use strict;
use 5.006_001;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
# This allows declaration use Device::NeurioTools ':all';
# If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK
# will save memory.
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw(
new connect fetch_Samples_Recent_Live fetch_Samples_Last_Live fetch_Samples
fetch_Samples_Full fetch_Stats_Energy fetch_Appliances fetch_Appliances_Events_by_Appliance
fetch_Appliances_Events_by_Location fetch_Appliance fetch_Appliances_Stats
get_last_code get_last_exec_time get_last_reason
) ] );
our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
our @EXPORT = qw( $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'});
if ($^O eq "MSWin32"){
use JSON qw(decode_json encode_json);
use MIME::Base64 (qw(encode_base64));
use Time::HiRes (qw/gettimeofday/);
} else {
use JSON qw(decode_json encode_json);
use MIME::Base64 (qw(encode_base64));
use Time::HiRes (qw/gettimeofday/);
=head1 NAME
Device::Neurio - Methods for wrapping the Neurio API calls so that they are
accessible via Perl
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.16
our $VERSION = '0.16';
This module provides a Perl interface to a Neurio sensor via the following
- new
- connect
- fetch_Samples
- fetch_Samples_Full
- fetch_Samples_Last_Live
- fetch_Samples_Recent_Live
- fetch_Stats_Energy
- fetch_Appliances
- fetch_Appliances_Events
- fetch_Appliance
- fetch_Appliances_Stats
Please note that in order to use the 'Samples' methods in this module you will
require three parameters (key, secret, sensor_id) as well as an Energy Aware
Neurio sensor installed in your house. In order to use the 'Appliances'
methods, you will also require another parameter (location_id). This information
can be obtained from the Neurio developpers website.
The module is written entirely in Perl and was developped on Raspbian Linux.
All date/time values are specified using ISO8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
use Device::Neurio;
$my_Neurio = Device::Neurio->new($key,$secret,$sensor_id);
$data = $my_Neurio->fetch_Samples_Last_Live();
print $data->{'consumptionPower'}
$data = $my_Neurio->fetch_Samples_Recent_Live("2014-06-18T19:20:21Z");
print $data->[0]->{'consumptionPower'}
undef $my_Neurio;
=head2 EXPORT
All by default.
=head2 new - the constructor for a Neurio object
Creates a new instance which will be able to fetch data from a unique Neurio
sensor. All three parameters are required and can be obtained from the
Neurio developpers website.
my $Neurio = Device::Neurio->new($key, $secret, $sensor_id, $debug);
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $key : unique key for the account - Required
- $secret : secret key for the account - Required
- $sensor_id : sensor ID connected to the account - Required
- $debug : turn on debug messages - Optional
Returns a Neurio object if successful.
Returns 0 on failure
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self;
$self->{'ua'} = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$self->{'key'} = shift;
$self->{'secret'} = shift;
$self->{'sensor_id'} = shift;
$self->{'debug'} = 0;
if ((!defined $self->{'key'}) || (!defined $self->{'secret'}) || (!defined $self->{'sensor_id'})) {
print "\nNeurio->new(): Key, Secret and Sensor_ID are REQUIRED parameters\n";
$self->{'last_code'} = '0';
$self->{'last_reason'} = 'Neurio->new(): Key, Secret and Sensor_ID are REQUIRED parameters';
return 0;
$self->{'base64'} = encode_base64($self->{'key'}.":".$self->{'secret'});
if (!defined $self->{'debug'}) {
$self->{'debug'} = 0;
$self->{'base_url'} = "";
# $self->{'base_url'} = "";
$self->{'Samples_Recent_Live_url'} = $self->{'base_url'}."/samples/live?sensorId=".$self->{'sensor_id'};
$self->{'Samples_Last_Live_url'} = $self->{'base_url'}."/samples/live/last?sensorId=".$self->{'sensor_id'};
$self->{'Samples_url'} = $self->{'base_url'}."/samples?sensorId=".$self->{'sensor_id'};
$self->{'Samples_Full_url'} = $self->{'base_url'}."/samples/full?sensorId=".$self->{'sensor_id'};
$self->{'Stats_Energy_url'} = $self->{'base_url'}."/samples/stats?sensorId=".$self->{'sensor_id'};
$self->{'Appliances_url'} = $self->{'base_url'}."/appliances";
$self->{'Appliances_Specs_url'} = $self->{'base_url'}."/appliances/specs";
$self->{'Appliances_Stats_url'} = $self->{'base_url'}."/appliances/stats";
$self->{'Appliances_Status_url'} = $self->{'base_url'}."/appliances/status";
$self->{'Appliances_Events_url'} = $self->{'base_url'}."/appliances/events";
$self->{'Users_url'} = $self->{'base_url'}."/users";
$self->{'Location_url'} = $self->{'base_url'}."/locations";
$self->{'Cycles_url'} = $self->{'base_url'}."/cycles";
$self->{'Cycles_Full_url'} = $self->{'base_url'}."/cycles/full";
$self->{'Cycles_Groups_url'} = $self->{'base_url'}."/cycles/groups";
$self->{'Edges_url'} = $self->{'base_url'}."/edges?sensorId=".$self->{'sensor_id'};
$self->{'Sensors_url'} = $self->{'base_url'}."/sensors";
$self->{'Analytics_url'} = $self->{'base_url'}."/analytics/results";
$self->{'last_code'} = '';
$self->{'last_reason'} = '';
$self->{'last_exec_time'} = 0;
$self->{'rateLimitRemaining'} = 0;
$self->{'rateLimitReset'} = 0;
$self->{'rateLimitLimit'} = 0;
$self->{'contentLength'} = 0;
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
=head2 DESTROY - the destructor for a Neurio object
Destroys a previously created Neuri object.
my $self = shift;
print"\nDestroying ".ref($self), "...\n\n";
undef $self->{'ua'};
undef $self->{'key'};
undef $self->{'secret'};
undef $self->{'sensor_id'};
undef $self->{'debug'};
undef $self->{'base64'};
undef $self->{'base_url'};
undef $self->{'Samples_Recent_Live_url'};
undef $self->{'Samples_Last_Live_url'};
undef $self->{'Samples_url'};
undef $self->{'Samples_Full_url'};
undef $self->{'Stats_Energy_url'};
undef $self->{'Appliances_url'};
undef $self->{'Appliances_Specs_url'};
undef $self->{'Appliances_Stats_url'};
undef $self->{'Appliances_Status_url'};
undef $self->{'Appliances_Events_url'};
undef $self->{'Users_url'};
undef $self->{'Cycles_url'};
undef $self->{'Cycles_Full_url'};
undef $self->{'Cycles_Groups_url'};
undef $self->{'Edges_url'};
undef $self->{'Sensors_url'};
undef $self->{'Analytics_url'};
undef $self->{'last_code'};
undef $self->{'last_reason'};
undef $self->{'last_exec_time'};
undef $self->{'rateLimitRemaining'};
undef $self->{'rateLimitReset'};
undef $self->{'rateLimitLimit'};
undef $self->{'contentLength'};
=head2 connect - open a secure connection to the Neurio server
Opens a secure connection via HTTPS to the Neurio server which provides
access to a set of API commands to access the sensor data.
An optional location ID can be given. This is only required if calls
will be made to the 'Appliance' methods. Calls to the 'Samples'
methods do not require that a location ID be set. If a location_id is not
specified at connection, then it must be specified when using the 'Appliance'
A location ID can be acquired from the Neurio developpers web site
This method accepts the following parameter:
- $location_id : unique location id - Optional
Returns 1 on success
Returns 0 on failure
sub connect {
my ($self,$location_id) = @_;
my $access_token = '';
if (defined $location_id) {
$self->{'location_id'} = $location_id;
} else {
$self->{'location_id'} = '';
# Submit request for authentiaction token.
my $response = $self->{'ua'}->post($self->{'base_url'}.'/oauth2/token',
{ basic_authentication => $self->{'base64'},
Content_Type => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
grant_type => 'client_credentials',
client_id => $self->{'key'},
client_secret => $self->{'secret'},
if($response->is_success) {
my $return = $response->content;
$return =~ /\"access_token\":\"(.*)\"\,\"token_type\"/;
$self->{'access_token'} = $1;
return 1;
} else {
$self->printLOG("\nDevice::Neurio->connect(): Failed to connect.\n");
if ($self->{'debug'}) {$self->printLOG($response->content."\n\n");}
$self->{'last_code'} = '0';
$self->{'last_reason'} = 'Neurio->new(): Device::Neurio->connect(): Failed to connect';
return 0;
=head2 debug - Configure debug settings for a Neurio object
Enables debug printouts and an optional file handle can be supplied
where printouts will be re-directed.
$my_Neurio = Device::Neurio->new($key,$secret,$sensor_id);
This method accepts at least one of the following parameters:
- $debug : turn on debug messages - Optional
- $fileHandle : filehandle for logging debug messages - Optional
Returns nothing.
sub debug {
my ($self,$debug,$fileHandle) = @_;
if (defined $debug) {
$self->{'debug'} = $debug;
if (defined $fileHandle) {
$self->{'$fileHandle'} = $fileHandle;
=head2 fetch_Samples_Recent_Live - Fetch recent sensor samples
Get recent samples, one sample per second for up to the last 2 minutes.
The values represent the sum of all phases.
This method accepts the following parameters:
$last - time of last sample received specified using ISO8601
format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ) - Optional
If no value is specified for $last, a default of 2 minutes is used.
Returns an array of Perl data structures on success
'generationEnergy' => 3716166644,
'timestamp' => '2014-06-24T11:08:00.000Z',
'consumptionEnergy' => 6762651207,
'generationPower' => 564,
'consumptionPower' => 821
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Samples_Recent_Live {
my ($self,$last) = @_;
my $url = $self->{'Samples_Recent_Live_url'};;
# if optional parameter is defined, add it
if (defined $last) {
$url = $self->{'Samples_Recent_Live_url'}."&last=$last";
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_Samples_Last_Live - Fetch the last live sensor sample
Get the last sample recorded by the sensor.
The values represent the sum of all phases.
This method accepts no parameters
Returns a Perl data structure on success:
'generationEnergy' => 3716027450,
'timestamp' => '2014-06-24T11:03:43.000Z',
'consumptionEnergy' => 6762445671,
'generationPower' => 542,
'consumptionPower' => 800
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Samples_Last_Live {
my $self = shift;
my $url = $self->{'Samples_Last_Live_url'};
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_Samples - Fetch sensor samples from the Neurio server
Get samples for a specified time interval.
The values represent the sum of all phases.
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $start : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- $granularity : seconds|minutes|hours|days - Required
- $end : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Optional
specified using ISO8601 format
- $frequency : if the granularity is specified as 'minutes', then the
frequency must be a multiple of 5 - Optional
- $perPage : number of results per page - Optional
- $page : page number to return - Optional
Returns an array of Perl data structures on success
'generationEnergy' => 3568948578,
'timestamp' => '2014-06-21T19:00:00.000Z',
'consumptionEnergy' => 6487889194,
'generationPower' => 98,
'consumptionPower' => 240
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Samples {
my ($self,$start,$granularity,$end,$frequency,$perPage,$page) = @_;
my $url = $self->{'Samples_url'};
# if REQUIRED parameters are defined, add them
if (defined $start) {
$url = $url . "&start=$start";
if (defined $granularity) {
$url = $url . "&granularity=$granularity";
# if optional parameters are defined, add them
if (defined $end) {
$url = $url . "&end=$end";
if (defined $frequency) {
$url = $url . "&frequency=$frequency";
if (defined $perPage) {
$url = $url . "&perPage=$perPage";
if (defined $page) {
$url = $url . "&page=$page";
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_Samples_Full - Fetches full samples for all phases
Get full samples for a specified time interval. Sample data will include
information broken down by channel.
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $start : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- $granularity : seconds|minutes|hours|days - Required
- $end : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Optional
specified using ISO8601 format
- $frequency : an integer - Optional
- $perPage : number of results per page - Optional
- $page : page number to return - Optional
Returns an array of Perl data structures on success
'timestamp' => '2014-06-16T19:20:21.000Z',
'channelSamples' => [
'voltage' => '123.19',
'power' => 129,
'name' => '1',
'energyExported' => 27,
'channelType' => 'phase_a',
'energyImported' => 2682910899,
'reactivePower' => 41
'voltage' => '123.94',
'power' => 199,
'name' => '2',
'energyExported' => 6,
'channelType' => 'phase_b',
'energyImported' => 3296564362,
'reactivePower' => -45
'voltage' => '123.57',
'power' => 327,
'name' => '3',
'energyExported' => 10,
'channelType' => 'consumption',
'energyImported' => 5979475235,
'reactivePower' => -4
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Samples_Full {
my ($self,$start,$granularity,$end,$frequency,$perPage,$page) = @_;
my $url = $self->{'Samples_Full_url'};
# if REQUIRED parameters are defined, add them
if (defined $start) {
$url = $url . "&start=$start";
if (defined $granularity) {
$url = $url . "&granularity=$granularity";
# if optional parameters are defined, add them
if (defined $end) {
$url = $url . "&end=$end";
if (defined $frequency) {
$url = $url . "&frequency=$frequency";
if (defined $perPage) {
$url = $url . "&perPage=$perPage";
if (defined $page) {
$url = $url . "&page=$page";
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_Stats_Energy - Fetches energy statistics
Get brief stats for energy consumed in a given time interval.
The values represent the sum of all phases.
To convert the energy returned into kWh, divide it by 3600000
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $start : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- $granularity : minutes|hours|days|months - Required
- $frequency : if the granularity is specified as 'minutes', then the
frequency must be a multiple of 5 - Required
- $end : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Optional
specified using ISO8601 format
Returns a Perl data structure containing all the raw data
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Stats_Energy {
my ($self,$start,$granularity,$frequency,$end) = @_;
my $url = $self->{'Stats_Energy_url'};
# if REQUIRED parameter are defined, add them
if (defined $start) {
$url = $url . "&start=$start";
# if optional parameter is defined, add it
if (defined $frequency) {
$url = $url . "&frequency=$frequency";
if (defined $granularity) {
$url = $url . "&granularity=$granularity";
if (defined $end) {
$url = $url . "&end=$end";
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_Appliances - Fetch the appliances for a specific location
Get the appliances added for a specified location.
The location_id is an optional parameter because it can be specified when
connecting. If it is specified below, then this will over-ride the location
ID set when connecting, but for this function call only.
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $location_id : id of a location - Optional
Returns an array of Perl data structures on success
'locationId' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'name' => 'lighting_appliance',
'id' => 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy',
'label' => 'Range Light on Medium',
'tags' => []
'locationId' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-3',
'name' => 'refrigerator',
'id' => 'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz',
'label' => '',
'tags' => []
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Appliances {
my ($self,$location_id) = @_;
my $url = $self->{'Appliances_url'}."?";
# if REQUIRED parameter is defined, add it
if (defined $location_id) {
$url = $url . "locationId=$location_id";
} else {
$url = $url . "locationId=".$self->{'location_id'};
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_Appliance - Fetch information about a specific appliance
Get the information for a given appliance.
The applicance_id parameter is determined by using the fetch_Appliance method
which returns a list of appliances with their IDs
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $appliance_id : id of the appliance - Required
Returns a Perl data structure on success:
'locationId' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx,
'name' => 'lighting_appliance',
'id' => 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy',
'label' => 'Range Light on Medium',
'tags' => []
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Appliance {
my ($self,$appliance_id) = @_;
my $url = $self->{'Appliances_url'}."/";
# if REQUIRED parameter are defined, add them
if (defined $appliance_id) {
$url = $url . $appliance_id;
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_Appliances_Specs - Fetch specs about all appliances
Get all supported appliance types that Neurio can detect, along with their
This method accepts no parameters:
Returns a Perl data structure on success:
'locationId' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx,
'name' => 'lighting_appliance',
'id' => 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy',
'label' => 'Range Light on Medium',
'tags' => []
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Appliances_Specs {
my $self = shift;
my $url = $self->{'Appliances_Specs_url'};
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_Appliances_Status - Fetch specs about all appliances
Query the appliance statuses for a specified location.
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $location_Id : id of a location - Required
Returns a Perl data structure on success:
"appliance" : {
"id" : "2SMROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1g",
"name" : "television",
"label" : "upstairs TV",
"tags" : ["bedroom_television", "42 inch LED"],
"locationId" : "0qX7nB-8Ry2bxIMTK0EmXw",
"createdAt": "2014-10-16T18:21:11.038Z",
"updatedAt": "2014-10-16T18:47:09.566Z",
"isTrained": true,
"lastUsed": "2014-10-31T15:08:01.310Z"
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Appliances_Status {
my ($self,$location_id) = @_;
my $url = $self->{'Appliances_Status_url'}."?locationId=$location_id";
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_Appliances_Stats_by_Location - Fetch appliance stats for a given location
Get appliance usage data for a given location.
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $location_Id : id of a location - Required
- $start : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- $granularity : seconds|minutes|hours|days - Required
- $end : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- $minPower : minimum power - Optional
- $perPage : number of results per page - Optional
- $page : page number to return - Optional
Returns an array of Perl data structures on success
"appliance": {
"label": "",
"name": "dryer",
"locationId": "0qX7nB-8Ry2bxIMTK0EmXw",
"tags": [],
"createdAt": "2015-01-04T23:42:54.009Z",
"updatedAt": "2015-01-30T19:19:10.278Z",
"id": "4SmROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1h"
"averagePower": 5162.4,
"eventCount": 5,
"lastEvent": {
"appliance": {
"label": "",
"name": "dryer",
"locationId": "0qX7nB-8Ry2bxIMTK0EmXw",
"tags": [],
"createdAt": "2015-01-04T23:42:54.009Z",
"updatedAt": "2015-01-30T19:19:10.278Z",
"id": "4SmROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1h"
"status": "complete",
"start": "2015-02-04T22:24:41.816Z",
"end": "2015-02-04T22:31:06.792Z",
"energy": 1308604,
"averagePower": 5155,
"guesses": {
"air_conditioner": 0.5,
"dryer": 0.5
"groupIds": ["2pMROafiTA6huhV7Drrm1g"],
"lastCycle": {
"groupId": "cd0r-kOrRvWFbIuuUnL5GQ",
"start": "2015-02-04T22:29:25.798Z",
"end": "2015-02-04T22:31:06.792Z",
"energy": 482612,
"averagePower": 5182,
"createdAt": "2015-02-04T22:29:38.701Z",
"updatedAt": "2015-02-04T23:28:08.014Z",
"significant": true,
"sensorId": "0x0000C47F510179FE",
"id": "Xj_L10ryTgSdX8euqj_fHw"
"cycleCount": 2,
"isConfirmed": true,
"id": "-yvnL0vgTN2DUx2dVv4uTw"
"timeOn": 687944,
"energy": 14443276,
"usagePercentage": 16.34809,
"guesses": {},
"start": "2015-02-04T03:37:51.566Z",
"end": "2015-02-11T23:41:06.554Z",
"groupIds": ["2pMROafiTA6huhV7Drrm1g"],
"id": "Y8StKV6nStaXaguxnmNKtg"
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Appliances_Stats_by_Location {
my ($self,$location_id,$start,$granularity,$end,$minPower,$perPage,$page) = @_;
my $url = $self->{'Appliances_Stats_url'}."?";
# if REQUIRED parameter are defined, add them
if (defined $location_id) {
$url = $url . "locationId=$location_id";
if (defined $start) {
$url = $url . "&start=$start";
if (defined $end) {
$url = $url . "&end=$end";
if (defined $granularity) {
$url = $url . "&granularity=$granularity";
# if optional parameters are defined, add them
if (defined $minPower) {
$url = $url . "&minPower=$minPower";
if (defined $perPage) {
$url = $url . "&perPage=$perPage";
if (defined $page) {
$url = $url . "&page=$page";
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_Appliances_Stats_by_Appliance - Fetch usage data for a given appliance
Get appliance usage data for a given appliance.
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $appliance_id : id of the appliance - Required
- $start : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- $granularity : days, weeks, or months - Required
- $end : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- $minPower : minimum Power - Optional
- $perPage : number of results per page - Optional
- $page : page number to return - Optional
Returns an array of Perl data structures on success
"appliance": {
"label": "",
"name": "dryer",
"locationId": "0qX7nB-8Ry2bxIMTK0EmXw",
"tags": [],
"createdAt": "2015-01-04T23:42:54.009Z",
"updatedAt": "2015-01-30T19:19:10.278Z",
"id": "4SmROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1h"
"averagePower": 5162.4,
"eventCount": 5,
"lastEvent": {
"appliance": {
"label": "",
"name": "dryer",
"locationId": "0qX7nB-8Ry2bxIMTK0EmXw",
"tags": [],
"createdAt": "2015-01-04T23:42:54.009Z",
"updatedAt": "2015-01-30T19:19:10.278Z",
"id": "4SmROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1h"
"status": "complete",
"start": "2015-02-04T22:24:41.816Z",
"end": "2015-02-04T22:31:06.792Z",
"energy": 1308604,
"averagePower": 5155,
"guesses": {
"air_conditioner": 0.5,
"dryer": 0.5
"groupIds": ["2pMROafiTA6huhV7Drrm1g"],
"lastCycle": {
"groupId": "cd0r-kOrRvWFbIuuUnL5GQ",
"start": "2015-02-04T22:29:25.798Z",
"end": "2015-02-04T22:31:06.792Z",
"energy": 482612,
"averagePower": 5182,
"createdAt": "2015-02-04T22:29:38.701Z",
"updatedAt": "2015-02-04T23:28:08.014Z",
"significant": true,
"sensorId": "0x0000C47F510179FE",
"id": "Xj_L10ryTgSdX8euqj_fHw"
"cycleCount": 2,
"isConfirmed": true,
"id": "-yvnL0vgTN2DUx2dVv4uTw"
"timeOn": 687944,
"energy": 14443276,
"usagePercentage": 16.34809,
"guesses": {},
"start": "2015-02-04T03:37:51.566Z",
"end": "2015-02-11T23:41:06.554Z",
"groupIds": ["2pMROafiTA6huhV7Drrm1g"],
"id": "Y8StKV6nStaXaguxnmNKtg"
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Appliances_Stats_by_Appliance {
my ($self,$appliance_id,$start,$granularity,$end,$minPower,$perPage,$page) = @_;
my $url = $self->{'Appliances_Stats_url'}."?";
# if REQUIRED parameter are defined, add them
if (defined $appliance_id) {
$url = $url . "applianceId=$appliance_id";
if (defined $start) {
$url = $url . "&start=$start";
if (defined $end) {
$url = $url . "&end=$end";
if (defined $granularity) {
$url = $url . "&granularity=$granularity";
# if optional parameters are defined, add them
if (defined $minPower) {
$url = $url . "&minPower=$minPower";
if (defined $perPage) {
$url = $url . "&perPage=$perPage";
if (defined $page) {
$url = $url . "&page=$page";
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_Appliances_Events_by_Location - Fetch events for a specific location
Get appliance events by location Id.
An event is an interval when an appliance was in use.
An applicance_id can be requested by using the NeurioTools::get_appliance_ID
method which returns an appliance ID for a given string name.
$Neurio->fetch_Appliances_Events_by_Location($location_id, $start,$end,$perPage,$page);
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $location_Id : id of a location - Required
- $start : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- $end : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- $minpower : Minimum power consumption - Optional
- $perPage : number of results per page - Optional
- $page : page number to return - Optional
Returns an array of Perl data structures on success
"id" : "1cRsH7KQTeONMzjSuRJ2aw",
"createdAt" : "2014-04-21T22:28:32Z",
"updatedAt" : "2014-04-21T22:45:32Z",
"appliance" : {
"id" : "2SMROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1g",
"name" : "television",
"label" : "upstairs TV",
"tags" : ["bedroom_television", "42 inch LED"],
"locationId" : "0qX7nB-8Ry2bxIMTK0EmXw"
"start" : "2014-04-21T05:26:10.785Z",
"end" : "2014-04-21T05:36:00.547Z",
"guesses" : {"dryer1" : 0.78, "dishwasher_2014" : 0.12},
"energy" : 247896,
"averagePower" : 122,
"groupIds" : [ "2pMROafiTA6huhV7Drrm1g", "4SmROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1h" ],
"cycleCount" : 5,
"isRunning" : false
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Appliances_Events_by_Location {
my ($self,$location_id,$start,$end,$minPower,$perPage,$page) = @_;
my $url = $self->{'Appliances_Events_url'}."?";
# if REQUIRED parameter are defined, add them
if (defined $location_id) {
$url = $url . "locationId=$location_id";
if (defined $start) {
$url = $url . "&start=$start";
if (defined $end) {
$url = $url . "&end=$end";
# if optional parameters are defined, add them
if (defined $minPower) {
$url = $url . "&minPower=$minPower";
if (defined $perPage) {
$url = $url . "&perPage=$perPage";
if (defined $page) {
$url = $url . "&page=$page";
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_Appliances_Events_by_Appliance - Fetch events for a specific appliance
Get appliance events by appliance Id.
An event is an interval when an appliance was in use.
An applicance_id can be requested by using the NeurioTools::get_appliance_ID
method which returns an appliance ID for a given string name.
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $appliance_id : id of the appliance - Required
- $start : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- $end : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- $minpower : Minimum power consumption - Optional
- $perPage : number of results per page - Optional
- $page : page number to return - Optional
Returns an array of Perl data structures on success
"id" : "1cRsH7KQTeONMzjSuRJ2aw",
"appliance" : {
"id" : "2SMROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1g",
"name" : "television",
"label" : "upstairs TV",
"tags" : ["bedroom_television", "42 inch LED"],
"locationId" : "0qX7nB-8Ry2bxIMTK0EmXw"
"start" : "2014-04-21T05:26:10.785Z",
"end" : "2014-04-21T05:36:00.547Z",
"guesses" : {"dryer1" : 0.78, "dishwasher_2014" : 0.12},
"energy" : 247896,
"averagePower" : 122,
"groupIds" : [ "2pMROafiTA6huhV7Drrm1g", "4SmROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1h" ],
"lastCycle": {
"groupId" : "4SmROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1h",
"start" : "2014-04-21T05:29:00.547Z",
"end" : "2014-04-21T05:36:00.147Z",
"energy" : 41846,
"averagePower" : 122,
"createdAt" : "2014-04-21T05:29:02.547Z",
"updatedAt" : "2014-04-21T05:36:05.147Z",
"sensorId" : "0x0013A00000000000",
"id" : "ALJGM7voQpux5fujXtM2Qw"
"cycleCount" : 5,
"status" : "complete",
"isConfirmed" : false,
"precedingEventId": "1cRsH7KQTeONMzjSuRJ2er"
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Appliances_Events_by_Appliance {
my ($self,$appliance_id,$start,$end,$minPower,$perPage,$page) = @_;
my $url = $self->{'Appliances_Events_url'}."?";
# if REQUIRED parameter are defined, add them
if (defined $appliance_id) {
$url = $url . "applianceId=$appliance_id";
if (defined $start) {
$url = $url . "&start=$start";
if (defined $end) {
$url = $url . "&end=$end";
# if optional parameters are defined, add them
if (defined $minPower) {
$url = $url . "&minPower=$minPower";
if (defined $perPage) {
$url = $url . "&perPage=$perPage";
if (defined $page) {
$url = $url . "&page=$page";
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_Appliances_Events_Recent - Fetch events after a spceific time
Get appliance events created or updated after a specific time.
An event is an interval when an appliance was in use.
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $location_Id : id of a location - Required
- $since : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- $minPower : minimum average power - Optional
- $perPage : number of results per page - Optional
- $page : page number to return - Optional
Returns an array of Perl data structures on success
"id" : "1cRsH7KQTeONMzjSuRJ2aw",
"appliance" : {
"id" : "2SMROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1g",
"name" : "television",
"label" : "upstairs TV",
"tags" : ["bedroom_television", "42 inch LED"],
"locationId" : "0qX7nB-8Ry2bxIMTK0EmXw"
"start" : "2014-04-21T05:26:10.785Z",
"end" : "2014-04-21T05:36:00.547Z",
"guesses" : {"dryer1" : 0.78, "dishwasher_2014" : 0.12},
"energy" : 247896,
"averagePower" : 122,
"groupIds" : [ "2pMROafiTA6huhV7Drrm1g", "4SmROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1h" ],
"lastCycle": {
"groupId" : "4SmROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1h",
"start" : "2014-04-21T05:29:00.547Z",
"end" : "2014-04-21T05:36:00.147Z",
"energy" : 41846,
"averagePower" : 122,
"createdAt" : "2014-04-21T05:29:02.547Z",
"updatedAt" : "2014-04-21T05:36:05.147Z",
"sensorId" : "0x0013A00000000000",
"id" : "ALJGM7voQpux5fujXtM2Qw"
"cycleCount" : 5,
"status" : "complete",
"isConfirmed" : false,
"precedingEventId": "1cRsH7KQTeONMzjSuRJ2er"
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Appliances_Events_Recent {
my ($self,$location_Id,$since,$minPower,$perPage,$page) = @_;
my $url = $self->{'Appliances_Events_url'}."?";
# if REQUIRED parameter are defined, add them
if (defined $location_Id) {
$url = $url . "locationId=$location_Id";
if (defined $since) {
$url = $url . "&since=$since";
# if optional parameters are defined, add them
if (defined $minPower) {
$url = $url . "&minPower=$minPower";
if (defined $perPage) {
$url = $url . "&perPage=$perPage";
if (defined $page) {
$url = $url . "&page=$page";
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_Location - Fetch information for a location
Retrieves information about a particular location.
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $location_id : id of a location - Required
Returns a Perl data structure on success
"name": "bob location",
"timezone": "America/Vancouver",
"sensorId": "0x0000000000000001",
"installCode": "5555",
"sensorType": "neurio",
"locationId": "222ROBfiTA6huhV7Drrrmg",
"sensorId": "0x0000000000000001",
"channel": 1,
"channelType": "phase_a",
"start": "2014-07-21T20:40:39.523Z",
"id": "2221OBfiTA6huhV7Drrrmg"
"startTime": "2014-10-01T22:05:17.747Z",
"id": "0x0000000000000001"
"energyRate": 0.1,
"createdAt": "2014-10-01T22:05:22.406Z",
"id": "2SMROBfiTA6huhV7Drrrmg"
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Location {
my ($self,$location_id) = @_;
# make sure $location_id is defined
if (!defined $location_id) {
$self->printLOG("\nNeurio->fetch_Location(): \$location_id is a required parameter\n\n");
$self->{'last_code'} = '0';
$self->{'last_reason'} = 'Neurio->fetch_Location(): \$location_id is a required parameter';
return 0;
my $url = $self->{'Location_url'}."/$location_id";
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_UserLocation - Fetch information for a user's location
Retrieves information about a location for a particular user.
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $user_id : id of a user - Required
Returns a Perl data structure on success
"name": "John",
"timezone": "America/Vancouver",
"sensorId": "0x0000000000000001",
"installCode": "5555",
"sensorType": "neurio",
"locationId": "222ROBfiTA6huhV7Drrrmg",
"sensorId": "0x0000000000000001",
"channel": 1,
"channelType": "phase_a",
"start": "2014-07-21T20:40:39.523Z",
"id": "2221OBfiTA6huhV7Drrrmg"
"startTime": "2014-10-01T22:05:17.747Z",
"id": "0x0000000000000001"
"energyRate": 0.1,
"createdAt": "2014-10-01T22:05:22.406Z",
"id": "2SMROBfiTA6huhV7Drrrmg"
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_UserLocation {
my ($self,$user_id) = @_;
# make sure $user_id is defined
if (!defined $user_id) {
$self->printLOG("\nNeurio->fetch_UserLocation(): \$user_id is a required parameter\n\n");
$self->{'last_code'} = '0';
$self->{'last_reason'} = 'Neurio->fetch_UserLocation(): \$user_id is a required parameter';
return 0;
my $url = $self->{'Location_url'}."/?$user_id";
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_User - Fetch information about a particular user
Retrieves information about a particular user.
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $user_id : id of a user - Required
Returns a Perl data structure on success
"id": 123,
"name" : "Bruce Bane",
"email" : "",
"status" : "active",
"createdAt" : "2014-04-21T22:28:32Z",
"updatedAt" : "2014-04-21T22:45:32Z",
"locations" : [
"id" : "2SMROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1g",
"name" : "my home",
"timezone" "America/Vancouver",
"sensors" : [
"id" : "0qX7nB-8Ry2bxIMTK0EmXw",
"name" : "sensor 1",
"type" : "powerblaster",
"channels" : [
"channel" : 1
"channelType" : "phase_a"
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_User {
my ($self,$user_id) = @_;
# make sure $user_id is defined
if (!defined $user_id) {
$self->printLOG("\nNeurio->fetch_User(): \$user_id is a required parameter\n\n");
$self->{'last_code'} = '0';
$self->{'last_reason'} = 'Neurio->fetch_User(): \$user_id is a required parameter';
return 0;
my $url = $self->{'Users_url'}."/$user_id";
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_User_Current - Fetch information about the current user
Retrieves information about the current user.
This method accepts no parameters:
Returns a Perl data structure on success
"id": 123,
"name" : "Bruce Bane",
"email" : "",
"status" : "active",
"createdAt" : "2014-04-21T22:28:32Z",
"updatedAt" : "2014-04-21T22:45:32Z",
"locations" : [
"id" : "2SMROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1g",
"name" : "my home",
"timezone" "America/Vancouver",
"sensors" : [
"id" : "0qX7nB-8Ry2bxIMTK0EmXw",
"name" : "sensor 1",
"type" : "powerblaster",
"channels" : [
"channel" : 1
"channelType" : "phase_a"
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_User_Current {
my ($self) = @_;
my $url = $self->{'Users_url'}."/current";
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_Sensors - Fetch information about all Neurio sensors
Retrieves information about all Neurio sensors.
This method accepts the following parameters.
- $perPage : number of results per page - Optional
- $page : page number to return - Optional
Returns a Perl data structure on success
"id" : "0x0013A00000000000",
"sensorId" : "0x0013A00000000000",
"email" : "",
"installCode" : "26huhV7Drrm1g",
"sensorType" : "powerblaster",
"locationId" : "hSMROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1h",
"startTime" : "2014-04-21T22:28:32Z",
"endTime" : "2014-04-21T22:45:32Z",
"channels" : [
"id" : "4SMROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1g",
"sensorId" : "2SMROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1g",
"channel" : 1,
"channelType" : "consumption",
"name" : "channel1",
"start" : "2014-03-21T20:35:32Z",
"end" : "2014-03-21T20:38:32Z",
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Sensors {
my ($self,$perPage,$page) = @_;
my $url = $self->{'Sensors_url'};
# if optional parameters are defined, add them
if (defined $perPage) {
$url = $url . "?perPage=$perPage";
if (defined $page) {
$url = $url . "&page=$page";
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 fetch_Sensor - Fetch information about a specific Neurio sensor
Retrieves information about a specific Neurio sensor.
This method accepts the following parameters.
- $sensor_id : ID of a sensor - Required
Returns a Perl data structure on success
"id" : "0x0013A00000000000",
"sensorId" : "0x0013A00000000000",
"email" : "",
"installCode" : "26huhV7Drrm1g",
"sensorType" : "powerblaster",
"locationId" : "hSMROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1h",
"startTime" : "2014-04-21T22:28:32Z",
"endTime" : "2014-04-21T22:45:32Z",
"channels" : [
"id" : "4SMROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1g",
"sensorId" : "2SMROBfiTA6huhV7Drrm1g",
"channel" : 1,
"channelType" : "consumption",
"name" : "channel1",
"start" : "2014-03-21T20:35:32Z",
"end" : "2014-03-21T20:38:32Z",
Returns 0 on failure
sub fetch_Sensor {
my ($self,$sensor_id) = @_;
my $url = $self->{'Sensors_url'}."/";
# if REQUIRED parameter is defined, add it
if (defined $sensor_id) {
$url = $url . "$sensor_id";
return $self->__process_get($url);
=head2 get_version - return the version of the API being used
Retrieves the version of the API being used.
This method accepts no parameters:
Returns a list containing the version and build of the API
Returns 0 on failure
sub get_version {
my $self = shift;
my $url = $self->{'base_url'}."/status";
my $response = $self->__process_get($url);
my ($version,$build) = split('\+build\.',$response->{'apiVersion'});
return ($version,$build);
=head2 get_uptime - return the uptime of the Neurio Sensor being used
Retrieves the uptime of the Neurio Sensor being used.
This method accepts no parameters:
Returns the uptime of the sensor
Returns 0 on failure
sub get_uptime {
my $self = shift;
my $url = $self->{'base_url'}."/status";
my $response = $self->__process_get($url);
return $response->{'uptime'};
=head2 dump_Object - shows the contents of the local Neurio object
shows the contents of the local Neurio object in human readable form
This method accepts no parameters
Returns nothing
sub dump_Object {
my $self = shift;
$self->printLOG("Key : ".substr($self->{'key'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("SecretKey : ".substr($self->{'secret'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Sensor_ID : ".substr($self->{'sensor_id'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Location_ID : ".substr($self->{'location_id'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Access_token : ".substr($self->{'access_token'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Base 64 : ".substr($self->{'base64'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Base URL : ".substr($self->{'base_url'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Samples_Recent_Live URL : ".substr($self->{'Samples_Recent_Live_url'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Samples_Last_Live URL : ".substr($self->{'Samples_Last_Live_url'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Samples URL : ".substr($self->{'Samples_url'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Samples_Full URL : ".substr($self->{'Samples_Full_url'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Stats_Energy URL : ".substr($self->{'Stats_Energy_url'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Appliances URL : ".substr($self->{'Appliances_url'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Appliances_Stats URL : ".substr($self->{'Appliances_Stats_url'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Appliances_Events URL : ".substr($self->{'Appliances_Events_url'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Users URL : ".substr($self->{'Users_url'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Cycles URL : ".substr($self->{'Cycles_url'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Cycles Full URL : ".substr($self->{'Cycles_Full_url'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Cycles Group URL : ".substr($self->{'Cycles_Groups_url'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Edges URL : ".substr($self->{'Edges_url'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Sensors URL : ".substr($self->{'Sensors_url'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("Analytics URL : ".substr($self->{'Analytics_url'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("debug : ".substr($self->{'debug'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("last_code : ".substr($self->{'last_code'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("last_reason : ".substr($self->{'last_reason'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("last_execution_time : ".substr($self->{'last_exec_time'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("rateLimitRemaining : ".substr($self->{'rateLimitRemaining'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("rateLimitReset : ".substr($self->{'rateLimitReset'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("rateLimitLimit : ".substr($self->{'rateLimitLimit'}, 0,120)."\n");
$self->printLOG("contentLength : ".substr($self->{'contentLength'}, 0,120)."\n");
=head2 printLOG - prints to the screen and to a logfile if specified.
This method accepts the following parameters.
- $string : the string to print - Required
Returns nothing.
sub printLOG{
my $self = shift;
my $string = shift;
print $string;
if (defined $self->{'$fileHandle'}) { # filehandle defined using $self->debug method
my $FH = $self->{'$fileHandle'};
print $FH $string;
=head2 get_last_reason - returns the text generated by the most recent fetch
Returns the HTTP Header reason for the most recent fetch command
This method accepts no parameters
Returns the textual reason
sub get_last_reason {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'last_reason'};
=head2 get_last_code - returns the code generated by the most recent fetch
Returns the HTTP Header code for the most recent fetch command
This method accepts no parameters
Returns the numeric code
sub get_last_code {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'last_code'};
=head2 get_last_exec_time - returns the execution time for the last fetch
Returns the number of milliseconds it took for the last fetch call
This method accepts no parameters
Returns the number of milliseconds
sub get_last_exec_time {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'last_exec_time'};
sub __process_get {
my ($self,$url) = @_;
my $time_before = gettimeofday;
my $response = $self->{'ua'}->get($url,"Authorization"=>"Bearer ".$self->{'access_token'});
my $time_after = gettimeofday;
$self->printLOG(" GET from URL: $url\n");
$self->{'last_exec_time'} = eval{($time_after-$time_before)*1000};
$self->{'last_code'} = $response->code;
$self->{'rateLimitRemaining'} = $response->header('ratelimit-remaining');
$self->{'rateLimitReset'} = $response->header('ratelimit-reset');
$self->{'rateLimitLimit'} = $response->header('ratelimit-limit');
$self->{'contentLength'} = $response->header('content-length');
if ($self->{'debug'}) {$self->printLOG(" Response:".($response->content)."\n");}
if ($self->{'debug'}) {$self->printLOG(" Response code:".$response->code."\n\n");}
if ($self->{'debug'}) {$self->printLOG(Dumper ($response));}
if ($response->is_success()) {
$self->{'last_reason'} = '';
if ($response->content eq '') { # work around for JSON module which does not handle blank content well
return "";
} else {
return decode_json($response->content);
} else {
$self->{'last_reason'} = $response->message;
if ($self->{'debug'}) {$self->printLOG("\n".(caller(1))[3]."(): Failed with return code ".$self->get_last_code()." - ".$self->get_last_reason()."\n");}
return 0;
sub __process_put {
my ($self,$url,$params) = @_;
my $time_before = gettimeofday;
my $encoded = encode_json($params);
my $response = $self->{'ua'}->put($url,"Authorization"=>"Bearer ".$self->{'access_token'}, Content_Type => 'application/json', content => $encoded);
my $time_after = gettimeofday;
$self->printLOG(" PUT to URL: $url\n");
$self->{'last_exec_time'} = eval{($time_after-$time_before)*1000};
$self->{'last_code'} = $response->code;
if ($self->{'debug'}) {$self->printLOG(" Response:".($response->content)."\n");}
if ($self->{'debug'}) {$self->printLOG(" Response code:".$response->code."\n\n");}
if ($response->is_success()) {
$self->{'last_reason'} = '';
if ($response->content eq '') { # work around for JSON module which does not handle blank content well
return "";
} else {
return decode_json($response->content);
} else {
$self->{'last_reason'} = $response->message;
if ($self->{'debug'}) {$self->printLOG("\n".(caller(1))[3]."(): Failed with return code ".$self->get_last_code()." - ".$self->get_last_reason()."\n");}
return 0;
sub __process_post {
my ($self,$url,$params) = @_;
my $time_before = gettimeofday;
my $encoded = encode_json($params);
my $response = $self->{'ua'}->post($url,"Authorization"=>"Bearer ".$self->{'access_token'}, Content_Type => 'application/json', content => $encoded);
my $time_after = gettimeofday;
$self->printLOG(" POSTed to URL: $url\n");
$self->{'last_exec_time'} = eval{($time_after-$time_before)*1000};
$self->{'last_code'} = $response->code;
if ($self->{'debug'}) {$self->printLOG(" Response:".($response->content)."\n");}
if ($self->{'debug'}) {$self->printLOG(" Response code:".$response->code."\n\n");}
if ($response->is_success()) {
$self->{'last_reason'} = '';
if ($response->content eq '') { # work around for JSON module which does not handle blank content well
return "";
} else {
return decode_json($response->content);
} else {
$self->{'last_reason'} = $response->message;
if ($self->{'debug'}) {$self->printLOG("\n".(caller(1))[3]."(): Failed with return code ".$self->get_last_code()." - ".$self->get_last_reason()."\n");}
return 0;
sub __process_patch {
my ($self,$url,$params) = @_;
my $time_before = gettimeofday;
my $encoded = encode_json($params);
my $request = HTTP::Request->new(PATCH => $url);
$request->header('Authorization' => "Bearer ".$self->{'access_token'});
$request->header('Content_Type' => "application/json");
my $response = $self->{'ua'}->request($request);
my $time_after = gettimeofday;
$self->printLOG(" PATCHed URL: $url\n");
$self->{'last_exec_time'} = eval{($time_after-$time_before)*1000};
$self->{'last_code'} = $response->code;
if ($self->{'debug'}) {$self->printLOG(" Response:".($response->content)."\n");}
if ($self->{'debug'}) {$self->printLOG(" Response code:".$response->code."\n\n");}
if ($response->is_success()) {
$self->{'last_reason'} = '';
if ($response->content eq '') { # work around for JSON module which does not handle blank content well
return "";
} else {
return decode_json($response->content);
} else {
$self->{'last_reason'} = $response->message;
if ($self->{'debug'}) {$self->printLOG("\n".(caller(1))[3]."(): Failed with return code ".$self->get_last_code()." - ".$self->get_last_reason()."\n");}
return 0;
sub __process_delete {
my ($self,$url,$params) = @_;
my $time_before = gettimeofday;
if (!defined $params) {
$params = {};
my $encoded = encode_json($params);
my $response = $self->{'ua'}->delete($url,"Authorization"=>"Bearer ".$self->{'access_token'}, Content_Type => 'application/json', content => $encoded);
my $time_after = gettimeofday;
$self->printLOG(" DELETEd from URL: $url\n");
$self->{'last_exec_time'} = eval{($time_after-$time_before)*1000};
$self->{'last_code'} = $response->code;
if ($self->{'debug'}) {$self->printLOG(" Response:".($response->content)."\n");}
if ($self->{'debug'}) {$self->printLOG(" Response code:".$response->code."\n");}
if ($response->is_success()) {
$self->{'last_reason'} = '';
if ($response->content eq '') { # work around for JSON module which does not handle blank content well
return "";
} else {
return decode_json($response->content);
} else {
$self->{'last_reason'} = $response->message;
if ($self->{'debug'}) {$self->printLOG("\n".(caller(1))[3]."(): Failed with return code ".$self->get_last_code()." - ".$self->get_last_reason()."\n");}
return 0;
=head1 AUTHOR
Kedar Warriner, C<kedar at>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-device-Neurio at>
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Device::Neurio
You can also look for information at:
=over 5
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN
Many thanks to:
The guys at Energy Aware Technologies for creating the Neurio sensor and
developping the API.
Everyone involved with CPAN.
Copyright 2014 Kedar Warriner <kedar at>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.
1; # End of Device::Neurio - Return success to require/use statement