#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.10;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Getopt::Lucid ':all';
use FindBin;
my $yamls = path($FindBin::Bin)->child('yamls');
my $opts = Getopt::Lucid->getopt(
#<<< No perltidy
sub _detect_repo {
my ($origin) = grep { /origin/ } `git remote -v`;
die "Couldn't determine origin\n" unless $origin;
chomp $origin;
$origin =~ s/^origin\s+//;
$origin =~ s/\s+\(.*$//;
if ( $origin =~ m{^.+?://github.com/([^/]+)/(.+)\.git$} ) {
return [ $1, $2 ];
elsif ( $origin =~ m{^git\@github\.com:([^/]+)/(.+)\.git$} ) {
return [ $1, $2 ];
else {
die "Can't determine repo name from '$origin'. Try manually with -r REPO\n";
sub _git_config {
my $key = shift;
chomp( my $value = `git config --get $key` );
croak "Unknown $key" unless $value;
return $value;
my $github_user = _git_config("github.user");
my $github_token = _git_config("github.token");
my $travis_token = _git_config("travis.token");
my $gh = Net::GitHub->new( access_token => $github_token );
my @repos;
if ( $opts->get_repo ) {
@repos = $opts->get_repo;
else {
( $github_user, @repos ) = @{ _detect_repo() };
my $hook_hash = {
name => 'travis',
config => {
token => $travis_token,
user => $github_user,
domain => '',
events => [qw/push pull_request issue_comment public member/],
active => 1,
my $repos = $gh->repos;
$repos->set_default_user_repo( $github_user, $repos[0] );
my $hook = eval { $repos->create_hook($hook_hash) };
if ($@) {
say "Failed: $@";
else {
say "Enabled travis for $repos[0]";
unless ( -f '.travis.yml' ) {
say "copied .travis.yml to current directory";