Returns an array of Perl data structures on success
$VAR1 = [
'generationEnergy' => 3716166644,
'timestamp' => '2014-06-24T11:08:00.000Z',
'consumptionEnergy' => 6762651207,
'generationPower' => 564,
'consumptionPower' => 821
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Recent_Live {
my ($self,$last) = @_;
my ($url,$response,$decoded_response);
# if optional parameter is defined, add it
if (defined $last) {
$url = "".$self->{'sensor_id'}."&last=$last";
} else {
$response = $self->{'ua'}->get($url,"Authorization"=>"Bearer ".$self->{'access_token'});
if ($response->is_success) {
$decoded_response = decode_json($response->content);
} else {
print "Neurio->fetch_Recent_Live(): Response from server is not valid\n";
print " \"".$response->content."\"\n\n";
$decoded_response = 0;
return $decoded_response;
=head2 fetch_Last_Live - Fetch the last live sensor sample
Retrieves the last live sensor reading from the Neurio server.
The values represent the sum of all phases.
This method accepts no parameters
Returns a Perl data structure on success:
$VAR1 = {
'generationEnergy' => 3716027450,
'timestamp' => '2014-06-24T11:03:43.000Z',
'consumptionEnergy' => 6762445671,
'generationPower' => 542,
'consumptionPower' => 800
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Last_Live {
my $self = shift;
my ($url,$response,$decoded_response);
$response = $self->{'ua'}->get($url,"Authorization"=>"Bearer ".$self->{'access_token'});
if ($response->is_success) {
$decoded_response = decode_json($response->content);
} else {
print "Neurio->fetch_Last_Live(): Response from server is not valid\n";
print " \"".$response->content."\"\n\n";
$decoded_response = 0;
return $decoded_response;
=head2 fetch_Samples - Fetch sensor samples from the Neurio server
Retrieves sensor readings within the parameters specified.
The values represent the sum of all phases.
This method accepts the following parameters:
- start : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- granularity : seconds|minutes|hours|days - Required
- end : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Optional
specified using ISO8601 format
- frequency : if the granularity is specified as 'minutes', then the
frequency must be a multiple of 5 - Optional
- perPage : number of results per page - Optional
- page : page number to return - Optional
Returns an array of Perl data structures on success
$VAR1 = [
'generationEnergy' => 3568948578,
'timestamp' => '2014-06-21T19:00:00.000Z',
'consumptionEnergy' => 6487889194,
'generationPower' => 98,
'consumptionPower' => 240
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Samples {
my ($self,$start,$granularity,$end,$frequency,$perPage,$page) = @_;
my ($url,$response,$decoded_response);
$url = "".$self->{'sensor_id'}."&start=$start&granularity=$granularity";
# make sure $start and $granularity are defined
if ((!defined $start) || (!defined $granularity)) {
print "Neurio->fetch_Full_Samples(): \$start and \$granularity are required parameters\n\n";
return 0;
# make sure that frequqncy is a multiple of 5 if $granularity is in minutes
if (($granularity eq 'minutes') and defined $frequency) {
if (eval($frequency%5) != 0) {
print "Neurio->fetch_Samples(): Only multiples of 5 are supported for \$frequency when \$granularity is in minutes\n\n";
return 0;
# make sure $granularity is one of the correct values
if (!($granularity =~ /[seconds|minutes|hours|days]/)) {
print "Neurio->fetch_Full_Samples(): Only values of 'seconds, minutes, hours or days' are supported for \$granularity\n\n";
return 0;
# if optional parameter is defined, add it
if (defined $end) {
$url = $url . "&end=$end";
# if optional parameter is defined, add it
if (defined $frequency) {
$url = $url . "&frequency=$frequency";
# if optional parameter is defined, add it
if (defined $perPage) {
$url = $url . "&perPage=$perPage";
# if optional parameter is defined, add it
if (defined $page) {
$url = $url . "&page=$page";
$response = $self->{'ua'}->get($url,"Authorization"=>"Bearer ".$self->{'access_token'});
if ($response->is_success) {
$decoded_response = decode_json($response->content);
} else {
print "Neurio->fetch_Samples(): Response from server is not valid\n";
print " \"".$response->content."\"\n\n";
$decoded_response = 0;
return $decoded_response;
=head2 fetch_Full_Samples - Fetches full samples for all phases
Retrieves full sensor readings including data for each individual phase within
the parameters specified.
This method accepts the following parameters:
- start : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- granularity : seconds|minutes|hours|days - Required
- end : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Optional
specified using ISO8601 format
- frequency : an integer - Optional
- perPage : number of results per page - Optional
- page : page number to return - Optional
Returns an array of Perl data structures on success
$VAR1 = [
'timestamp' => '2014-06-16T19:20:21.000Z',
'channelSamples' => [
'voltage' => '123.19',
'power' => 129,
'name' => '1',
'energyExported' => 27,
'channelType' => 'phase_a',
'energyImported' => 2682910899,
'reactivePower' => 41
'voltage' => '123.94',
'power' => 199,
'name' => '2',
'energyExported' => 6,
'channelType' => 'phase_b',
'energyImported' => 3296564362,
'reactivePower' => -45
'voltage' => '123.57',
'power' => 327,
'name' => '3',
'energyExported' => 10,
'channelType' => 'consumption',
'energyImported' => 5979475235,
'reactivePower' => -4
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Full_Samples {
my ($self,$start,$granularity,$end,$frequency,$perPage,$page) = @_;
my ($url,$response,$decoded_response);
$url = "".$self->{'sensor_id'}."&start=$start&granularity=$granularity";
# make sure $start and $granularity are defined
if ((!defined $start) || (!defined $granularity)) {
print "Neurio->fetch_Full_Samples(): \$start and \$granularity are required parameters\n\n";
return 0;
# make sure $granularity is one of the correct values
if (!($granularity =~ /[seconds|minutes|hours|days]/)) {
print "Neurio->fetch_Full_Samples(): Only values of 'seconds, minutes, hours or days' are supported for \$granularity\n\n";
return 0;
# if optional parameter is defined, add it
if (defined $end) {
$url = $url . "&end=$end";
# if optional parameter is defined, add it
if (defined $frequency) {
$url = $url . "&frequency=$frequency";
# if optional parameter is defined, add it
if (defined $perPage) {
$url = $url . "&perPage=$perPage";
# if optional parameter is defined, add it
if (defined $page) {
$url = $url . "&page=$page";
$response = $self->{'ua'}->get($url,"Authorization"=>"Bearer ".$self->{'access_token'});
if ($response->is_success) {
$decoded_response = decode_json($response->content);
} else {
print "Neurio->fetch_Full_Samples(): Response from server is not valid\n";
print " \"".$response->content."\"\n\n";
$decoded_response = 0;
return $decoded_response;
=head2 fetch_Energy_Stats - Fetches energy statistics
Retrieves energy statistics within the parameters specified.
The values represent the sum of all phases.
This method accepts the following parameters:
- start : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- granularity : minutes|hours|days|months - Required
- end : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Optional
specified using ISO8601 format
- frequency : if the granularity is specified as 'minutes', then the
frequency must be a multiple of 5 - Optional
- perPage : number of results per page - Optional
- page : page number to return - Optional
Returns a Perl data structure containing all the raw data
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Energy_Stats {
my ($self,$start,$granularity,$end,$frequency,$perPage,$page) = @_;
my ($url,$response,$decoded_response);
$url = "".$self->{'sensor_id'}."&start=$start&granularity=$granularity";
# make sure $start and $granularity are defined
if ((!defined $start) || (!defined $granularity)) {
print "Neurio->fetch_Energy_Stats(): \$start and \$granularity are required parameters\n\n";
return 0;
# make sure that frequqncy is a multiple of 5 if $granularity is in minutes
if (($granularity eq 'minutes') and defined $frequency) {
if (eval($frequency%5) != 0) {
print "Neurio->fetch_Energy_Stats(): Only multiples of 5 are supported for \$frequency when \$granularity is in minutes\n\n";
return 0;
# make sure $granularity is one of the correct values
if (!($granularity ~~ ['minutes','hours','days','months'])) {
print "Neurio->fetch_Full_Samples(): Only values of 'minutes, hours, days or months' are supported for \$granularity\n\n";
return 0;
# if optional parameter is defined, add it
if (defined $end) {
$url = $url . "&end=$end";
# if optional parameter is defined, add it
if (defined $frequency) {
$url = $url . "&frequency=$frequency";
# if optional parameter is defined, add it
if (defined $perPage) {
$url = $url . "&perPage=$perPage";
# if optional parameter is defined, add it
if (defined $page) {
$url = $url . "&page=$page";
$response = $self->{'ua'}->get($url,"Authorization"=>"Bearer ".$self->{'access_token'});
if ($response->is_success) {
$decoded_response = decode_json($response->content);
} else {
print "Neurio->fetch_Energy_Stats(): Response from server is not valid\n";
print " \"".$response->content."\"\n\n";
$decoded_response = 0;
return $decoded_response;
=head1 AUTHOR
Kedar Warriner, C<kedar at>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-device-Neurio at>
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Device::Neurio
You can also look for information at:
=over 5
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN
Many thanks to:
The guys at Energy Aware Technologies for creating the Neurio sensor and
developping the API.
Everyone involved with CPAN.
Copyright 2014 Kedar Warriner <kedar at>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.
1; # End of Device::Neurio - Return success to require/use statement