use strict;
use Test::DZil qw( simple_ini Builder );
use Path::Tiny qw( path );
# ABSTRACT: Basic test
my $ini = simple_ini(
'Before' => {
'Dist::Zilla' => 0,
-phase => 'runtime',
-type => 'requires',
[ 'MetaData::BuiltWith' => { show_config => 1 } ],
'After' => {
Moose => 0,
-phase => 'runtime',
-type => 'requires',
[ 'MetaJSON' => {} ],
my $tzil = Builder->from_config(
{ dist_root => 'invalid' },
add_files => {
path( 'source', 'dist.ini' ) => $ini
## Note: this is required because MD:BW wraps the META.json
## file fromCode object to inject during write.
## I'm not sure I like that. But either way, it hides from distmeta!
my $json = path( $tzil->tempdir, 'build', 'META.json' );
ok( $json->exists, 'META.json exists' );
my $content = JSON::MaybeXS->new->decode( $json->slurp_raw );
ok( exists $content->{x_BuiltWith}, 'x_BuiltWith is there' );
my $xb = $content->{x_BuiltWith};
subtest 'platform' => sub {
ok( exists $xb->{platform}, 'platform key exists' );
ok( length $xb->{platform}, 'platform has length' );
subtest 'modules' => sub {
return unless ok( exists $xb->{modules}, 'modules key exists' );
for my $module (qw( Moose Dist::Zilla )) {
ok( exists $xb->{modules}->{$module}, $module . ' is there' );
like( $xb->{modules}->{$module}, qr/\d/, $module . ' has a number' );
subtest 'perl' => sub {
return unless ok( exists $xb->{perl}, 'perl key exists' );
for my $field (qw( original qv version )) {
ok( exists $xb->{perl}->{$field}, $field . ' is there' );