$Text::Fy::Utils::VERSION = '0.09';
use 5.020;
use Carp;
use Encode qw(encode decode);
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw();
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(asciify isoify simplify commify cv_to_win cv_from_win);
my %cp1252_to_uni;
for (128..159) {
$cp1252_to_uni{chr($_)} = decode('cp1252', chr($_));
my %uni_to_ascii = (
"\x{20ac}" => q{E},
"\x{201a}" => q{,},
"\x{0192}" => q{f},
"\x{201e}" => q{"},
"\x{2026}" => q{_},
"\x{2020}" => q{+},
"\x{02c6}" => q{^},
"\x{2030}" => q{%},
# "\x{0160}" => q{S},
"\x{2039}" => q{<},
"\x{0152}" => q{O},
# "\x{017d}" => q{Z},
"\x{2018}" => q{'},
"\x{2019}" => q{'},
"\x{201c}" => q{"},
"\x{201d}" => q{"},
"\x{2022}" => q{.},
"\x{2013}" => q{-},
"\x{2014}" => q{-},
"\x{20dc}" => q{~},
# "\x{0161}" => q{s},
"\x{203a}" => q{>},
"\x{203a}" => q{>},
"\x{0153}" => q{o},
# "\x{017e}" => q{z},
# "\x{017e}" => q{Y},
"\x{00a1}" => q{!},
"\x{00a2}" => q{c},
"\x{00a3}" => q{L},
"\x{00a5}" => q{Y},
"\x{00a6}" => q{|},
"\x{00a9}" => q{C},
"\x{00aa}" => q{a},
"\x{00ab}" => q{"},
"\x{00ac}" => q{-},
"\x{00ad}" => q{-},
"\x{00ae}" => q{R},
"\x{00b2}" => q{2},
"\x{00b3}" => q{3},
"\x{00b4}" => q{'},
"\x{00b7}" => q{.},
"\x{00b9}" => q{1},
"\x{00ba}" => q{0},
"\x{00bb}" => q{"},
"\x{00bf}" => q{?},
"\x{00c6}" => q{A},
"\x{00d7}" => q{x},
"\x{00d8}" => q{O},
"\x{00df}" => q{s},
"\x{00e6}" => q{a},
"\x{00f0}" => q{d},
"\x{00f8}" => q{o},
my %uni_to_iso = (
"\x{2013}" => q{-},
"\x{2014}" => q{-},
"\x{2018}" => q{'},
"\x{2019}" => q{'},
"\x{201c}" => q{"},
"\x{201d}" => q{"},
"\x{2026}" => q{_},
my $convert_c2u = _make_tr(\%cp1252_to_uni);
my $convert_u2c = _make_tr(\%cp1252_to_uni, 'R');
my $convert_u2a = _make_tr(\%uni_to_ascii);
my $convert_u2i = _make_tr(\%uni_to_iso);
sub _make_tr {
my ($href, $rev) = @_;
my $from = join '', map { sprintf '\x{%04x}', ord($_) } sort keys %$href;
my $to = join '', map { sprintf '\x{%04x}', ord($href->{$_}) } sort keys %$href;
my $code = 'sub { $_[0] =~ '.($rev ? "tr/$to/$from/" : "tr/$from/$to/").'; }';
eval $code or die "Can't compile >$code< because $@";
sub asciify {
_aconvert($_[0], 0, 0);
sub isoify {
_aconvert($_[0], 1, 0);
sub simplify {
_aconvert($_[0], 2, 0);
sub _aconvert {
my ($text, $loc_m, $loc_w) = @_;
if ($loc_w) { # windows cp1252
if ($loc_m == 1) { # iso
$text = NFC($text) =~ s{\p{Diacriticals}}''xmsgr;
if ($loc_w) { # windows cp1252
$text =~ s{([^\x00-\xff])}{NFD($1)}xmsge;
$text =~ s{\p{Diacriticals}}''xmsg;
$text = encode('iso-8859-1', $text);
else { # pure or brutal
$convert_u2a->($text) if $loc_m == 2; # brutal
$text = encode('iso-8859-1', NFD($text) =~ s{\p{Diacriticals}}''xmsgr);
$text =~ s{\P{ASCII}}'?'xmsg;
return $text;
sub cv_from_win {
my ($buf) = @_;
return $buf;
sub cv_to_win {
my ($buf) = @_;
return $buf;
sub commify {
local $_ = shift;
my ($sep) = @_;
$sep //= '_';
my $len = length($_);
for my $i (1..$len) {
last unless s/^([-+]?\d+)(\d{3})/$1$sep$2/;
return $_;
=head1 NAME
Text::Fy::Utils - Some text based utility functions
use Text::Fy::Utils qw(
asciify isoify simplify commify
cv_from_win cv_to_win
my $t1 =
"\x{041}\x{062}\x{043} => ".
"\x{08a}\x{08c}\x{08e} => ".
"\x{091}\x{092}\x{093} => ".
"\x{0a1}\x{0a2}\x{0bf} => ".
"\x{0bc}\x{0bd}\x{0be} => ".
"\x{0c6}\x{0c7}\x{0c8} => ";
my $t2 =
"\x{172}\x{173}\x{174} => ".
"\x{388}\x{389}\x{38a} => ".
"\x{3b1}\x{3b2}\x{3b3} => ";
my $asc6 = simplify($t1.$t2);
my $asc7 = asciify($t1.$t2);
my $asc8 = isoify($t1.$t2);
my $out1 = commify('12345678.1234');
my $out2 = commify('12345678.1234', '~');
my $out3 = cv_from_win($t1.$t2);
my $out4 = cv_to_win($t1.$t2);
There is a list of all unicode names in ...\perl\lib\unicore\Name.pl
=head1 AUTHOR
Klaus Eichner <klaus03@gmail.com>
Copyright (C) 2014 by Klaus Eichner
All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the artistic license 2.0,