package Win32::Scsv;
$Win32::Scsv::VERSION = '0.41';
use 5.026;
=head1 NAME
Win32::Scsv - Convert from and to *.xls, *.csv using Win32::OLE
use Win32::Scsv qw(set_handle_ole xls_2_csv xls_all_csv);
xls_2_csv('Test1.xls' => 'dummy.csv');
xls_2_csv('Abc.xls%Tab01' => 'data01.csv', { cpy => 'all' }); # copy values *AND* format...
xls_2_csv('Abc.xls%Tab02' => 'data02.csv', { cpy => 'val' }); # copy only values...
xls_2_csv('Abc.xls%Tab03' => 'data03.csv'); # ...same as { cpy => 'val' }, which is the default...
xls_2_csv('Abc.xls%Tab04' => 'data04.csv', { rmc => [ 'CR', 'LF' ] }); # remove CRLF from all cells...
xls_2_csv('Abc.xls%Tab05' => 'data05.csv', { clc => 1 }); # force recalculation...
xls_all_csv('Abc.xls' => 'result_*.csv', { cpy => 'all' }); # copy all sheets in one operation...
csv_2_xls('dummy.csv' => 'New.xlsx%Tab9', {
'tpl' => 'Template.xls',
'prt' => 1,
'csz' => [
['H:H' => 13.71],
['A:D' => 3],
'fmt' => [
['A:A' => '#,##0.000'],
['B:B' => '\\<@\\>'],
['C:C' => 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss'],
=head1 AUTHOR
Klaus Eichner <>
Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Klaus Eichner
All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the artistic license 2.0,
use Carp;
use Win32::File qw();
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw();
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
set_handle_obj set_handle_ole set_handle_quit get_hwnd
set_size_pos set_size_min set_size_max
xls_2_csv xls_all_csv xls_lst_csv csv_2_xls csv_lst_xls
get_book get_ver get_handle get_lang
get_last_row get_last_col XLRef get_sno
set_style_R1C1 set_style_default trf_style_R1C1
my $CXL_OpenXML = 51; # xlOpenXMLWorkbook
my $CXL_PasteVal = -4163; # xlPasteValues
my $CXL_PasteAll = -4104; # xlPasteAll
my $CXL_Csv = 6; # xlCSV
my $CXL_CalcMan = -4135; # xlCalculationManual
my $CXL_Previous = 2; # xlPrevious
my $CXL_ByRows = 1; # xlByRows
my $CXL_ByCols = 2; # xlByColumns
my $CXL_R1C1 = -4150; # xlR1C1
my $CXL_Part = 2; # xlPart
my $CXL_Normal = -4143; # xlNormal
my $CXL_Maxi = -4137; # xlMaximized
my $CXL_Mini = -4140; # xlMinimized
my $VAR_False = Variant(VT_BOOL, 0);
my $VAR_True = Variant(VT_BOOL, 1);
my @C01_Lang = (
[ 'EN' => 'SUM(1)', '1' ],
[ 'DE' => 'SUMME(1)', '1' ],
[ 'FR' => 'SOMME(1)', '1' ],
my %C02_Func = (
'SUM' => { DE => 'SUMME', FR => 'SOMME' },
'SUMIF' => { DE => 'SUMMEWENN', FR => 'SOMME.SI' },
my $glb_handle;
my $glb_lang;
my $glb_ver;
my $glb_refst;
my @glb_sno;
sub get_sno {
sub set_handle_obj {
if ($glb_handle) {
croak "MSG-0010: Excel handle already active";
$glb_handle = _fetch_excel_obj();
sub set_handle_ole {
if ($glb_handle) {
croak "MSG-0020: Excel handle already active";
$glb_handle = _fetch_excel_ole();
sub set_handle_quit {
unless ($glb_handle) {
croak "MSG-0030: No Excel handle active -- maybe you forgot to call set_handle_obj or set_handle_ole";
if ($glb_handle) {
sub _fetch_handle {
$glb_lang = _fetch_lang();
$glb_ver = _fetch_ver();
$glb_refst = $glb_handle->{ReferenceStyle};
sub get_hwnd {
unless ($glb_handle) {
croak "MSG-0040: No Excel handle active -- maybe you forgot to call set_handle_obj or set_handle_ole";
sub set_size_min {
unless ($glb_handle) {
croak "MSG-0050: No Excel handle active -- maybe you forgot to call set_handle_obj or set_handle_ole";
$glb_handle->{WindowState} = $CXL_Mini;
sub set_size_max {
unless ($glb_handle) {
croak "MSG-0060: No Excel handle active -- maybe you forgot to call set_handle_obj or set_handle_ole";
$glb_handle->{WindowState} = $CXL_Maxi;
sub set_size_pos {
my ($param) = @_;
$param //= {};
my $lx = $param->{'lx'};
my $ly = $param->{'ly'};
my $px = $param->{'px'};
my $py = $param->{'py'};
unless ($glb_handle) {
croak "MSG-0070: No Excel handle active -- maybe you forgot to call set_handle_obj or set_handle_ole";
$glb_handle->{WindowState} = $CXL_Normal;
$glb_handle->{Width} = $lx if defined $lx;
$glb_handle->{Height} = $ly if defined $ly;
$glb_handle->{Left} = $px if defined $px;
$glb_handle->{Top} = $py if defined $py;
sub get_handle { $glb_handle }
sub get_lang { $glb_lang }
sub get_ver { $glb_ver }
sub _fetch_excel_obj {
# use existing instance if Excel is already running
eval { Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Excel.Application') };
sub _fetch_excel_ole {
# create a new OLE instance
Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application', sub { $_[0]->Quit });
sub _fetch_ver {
unless ($glb_handle) {
croak "MSG-0080: No Excel handle active -- maybe you forgot to call set_handle_obj or set_handle_ole";
my $num = $glb_handle->Version;
my $ver =
$num eq '16.0' ? '2016' :
$num eq '15.0' ? '2013' :
$num eq '14.0' ? '2010' :
$num eq '12.0' ? '2007' :
$num eq '11.0' ? '2003' :
$num eq '10.0' ? '2002' :
$num eq '9.0' ? '2000' :
$num eq '8.0' ? '1997' :
$num eq '7.0' ? '1995' : '?'.$num;
return $ver;
sub _fetch_lang {
unless ($glb_handle) {
croak "MSG-0090: No Excel handle active -- maybe you forgot to call set_handle_obj or set_handle_ole";
$glb_handle->{DisplayAlerts} = 0;
$glb_handle->{AskToUpdateLinks} = 0;
$glb_handle->{Calculation} = $CXL_CalcMan;
$glb_handle->{CalculateBeforeSave} = $VAR_False;
my %L1;
my $tmp_xls_book = $glb_handle->Workbooks->Add
or croak "MSG-0100: Can't Workbooks->Add";
my $tmp_xls_sheet = $tmp_xls_book->Worksheets(1)
or croak "MSG-0110: Can't find Sheet '1' in new Workbook";
my $line;
$line = 0;
for (@C01_Lang) { $line++;
$tmp_xls_sheet->Cells(1, $line)->{'Formula'} = '='.$_->[1];
$line = 0;
for (@C01_Lang) { $line++;
if ($tmp_xls_sheet->Cells(1, $line)->{'Value'} eq $_->[2]) {
my @L2 = sort keys %L1;
if (@L2 == 0) {
croak "MSG-0120: Can't find any language in (".join(', ', map { "'$_->[0]'" } @C01_Lang).")";
unless (@L2 == 1) {
croak "MSG-0130: Found more than one language (".join(', ', map { "'$_'" } @L2).")";
return $L2[0];
# Comment by Klaus Eichner, 02-Oct-2016:
# **************************************
# I have added 3 new functions set_style_R1C1(), set_style_default() and trf_style_R1C1().
# Why, you might ask...
# ...because I had big problems with my German version of Excel crashing when using
# a non-trivial formula with Perl / Win32::OLE...
# turned out that the default references (Style "A1")
# was too much to handle for my German Excel. In order for Excel not to crash,
# one better switches to the relative style ("R[-1]C[2]")
# Here is the StackOverflow article that got me on the right track:
# >> Without the quotes I get an errormessage: Win32::OLE(0.1709) error 0x80020009:
# >> "Ausnahmefehler aufgetreten" in PROPERTYPUT "FormulaR1C1" at
# >> C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\pp\Eigene Dateien\ line 113
# >> Just to check, you now have... $sheet->Range( 'G4' )->{FormulaR1C1} = '=SUMME(R[-3]C:R[-1]C)';
# >> @ Joel : Yes. Update: considering Joel's commend, neither of the two formula works.
# >> With the help of the I have now a solution: I have to set
# >> $excel->{ReferenceStyle} = $xl->{xlR1C1};
# >> and use Z1S1 instead of R1C1
# >> =SUMME(Z(-2)S:Z(-1)S)
# >> But it looks like that in the German version I have to choose between the A1 and the Z1S1 (R1C1) notation.
# >> Sounds like this was your problem all along - strange.
# for the French version of Excel, the following sums it up quite nicely:
# >> all our french-VBA code was translated to english-VBA.
# >> If you really want to stick to L1C1 references, beware of:
# >> "[" and "]" => "(" and ")"
# >> ";" => ","
# >> and of course "L" => "R"
sub set_style_R1C1 {
unless ($glb_handle) {
croak "MSG-0140: No Excel handle active -- maybe you forgot to call set_handle_obj or set_handle_ole";
$glb_handle->{ReferenceStyle} = $CXL_R1C1;
sub set_style_default {
unless ($glb_handle) {
croak "MSG-0150: No Excel handle active -- maybe you forgot to call set_handle_obj or set_handle_ole";
$glb_handle->{ReferenceStyle} = $glb_refst;
sub trf_style_R1C1 {
unless ($glb_handle) {
croak "MSG-0160: No Excel handle active -- maybe you forgot to call set_handle_obj or set_handle_ole";
my @result;
for (@_) {
my $t2;
if (m{\A = (.*) \z}xms) {
my $func_gen = uc($1);
if ($glb_lang eq 'EN') {
$t2 = $func_gen;
else {
my $item = $C02_Func{$func_gen} // croak "MSG-0170: Can't find function '$func_gen'";
$t2 = $item->{$glb_lang} // croak "MSG-0180: Can't find function '$func_gen', language '$glb_lang'";
elsif (m{\A < ([^>]*) > \z}xms) {
my $adr_gen = uc($1);
if ($glb_lang eq 'EN') {
$t2 = $adr_gen;
elsif ($glb_lang eq 'DE') {
$t2 = $adr_gen =~ s{R}'Z'xmsgr =~ s{C}'S'xmsgr =~ s{\[}'('xmsgr =~ s{\]}')'xmsgr;
elsif ($glb_lang eq 'FR') {
$t2 = $adr_gen =~ s{R}'L'xmsgr =~ s{\[}'('xmsgr =~ s{\]}')'xmsgr;
else {
croak "MSG-0190: Invalid language '$glb_lang'";
elsif ($_ eq ',') {
if ($glb_lang eq 'EN') {
$t2 = ',';
elsif ($glb_lang eq 'DE') {
$t2 = ';';
elsif ($glb_lang eq 'FR') {
$t2 = ';';
else {
croak "MSG-0200: Invalid language '$glb_lang'";
else {
croak "MSG-0210: Can't parse parameter '$_'";
push @result, $t2;
return @result;
sub get_last_row {
my $proxy = $_[0]->UsedRange->Find({
What => '*',
SearchDirection => $CXL_Previous,
SearchOrder => $CXL_ByRows,
$proxy ? $proxy->{'Row'} : 0;
sub get_last_col {
my $proxy = $_[0]->UsedRange->Find({
What => '*',
SearchDirection => $CXL_Previous,
SearchOrder => $CXL_ByCols,
$proxy ? $proxy->{'Column'} : 0;
sub get_book {
my $prm_xls_name = $_[0];
unless (-f $prm_xls_name) {
croak "MSG-0220: Input name '$prm_xls_name' not found";
unless ($glb_handle) {
croak "MSG-0230: No Excel handle active -- maybe you forgot to call set_handle_obj or set_handle_ole";
$glb_handle->{DisplayAlerts} = 0;
$glb_handle->{AskToUpdateLinks} = 0;
$glb_handle->{Calculation} = $CXL_CalcMan;
$glb_handle->{CalculateBeforeSave} = $VAR_False;
my $prm_xls_abs = $prm_xls_name eq '' ? '' : File::Spec->rel2abs($prm_xls_name) =~ s{/}'\\'xmsgr;
my $wrk_xls_book = $glb_handle->Workbooks->Open($prm_xls_abs)
or croak "MSG-0240: Can't Workbooks->Open '$prm_xls_abs'";
return $wrk_xls_book;
sub xls_2_csv { _x2c('S', @_) }
sub xls_all_csv { _x2c('A', @_) }
sub xls_lst_csv { _x2c('L', @_) }
sub _x2c {
my $prm_mode = $_[0]; # can be 'S' (= Single), 'L' (= List) or 'A' (= All)
my ($prm_xls_name, $prm_xls_sheet) = $_[1] =~ m{\A ([^%]*) % ([^%]*) \z}xms ? ($1, $2) : ($_[1], undef);
unless (-f $prm_xls_name) {
croak "MSG-0250: Input name '$prm_xls_name' not found";
my ($prm_xls_stem, $prm_xls_ext) =
$prm_xls_name eq '' ? ('', '') :
$prm_xls_name =~ m{\A (.*) \. (xls x?) \z}xmsi ? ($1, lc($2)) :
croak "MSG-0260: xls_name '$prm_xls_name' does not have an Excel extension of the right type (*.xls, *.xlsx)";
my $prm_xls_abs = $prm_xls_name eq '' ? '' : File::Spec->rel2abs($prm_xls_name) =~ s{/}'\\'xmsgr;
unless ($glb_handle) {
croak "MSG-0270: No Excel handle active -- maybe you forgot to call set_handle_obj or set_handle_ole";
$glb_handle->{DisplayAlerts} = 0;
$glb_handle->{AskToUpdateLinks} = 0;
$glb_handle->{Calculation} = $CXL_CalcMan;
$glb_handle->{CalculateBeforeSave} = $VAR_False;
# ************************************************
# ** Here we load the Excel file into Memory... **
# ************************************************
my $wrk_xls_book = $glb_handle->Workbooks->Open($prm_xls_abs)
or croak "MSG-0280: Can't Workbooks->Open '$prm_xls_abs'";
my @PList;
my $ta_dir;
my $ta_leaf;
if ($prm_mode eq 'A') {
my $def_csv_name = $_[2];
my $def_csv_abs = $def_csv_name eq '' ? '' : File::Spec->rel2abs($def_csv_name) =~ s{/}'\\'xmsgr;
my ($def_dir, $def_leaf) = $def_csv_abs =~ m{\A (.+) [\\/] ([^\\/]+) _ \* \. csv \z}xmsi ? ($1, $2) :
croak "MSG-0290: Can't parse (dir/_*.csv) from csv_abs = '$def_csv_abs'";
$ta_dir = $def_dir;
$ta_leaf = $def_leaf;
unless (-d $def_dir) {
croak "MSG-0300: Output directory '$def_dir' not found";
my $def_p_fmt = [];
my $def_p_cpy = 'val';
my $def_p_rmc = [];
my $def_p_clc = 0;
if ($_[3]) {
for (sort keys $_[3]->%* ) {
my $v = $_[3]->{$_};
if ($_ eq 'fmt') { $def_p_fmt = $v }
elsif ($_ eq 'cpy') { $def_p_cpy = $v }
elsif ($_ eq 'rmc') { $def_p_rmc = $v }
elsif ($_ eq 'clc') { $def_p_clc = $v }
else {
croak "MSG-0310: Invalid option ('$_')";
if (defined $prm_xls_sheet) {
croak "MSG-0320: Can't have a sheet name ('...%$prm_xls_sheet') when requesting all sheets";
for (1..$wrk_xls_book->Sheets->Count) {
my $def_csv_sht = $def_leaf.'_'.sprintf('%03d', $_).'.csv';
push @PList, {
'sht' => $_,
'nam' => $def_csv_sht,
'csv' => $def_dir.'\\'.$def_csv_sht,
'fmt' => $def_p_fmt,
'cpy' => $def_p_cpy,
'rmc' => $def_p_rmc,
'clc' => $def_p_clc,
# remove all existing *.CSV files
for (sort(read_dir($def_dir))) {
my $def_full = $def_dir.'\\'.$_;
next unless -f $def_full;
next unless m{\A \Q$def_leaf\E _ \d+ \. csv \z}xmsi;
unlink $def_full or croak "MSG-0330: Can't unlink csv_leaf '$def_full' because $!";
elsif ($prm_mode eq 'L') {
if (defined $prm_xls_sheet) {
croak "MSG-0340: Can't have a sheet name ('...%$prm_xls_sheet') when requesting list sheets";
for ($_[2]->@*) {
my $def_sheet = $_->[0];
my $def_csv_name = $_->[1];
my $def_csv_abs = $def_csv_name eq '' ? '' : File::Spec->rel2abs($def_csv_name) =~ s{/}'\\'xmsgr;
my $def_p_fmt = [];
my $def_p_cpy = 'val';
my $def_p_rmc = [];
my $def_p_clc = 0;
if ($_->[2]) {
for my $key (sort keys $_->[2]->%* ) {
my $v = $_->[2]{$key};
if ($key eq 'fmt') { $def_p_fmt = $v }
elsif ($key eq 'cpy') { $def_p_cpy = $v }
elsif ($key eq 'rmc') { $def_p_rmc = $v }
elsif ($key eq 'clc') { $def_p_clc = $v }
else {
croak "MSG-0350: Invalid option ('$key') for csv = '$def_csv_name'";
my $def_csv_sht = $def_csv_abs =~ m{\A (.+) [\\/] ([^\\/]+) \z}xms ? $1 : '';
push @PList, {
'sht' => $def_sheet,
'nam' => $def_csv_sht,
'csv' => $def_csv_abs,
'fmt' => $def_p_fmt,
'cpy' => $def_p_cpy,
'rmc' => $def_p_rmc,
'clc' => $def_p_clc,
# remove the CSV file (if it exists)
if (-e $def_csv_abs) {
unlink $def_csv_abs or croak "MSG-0360: Can't unlink csv_abs '$def_csv_abs' because $!";
elsif ($prm_mode eq 'S') {
my $def_csv_name = $_[2];
my $def_csv_abs = $def_csv_name eq '' ? '' : File::Spec->rel2abs($def_csv_name) =~ s{/}'\\'xmsgr;
my $def_p_fmt = [];
my $def_p_cpy = 'val';
my $def_p_rmc = [];
my $def_p_clc = 0;
if ($_[3]) {
for (sort keys $_[3]->%* ) {
my $v = $_[3]->{$_};
if ($_ eq 'fmt') { $def_p_fmt = $v }
elsif ($_ eq 'cpy') { $def_p_cpy = $v }
elsif ($_ eq 'rmc') { $def_p_rmc = $v }
elsif ($_ eq 'clc') { $def_p_clc = $v }
else {
croak "MSG-0370: Invalid option ('$_')";
$prm_xls_sheet //= 1;
my $def_csv_sht = $def_csv_abs =~ m{\A (.+) [\\/] ([^\\/]+) \z}xms ? $1 : '';
push @PList, {
'sht' => $prm_xls_sheet,
'nam' => $def_csv_sht,
'csv' => $def_csv_abs,
'fmt' => $def_p_fmt,
'cpy' => $def_p_cpy,
'rmc' => $def_p_rmc,
'clc' => $def_p_clc,
# remove the CSV file (if it exists)
if (-e $def_csv_abs) {
unlink $def_csv_abs or croak "MSG-0390: Can't unlink csv_abs '$def_csv_abs' because $!";
else {
croak "MSG-0400: Assertion failure -- prm_mode = '$prm_mode', but extected ('A', 'L' or 'S')";
@glb_sno = ();
for (@PList) {
my $wrk_xls_snum = $_->{'sht'};
my $wrk_csv_nam = $_->{'nam'};
my $wrk_csv_abs = $_->{'csv'};
my $def_p_fmt = $_->{'fmt'};
my $def_p_cpy = $_->{'cpy'};
my $def_p_rmc = $_->{'rmc'};
my $def_p_clc = $_->{'clc'};
my $wrk_xls_sheet = $wrk_xls_book->Worksheets($wrk_xls_snum)
or croak "MSG-0410: Can't find Sheet '$wrk_xls_snum' in Workbook '$prm_xls_abs'";
if ($prm_mode eq 'A') {
push @glb_sno, [ $wrk_xls_snum, $wrk_xls_sheet->Name, $wrk_csv_nam ];
my $dat_special =
$def_p_cpy eq 'val' ? $CXL_PasteVal :
$def_p_cpy eq 'all' ? $CXL_PasteAll :
croak "MSG-0420: Invalid parameter cpy => ('$def_p_cpy'), expected ('val' or 'all') in Sheet ($wrk_xls_snum)";
my @dat_list_rmc;
for (@$def_p_rmc) {
if (lc($_) eq 'tab') {
push @dat_list_rmc, [ "\x{09}" => '~!' ];
elsif (lc($_) eq 'cr') {
push @dat_list_rmc, [ "\x{0a}" => '~*' ];
elsif (lc($_) eq 'lf') {
push @dat_list_rmc, [ "\x{0d}" => '~+' ];
else {
croak "MSG-0430: Invalid option rmc ('$_') in Sheet ($wrk_xls_snum)";
my $wrk_csv_book = $glb_handle->Workbooks->Add or croak "MSG-0440: Can't Workbooks->Add";
my $wrk_csv_sheet = $wrk_csv_book->Worksheets(1) or croak "MSG-0450: Can't find Sheet '1' in new Workbook";
$wrk_xls_sheet->{'Visible'} = $VAR_True;
if ($def_p_clc) {
$wrk_xls_sheet->Cells->AutoFilter; # This should, I hope, get rid of any AutoFilter...
$wrk_csv_sheet->{'Visible'} = $VAR_True;
$wrk_csv_sheet->Range('A1')->PasteSpecial($dat_special); # $CXL_PasteVal or $CXL_PasteAll
for (@dat_list_rmc) {
What => $_->[0],
Replacement => $_->[1],
LookAt => $CXL_Part,
SearchOrder => $CXL_ByRows,
MatchCase => $VAR_False,
$wrk_csv_sheet->Columns($_->[0])->{NumberFormat} = $_->[1] for @$def_p_fmt;
$wrk_csv_book->SaveAs($wrk_csv_abs, $CXL_Csv);
if ($prm_mode eq 'A') {
my $tmp_csv_abs = $ta_dir.'\\'.$ta_leaf.'_'.sprintf('%03d', 0).'.csv';
open my $ofh, '>', $tmp_csv_abs or croak "MSG-0460: Can't open > '$tmp_csv_abs' because $!";
say {$ofh} 'SNo;Sheet;File';
for (@glb_sno) {
say {$ofh} '', ($_->[0] =~ m{\A \d+ \z}xms ? sprintf('S%03d', $_->[0]) : 'T'.$_->[0]), ';', $_->[1], ';', $_->[2];
close $ofh;
sub csv_2_xls { _c2x('S', @_) }
sub csv_lst_xls { _c2x('L', @_) }
sub _c2x {
my $prm_mode = $_[0]; # can be 'S' (= Single) or 'L' (= List)
my ($prm_xls_name, $prm_xls_sheet) = $_[2] =~ m{\A ([^%]*) % ([^%]*) \z}xms ? ($1, $2) : ($_[2], undef);
my ($prm_xls_stem, $prm_xls_ext) =
$prm_xls_name eq '' ? ('', '') :
$prm_xls_name =~ m{\A (.*) \. (xls x?) \z}xmsi ? ($1, lc($2)) :
croak "MSG-0470: xls_name '$prm_xls_name' does not have an Excel extension of the right type (*.xls, *.xlsx)";
my $prm_def_tpl = '';
my @PList;
if ($prm_mode eq 'L') {
if (defined $prm_xls_sheet) {
croak "MSG-0480: Can't have a sheet name ('...%$prm_xls_sheet') when requesting list sheets";
for ($_[1]->@* ) {
my $def_csv_name = $_->[0];
my $def_sheet = $_->[1];
my $def_csv_abs = $def_csv_name eq '' ? '' : File::Spec->rel2abs($def_csv_name) =~ s{/}'\\'xmsgr;
my $def_p_fmt = [];
my $def_p_csz = [];
my $def_p_prt = 0;
for my $key (sort keys $_->[2]->%* ) {
my $v = $_->[2]->{$key};
if ($key eq 'fmt') { $def_p_fmt = $v }
elsif ($key eq 'csz') { $def_p_csz = $v }
elsif ($key eq 'prt') { $def_p_prt = $v }
else {
croak "MSG-0490: Invalid option ('$key') for csv = '$def_csv_name'";
my $def_csv_sht = $def_csv_abs =~ m{\A (.+) [\\/] ([^\\/]+) \z}xms ? $1 : '';
push @PList, {
'sht' => $def_sheet,
'nam' => $def_csv_sht,
'csv' => $def_csv_abs,
'fmt' => $def_p_fmt,
'csz' => $def_p_csz,
'prt' => $def_p_prt,
if ($_[3]) {
for (sort keys $_[3]->%* ) {
my $v = $_[3]->{$_};
if ($_ eq 'tpl') { $prm_def_tpl = $v }
else {
croak "MSG-0500: Invalid option ('$_')";
elsif ($prm_mode eq 'S') {
my $def_csv_name = $_[1];
my $def_csv_abs = $def_csv_name eq '' ? '' : File::Spec->rel2abs($def_csv_name) =~ s{/}'\\'xmsgr;
my $def_p_fmt = [];
my $def_p_csz = [];
my $def_p_prt = 0;
if ($_[3]) {
for my $key (sort keys $_[3]->%* ) {
my $v = $_[3]{$key};
if ($key eq 'fmt') { $def_p_fmt = $v }
elsif ($key eq 'csz') { $def_p_csz = $v }
elsif ($key eq 'prt') { $def_p_prt = $v }
elsif ($key eq 'tpl') { $prm_def_tpl = $v }
else {
croak "MSG-0510: Invalid option ('$key') for csv = '$def_csv_name'";
$prm_xls_sheet //= 1;
my $def_csv_sht = $def_csv_abs =~ m{\A (.+) [\\/] ([^\\/]+) \z}xms ? $1 : '';
push @PList, {
'sht' => $prm_xls_sheet,
'nam' => $def_csv_sht,
'csv' => $def_csv_abs,
'fmt' => $def_p_fmt,
'csz' => $def_p_csz,
'prt' => $def_p_prt,
else {
croak "MSG-0530: Assertion failure -- prm_mode = '$prm_mode', but extected ('A', 'L' or 'S')";
my $dat_format =
$prm_xls_ext eq 'xls' ? $CXL_Normal :
$prm_xls_ext eq 'xlsx' ? $CXL_OpenXML :
croak "Msg-0540: Assertion failure ext = ('$prm_xls_ext') not in ('xls', 'xlsx')";
my $prm_xls_abs = $prm_xls_name eq '' ? '' : File::Spec->rel2abs($prm_xls_name) =~ s{/}'\\'xmsgr;
unless ($glb_handle) {
croak "MSG-0550: No Excel handle active -- maybe you forgot to call set_handle_obj or set_handle_ole";
my $prm_tpl_abs = $prm_def_tpl eq '' ? '' : File::Spec->rel2abs($prm_def_tpl) =~ s{/}'\\'xmsgr;
unless ($glb_handle) {
croak "MSG-0560: No Excel handle active -- maybe you forgot to call set_handle_obj or set_handle_ole";
$glb_handle->{DisplayAlerts} = 0;
$glb_handle->{AskToUpdateLinks} = 0;
$glb_handle->{Calculation} = $CXL_CalcMan;
$glb_handle->{CalculateBeforeSave} = $VAR_False;
if ($prm_def_tpl eq '*') {
if (-e $prm_xls_abs) {
unlink $prm_xls_abs or croak "MSG-0570: Can't unlink '$prm_xls_abs' because $!";
my $tmp_xls_book = $glb_handle->Workbooks->Add
or croak "MSG-0580: Can't Workbooks->Add";
$tmp_xls_book->SaveAs($prm_xls_abs, $dat_format);
elsif ($prm_def_tpl eq '') {
unless (-f $prm_xls_abs) {
croak "MSG-0590: xls_name ('$prm_xls_abs') does not exist and template was not specified";
else {
if (-e $prm_xls_abs) {
unlink $prm_xls_abs or croak "MSG-0600: Can't unlink '$prm_xls_abs' because $!";
unless (-f $prm_tpl_abs) {
croak "MSG-0610: Can't find template '$prm_tpl_abs'";
copy $prm_tpl_abs, $prm_xls_abs
or croak "MSG-0620: Can't copy tpl_name to xls_name ('$prm_tpl_abs', '$prm_xls_abs')";
# Force "$xls_abs" to be RW -- i.e. remove the RO flag, if any...
# ***************************************************************
my $aflag;
unless (Win32::File::GetAttributes($prm_xls_abs, $aflag)) {
croak "MSG-0630: Can't get attributes from '$prm_xls_abs'";
if ($aflag & Win32::File::READONLY()) {
unless (Win32::File::SetAttributes($prm_xls_abs, ($aflag & ~Win32::File::READONLY()))) {
croak "MSG-0640: Can't set attribute ('RW') for '$prm_xls_abs'";
# ************************************************
# ** Here we load the Excel file into Memory... **
# ************************************************
my $wrk_xls_book = $glb_handle->Workbooks->Open($prm_xls_abs)
or croak "MSG-0650: Can't Workbooks->Open '$prm_xls_abs'";
for (@PList) {
my $wrk_xls_snum = $_->{'sht'};
my $wrk_csv_nam = $_->{'nam'};
my $wrk_csv_abs = $_->{'csv'};
my $def_p_fmt = $_->{'fmt'};
my $def_p_csz = $_->{'csz'};
my $def_p_prt = $_->{'prt'};
my $wrk_xls_sheet3 = $wrk_xls_book->ActiveSheet
or croak "MSG-0660: Can't find ActiveSheet in Workbook '$prm_xls_abs'";
my $wrk_xls_sheet1 = $wrk_xls_book->Worksheets($wrk_xls_snum)
or croak "MSG-0670: Can't find Sheet '$wrk_xls_snum' in Workbook '$prm_xls_abs'";
$wrk_xls_sheet1->Unprotect; # unprotect the sheet in any case...
$wrk_xls_sheet1->Activate; # "...->Activate" is necessary in order to allow "...Range('A1')->Select" later to be effective
my $wrk_window = $glb_handle->ActiveWindow;
$wrk_window->{ScrollColumn} = 1;
$wrk_window->{ScrollRow} = 1;
my $pos_row = $wrk_window->{ScrollRow};
my $pos_col = $wrk_window->{ScrollColumn};
# Here we copy the contents of the *.csv file into the *.xls file...
# ******************************************************************
my $wrk_csv_book = $glb_handle->Workbooks->Open($wrk_csv_abs)
or croak "MSG-0680: Can't Workbooks->Open csv_abs '$wrk_csv_abs'";
my $wrk_csv_sheet2 = $wrk_csv_book->Worksheets(1)
or croak "MSG-0690: Can't find Sheet #1 in csv_abs '$wrk_csv_abs'";
$wrk_xls_sheet1->Columns($_->[0])->{NumberFormat} = $_->[1] for @$def_p_fmt;
$wrk_xls_sheet1->Columns($_->[0])->{ColumnWidth} = $_->[1] for @$def_p_csz;
$wrk_xls_sheet1->Cells($pos_row, $pos_col)->Select;
if ($def_p_prt) {
DrawingObjects => $VAR_True,
Contents => $VAR_True,
Scenarios => $VAR_True,
$wrk_xls_book->SaveAs($prm_xls_abs, $dat_format); # ...always use SaveAs(), never use Save() here ...
sub XLRef {
my ($col, $row) = @_;
$row //= '';
my $c3 = int(($col - 1 - 26) / (26 * 26)); my $rem = $col - $c3 * 26 * 26;
my $c2 = int(($rem - 1) / 26);
my $c1 = $rem - $c2 * 26;
return ($c3 == 0 ? '' : chr($c3 + 64)).($c2 == 0 ? '' : chr($c2 + 64)).chr($c1 + 64).$row;