use 5.010; # unpack >
use strict;
use utf8;
our $VERSION = '0.001002';
# ABSTRACT: Low-Level ASE (Adobe Swatch Exchange) File decoder
use Encode qw( decode );
## no critic (ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitEscapedCharacters)
my $BLOCK_GROUP_START = "\x{c0}\x{01}";
my $BLOCK_GROUP_END = "\x{c0}\x{02}";
my $BLOCK_COLOR = "\x{00}\x{01}";
my $UTF16NULL = "\x{00}\x{00}";
## use critic
sub read_file {
my ( $class, $file ) = @_;
require Path::Tiny;
return $class->read_string( Path::Tiny::path($file)->slurp_raw );
sub read_filehandle {
my ( $class, $filehandle ) = @_;
return $class->read_string( scalar <$filehandle> );
sub read_string {
my ( $class, $string ) = @_;
my $clone = "$string";
my $signature = $class->_read_signature( \$clone );
my $version = $class->_read_version( \$clone );
my $numblocks = $class->_read_numblocks( \$clone );
my @blocks;
for my $id ( 1 .. $numblocks ) {
push @blocks, $class->_read_block( \$clone, $id, );
if ( length $clone ) {
warn +( ( length $clone ) . ' bytes of unhandled data' );
return { signature => $signature, version => $version, blocks => \@blocks, };
sub _read_bytes {
my ( undef, $string, $num, $decode ) = @_;
return if ( length ${$string} ) < $num;
my $chars = substr ${$string}, 0, $num, q[];
return unpack $decode, $chars if $decode;
return $chars;
sub _read_signature {
my ( $class, $string ) = @_;
my $signature = $class->_read_bytes( $string, 4 );
die 'No ASEF signature' if not defined $signature or q[ASEF] ne $signature;
return $signature;
sub _read_version {
my ( $class, $string ) = @_;
my (@version) = $class->_read_bytes( $string, 4, q[nn] );
die 'No VERSION header' if @version != 2;
return \@version;
sub _read_numblocks {
my ( $class, $string ) = @_;
my $blocks = $class->_read_bytes( $string, 4, q[N] );
die 'No NUM BLOCKS header' if not defined $blocks;
return $blocks;
sub _read_block_group {
my ( $class, $string ) = @_;
return $class->_read_bytes( $string, 2, q[n] );
sub _read_group_end {
my ( undef, $group, $label ) = @_;
return {
type => 'group_end',
( $group ? ( group => $group ) : () ),
( $label ? ( label => $label ) : () ),
sub _read_group_start {
my ( undef, $group, $label ) = @_;
return {
type => 'group_start',
( $group ? ( group => $group ) : () ),
( $label ? ( label => $label ) : () ),
sub _read_rgb {
my ( $class, $block_body ) = @_;
return $class->_read_bytes( $block_body, 12, 'f>f>f>' );
sub _read_lab {
my ( $class, $block_body ) = @_;
return $class->_read_bytes( $block_body, 12, 'f>f>f>' );
sub _read_cmyk {
my ( $class, $block_body ) = @_;
return $class->_read_bytes( $block_body, 16, 'f>f>f>f>' );
sub _read_gray {
my ( $class, $block_body ) = @_;
return $class->_read_bytes( $block_body, 4, 'f>' );
my $color_table = {
q[RGB ] => '_read_rgb',
q[LAB ] => '_read_lab',
q[CMYK] => '_read_cymk',
q[Gray] => '_read_gray',
sub _read_color_model {
my ( $class, $id, $block_body ) = @_;
my $model = $class->_read_bytes( $block_body, 4 );
if ( not defined $model ) {
die "No COLOR MODEL for block $id";
if ( not exists $color_table->{$model} ) {
die "Unsupported model $model";
return $model;
sub _read_color_type {
my ( $class, $block_body ) = @_;
my $type = $class->_read_bytes( $block_body, 2, q[n] );
return $type;
sub _read_color {
my ( $class, $id, $group, $label, $block_body ) = @_;
my $model = $class->_read_color_model( $id, $block_body );
my @values;
my $method = $class->can( $color_table->{$model} );
@values = $class->$method($block_body);
my $type = $class->_read_color_type($block_body);
return {
type => 'color',
( $group ? ( group => $group ) : () ),
( $label ? ( label => $label ) : () ),
( $model ? ( model => $model ) : () ),
values => \@values,
color_type => $type,
sub _read_block_label {
my ( undef, $string ) = @_;
my ( $label, $rest ) = ( ${$string} =~ /\A(.*?)${UTF16NULL}(.*\z)/msx );
if ( defined $rest ) {
${$string} = "$rest";
else {
${$string} = q[];
return decode( 'UTF-16BE', $label, Encode::FB_CROAK );
sub _read_block_type {
my ( $class, $string, $id ) = @_;
my $type = $class->_read_bytes( $string, 2 );
die "No BLOCK TYPE for block $id" if not defined $type;
return $type;
sub _read_block_length {
my ( $class, $string, $id ) = @_;
my $length = $class->_read_bytes( $string, 4, q[N] );
die "No BLOCK LENGTH for block $id" if not defined $length;
if ( ( length ${$string} ) < $length ) {
warn "Possibly corrupt file, EOF before length $length in block $id";
return $length;
sub _read_block {
my ( $class, $string, $id, ) = @_;
my $type = $class->_read_block_type($string);
my $length = $class->_read_block_length($string);
my $block_body;
my $group;
my $label;
if ( $length > 0 ) {
$block_body = $class->_read_bytes( $string, $length );
$group = $class->_read_block_group( \$block_body );
$label = $class->_read_block_label( \$block_body );
if ( $BLOCK_GROUP_END eq $type ) {
return $class->_read_group_end( $group, $label, );
if ( $BLOCK_GROUP_START eq $type ) {
return $class->_read_group_start( $group, $label, );
if ( $BLOCK_COLOR eq $type ) {
return $class->_read_color( $id, $group, $label, \$block_body, );
die "Unknown type $type";
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Color::Swatch::ASE::Reader - Low-Level ASE (Adobe Swatch Exchange) File decoder
=head1 VERSION
version 0.001002
use Color::Swatch::ASE::Reader;
my $hash = Color::Swatch::ASE::Reader->read_file(q[./myfile.ase]);
print Dumper($hash);
# {
# signature => 'ASEF',
# version => [ 1, 0 ],
# blocks => [
# { type => 'group_start', group => 13, label => "My Swatch" },
# { type => 'color',
# group => 1, label => "Some Shade",
# model => 'RGB ', values => [ 0.9, 0.8, 0.7 ], color_type => 2 },
# { type => 'group_end' },
# ]
# }
This at present is very low-level simple structure decoding, and is probably not useful to most people.
Its based on the reverse-engineered specification of Adobe™'s "Swatch Exchange" format, which can be found documented many places:
=over 4
=item * L< ase file maker|>
=item * L< ase file format reverse engineering|>
=head1 METHODS
=head2 C<read_file>
my $hash = CSASE::Reader->read_file("path/to/file.ase");
=head2 C<read_filehandle>
my $hash = CSASE::Reader->read_filehandle($fh);
=head2 C<read_string>
my $hash = CSASE::Reader->read_string($string);
=head1 AUTHOR
Kent Fredric <>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Kent Fredric <>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.