use strict;
use Test::More tests => 5; # last test to print
my $config = <<'EOF';
name = Test-DZPAvR
copyright_holder = Kent Fredric
main_module = t/fake/
abstract = A Fake Dist
license = Perl_5
my $dz = Dist::Zilla::Tester->from_config( { dist_root => 't/fake/', }, { add_files => { 'source/dist.ini' => $config } } );
my $plug = Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AutoVersion::Relative->new(
zilla => $dz,
plugin_name => 'AutoVersion::Relative',
like $plug->provide_version, qr/^1.01\d{6}$/, "Defaults";
$plug = Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AutoVersion::Relative->new(
zilla => $dz,
plugin_name => 'AutoVersion::Relative',
major => 0,
like $plug->provide_version, qr/^0.01\d{6}$/, "Major V";
$plug = Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AutoVersion::Relative->new(
zilla => $dz,
plugin_name => 'AutoVersion::Relative',
major => 0,
minor => 0,
like $plug->provide_version, qr/^0.00\d{6}$/, "Minor V";
$plug = Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AutoVersion::Relative->new(
zilla => $dz,
plugin_name => 'AutoVersion::Relative',
major => 0,
minor => 0,
year => DateTime->now->year,
$plug->provide_version =~ m/^0.00(\d{4})/;
my $y = $1;
if ( $y <= 12 * 31 ) {
ok( 1, "Recent " );
else {
ok( 0, "Recent" );
diag( 'Version: ' . $plug->provide_version );
diag( 'Days Passed: ' . $y );
diag( 'Expected: <= ' . ( 12 * 31 ) );
# calculation of variables sent to Text::Template.
# fake the current time, so this test is consistent
# this time corresponds to 2012-03-01 00:00:00 UTC, which using the
# "all months have 31 days" rule would give days=31+31+1 - 5 = 58,
# but the actual days since the milestone is 31+29+1 - 5 = 56.
my $now = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => 1330560000 );
my $plug = Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AutoVersion::Relative->new(
zilla => $dz,
plugin_name => 'AutoVersion::Relative',
format => '{{ sprintf("%03u", days) }}',
year => 2012,
month => 01,
day => 05,
_current_time => $now,
is( $plug->provide_version, '056', 'day of year is calculated correctly' );
# TODO: test other variables, using other $dt and milestone inputs.